Rating:  Summary: You're a mean one, Mr. Gill Review: You're a mean one MR. Gill. You're slimy and filthy and ill. You're as rotten as green cheese, with a meanness hard to ease. Mr. Giiiiiiiill. I wouldn't touch you with a 500 feet pole! You're a hairy and smelly, just like the elephant nelly You are a frog, a toad, with only one mode Mr. Giiiiiiiill. You are ugly and poopy, with a mood that's moopy You love your afro, with the shampoo Pamfro. Mr. Giiiiiiiill.
Rating:  Summary: stunning, but not scary Review: wow ... i read this book within one day (normally it takes me weeks to finish books)! it was fascinating and totally fitting into my beloved "resident evil" universe. but there are some things to mention not that good: 1. there is this riddle in the book, that looks like one from the video games ... i think the book would have looked more serious if this nonsense riddle had been left out. 2. the content is not that scary as promised by other readers. it's a laugh regarding the games. 3. i disliked the ending. it would have been better with not such a happy ending. more realistic would have been, to let the grenade float the lab and end griffith's plans without giving the good fellows the possibility to escape...but at last this book is great and i recommend reading it...
Rating:  Summary: IT WAS WORTH THE BUY! Review: The story was very good seeing that this story has nothing to do with the actual RESIDENT EVIL saga it was very simple and i enjoyed reading it.The only thing i hate about this novel was there was hardly no zombies! waz up with that? im hoping that her new book nemisis gives us a good story and a lot of zombies!
Rating:  Summary: A Resident Evil original Masterpiece! Review: One thing I liked most about this novel was that when I started it I didn't know what was going to happen. I knew the characters ( or at least some of them ) but not the story. Perry did another excellent job on this novel. I couldn't put it down other then to go to the bathroom occasionally. It was a very vivid on the seat of your pants story. Perry even added some characters to make it so you didn't know what some of the people were capable of or even what they might do in a situation. I loved how the book worked with your imagination on some of the scenes in the book. One like when the team is just landing on the Umbrella base by boat. Its a great story and is most deserving of five stars. Another winner!
Rating:  Summary: I thought it was very good. Review: It was almost as good as the first one. There are Zombies, Zombies with guns, Ma7's (which kind of look like reptilish dogs) It was an action packed book. 242 pages of heart stopping action. S.D.Perry is a very good auther. I have the howle collection of Resident Evil book's and video games. I highly recommed this Reisdent Evil Book. Don`t just sit there and be a " Zombie " go out and read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful and Thrilling Review: I really enjoyed this novel. Rebecca is one of my favorite characters. S.D. Perry has created an original story that broadens the Resident Evil world. Once again, the book is written from the point of view of all the main characters. Best of all, every chapter brings new chills and thrills because this isn't based on a game. You don't know what will happen next. I recommend reading (and buying) all four novels.
Rating:  Summary: Rebecca Chambers in the spotlight... Review: This was a great book that I found very enjoyable. We finally got to see a more mature side of Rebecca that was not painted in the first few Resident Evil series. This book was very creepy even as it also involved describing the process of becoming a Tri-squad, a variant of the zombie, when one of the stars is infected. What are you doing still reading this? Add this to your cart now!
Rating:  Summary: Rebecca Chambers is Back in Action! Review: This book was fantastic! I was immediately enthralled the second I picked it up. If you're a fan of the Resident Evil games, you'll definitely like "Caliban Cove". It doesn't follow any particular storyline of the games, but the references and familiar characters from the games are very enjoyable. It's also very suspenseful. You won't be able to put it down until you finish it! Even if you've never played Resident Evil, but you like sci-fi horror/action, you should check this one out. If you don't...then you should probably skip it. That's my two cents.
Rating:  Summary: A non-stop thrll ride Review: I regret I didn't read this book the day I got it. I let it sit for a few weeks and when I fnally picked it up and began to read, I was totally blown away by it. It opens up with some espionage action, then an all out fire fight. Rebecca even killed someone! Even the trip to Caliban Cove was interesting, with a new enemy waiting for them. I'm trying not to spoil it too much. And Karen, John, Steve, all new characters, all marvelously well done. Unfortunately, it would be a good idea not to get too attached to these characters, the end is quite a surprise.
Rating:  Summary: So you want more??? Review: If you thought the first books was great, the second one will have you locking your doors and windows and preparing your will a little early. In the first book zombies chased Jill and Chris through umbrella's secret mansion. One of the survivers, Rebbeca Chambers, Has been called by a fellow STARS team in another state. They are looking for the top skilled STARS in the world to investigate Umbrella's Caliban Cove facility in Maine. Rebbaca was just hired in STARS but is the only member with Medical education and some understanding of the Virus that Infected Raccoon. If you thought the zombies were scary in the last one, See how the STARS cope with zombies that shoot back!