Rating:  Summary: The King of Suspense Review: Resident Evil: Caliban Cove / 242 pages Author: S.D. Perry ISBN: 0-671-02440-X Genre: Fiction/Science Fiction Imagine a lively world where nature exists around you with peace roaming around, and everyday people just going about to their business. Then, forthwith imagine death is in the air. Everywhere you look and go are decomposed and rotten bodies which are named Zombies, Ma7's, and most fearful of all, the Trisquads. Now, the only way you can survive is to rely on your knowledge of viral infections, Special Forces, and guns; lots of guns. This is what Resident Evil is created for- to scare and horrify. As a field biologist, Rebecca Chambers has contributed many deeds to the S.T.A.R.S. (Special Tactics and Rescue Squad) including saving their lives. Karen Driver is a daughter of the family of the Marines. Her father served in the U.S. Military during World War II. Her enthusiasm attitude and determination on a task boasts the mini-coalition's confidence. Now the wisest man in the team, David Trapp, has been with the S.T.A.R.S. quite some time now. He has been working in the Exeter division for the S.T.A.R.S. and is responsible for leading the coalition against Umbrella Corporation. As you read more into the book, you may encounter this character called Steve Lopez. Steve is a computer genius (you may wonder why they recruit a computer genius) and the best marksman in S.T.A.R.S. If you ever need someone to be a look out, hiring John Andrews would be a good idea. Excelled in the field of communications and field scout, he can update up to the minute information to you on enemy units. Dr. Griffith is the top researcher in one of Umbrella's laboratories. However, he is more than a researcher... he is the "creator." Resident Evil: Caliban Cove is a true mystery and suspense, horror and gruesome book. The thrill that surge through your body as you read is totally different than any other similar genres. "But the S.T.A.R.S. may never get the chance, as the aggressive DNA- altering virus Umbrella has engineered to create its living weapons beings to infect them.... (Back of the book.)" This statement is the "cliff hanger" that leaves you stranded thinking will they bring to an end to this. "She [Rebecca] sidled for the open door, catching a sickening, up-close look at the bullet-riddled corpse still hanging there. The head had caved in like a rotting pumpkin, teeth shattered, gummy flecks of tissue radiating out from behind the skull. The waving hand was no longer connected to the rotting arm, the radius and ulna blown away. It dangled there like some obscene decoration, beckoning...(First page)" This scene made me think of what these people are experiencing. The horrific description of the dead, helpless arm dangling from the door totally blew my mind away. I had never read anything like this before. Since this book is intended for Mature readers, I agree because if you cannot cope with all the bloodiness, grueling scenes, or it is just very disturbing to you, then this book is not suitable for you. People who read this book should really consider the author's style because it is very intriguing. The author constantly keeps going back to each scenario which constantly updates on both sides of the conflict. The writing method the author used is like two non parallel lines. They start out pretty far apart, but as time goes on, they will eventually intersect one another, thus forming the main point in the book My favorite part of the book is when the S.T.A.R.S. team has to figure out each puzzle in order to access key information about the Umbrella facility. ""As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives -the seven wives had seven sacks, the seven sacks had seven cats, the seven cats had seven kits; kits, cats, sacks, wives, how many were going to St. Ives?" (172)" This puzzle that has to be solved shocked my entire body and soul. The entire S.T.A.R.S. team were thinking furiously over the answer. As I was thinking about it, I was also thinking about the consequences of what will happen if they cannot solve it in time? The dramatic suspense is incredible. It is like as if you are in it yourself. I would recommend this book to anyone that will want to read it. The book is packed with suspense that you can never imagine. The incredible surge of adrenaline as you read cannot be easily described. You have to experience this book in order to feel the passion that the book is meant to give.
Rating:  Summary: Not what I wanted it to be, but has a SHOCKING ending. Review: I expected more out of this novel. I fills in the blanks of what happens witht the STARS team in between the first two games. It kept me occupied, but I wanted it to be more scary. I thought it was more spy like than horror. But I can say that the ending of this novel left me with my jaw on the ground. Between giving the fist 3/4ths of the book 1 star and the ending 5 stars, I settled with 3 stars for the whole book. If you plan on reading the whole series, you dont need to read this book, but I would anyway.
Rating:  Summary: Creepy Review: I have read all of the books in this series and played the games. This book doesn't follow any of the games but adds to the creepiness of the whole Resident Evil genre. Needless to say, this book wasn't my favorite of them all but it kept my interest. Overall, this was a good suspense thriller.
Rating:  Summary: not as good as the first Review: caliban cove was a great book but i have to say that the first one was better. the fact that they did not get to their destination where the book takes off until page 102 makes it somewhat boring at first. the book gets better as you go along...
Rating:  Summary: AWFUL!!! Review: I read Code Veronica and Umbrella Conspiracys and I played Resident Evil 2 and 3. They were all fantastic, but this was just terrible. SD Perry tried to make it more scary so she put in Zombies with guns (Triquads). Guns? Zombies with GUNS? Call me weird, but that's a bad idea. This is a very bad book. Stick to the other's.
Rating:  Summary: 3 and 1/2 stars --------------*** 1/2 Review: Perry's ALL-ORIGINAL RE novel CALIBAN COVE is a marked improvement upon the sterile UMBRELLA CONSPIRACY. This is because it is ALL-ORIGINAL. Perry is able to excercise some free will about what she thinks about the Resident Evil thing. There is less mindless zombie action and some more character interaction. The dialogue possesses a little bit more flair. But this book brings out something that had annoyed me from the first book and continues to annoy me in later books. When inside a characters head, every few lines or pages there is something to this affect He/She pushed the thought from his/her mind. I can't tell you how much "pushing away " of thoughts there is in this book, and there is simply an overload of personal conflict that is too heavy-handed to be intriguing. Once again,I credit Perry's overwhelmingly rich descriptions on blood and gore.
Rating:  Summary: wierd , freaky , amazing Review: this book was not as not as good as the the first one but it was okay i hated it that it bareley included barry , chris and jill the creature descriptions sucked except for when they described karens symptoms
Rating:  Summary: Resident Evil, 2: Caliban Cove Review: OK! Here is my review for this very good book, It keep you into reading it. You never know what is going to happin next. Well it keeps you on your toes. It is 1 of the best horror books on the market based on a viedo game. And well I have played the games just to tell you. I really loked the games. I bought the guide for the 2nd game at the store. So I think you should buy this book because if you like horror books you will like this book. But if you have not seen the 1st one you should read that one 1st. HAVE FUN READING!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Poor spin-off from a great series Review: Resident Evil: The Umbrella Conspiracy was so good I finished it in one day. Every now and then I enjoy reading B-rated books. You know, the type with the unbelievable story line: Mad scientists, experiments gone bad, stupid villians with horrible aim, lucky heroes. But Resident Evil: Caliban Cove didn't do it for me. Why? First the characters didn't even GET to Caliban Cove until page 100, which was almost half-way through the book. The first one-hundred was BORING technical briefing of Caliban Cove. The author tried too hard to give scientific justification to an science-fiction story line. Also, most of the book is just a description of what the characters are thinking. For example, the main villian Dr. Griffith would think: "I'm going to tame humans. Humans are evil and need me to put them in place. It is the dawn of a new day." For like, 10 pages! YAWN. Then, Caliban Cove itself was a stale environment. It didn't have an air of mystery and horror like a large, abandoned mansion built like a labyrinth. That's intresting. But pages and pages of undecorated, grey tunnels underneath a cliff is not intresting. Every once in a while the author threw in the Trisquads (in lieu of the "zombies" in Resident Evil 1) to shake things up. But then there were pages and pages of description of their attack patterns. BORING. The "puzzles" the characters had to solve were unintresting and all the answeres were given to the reader before the characters in the boook even got to Caliban Cove. The leader of the group, David, gets the point that he's a lonely, natural-born leader who doubts himself. But is it necessary to for us to re-read about it every other page? We get the idea that people doubt Rebecca's ability as a scientist, being that she's only 18. I'm willing to swallow that because again, it's a B-rated story line. But is it necessary for us to have to re-read the other character's doubt about her every two pages? Too much technical talk. Too much redundant mind reading. Too much scientific jargon and justification for a fantasy story line. Too much effort to be "convicing" to the reader. Too much of a boring environment and stale puzzles.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Follow Up Review: I found this book to be a good follow up to the first in the series Resident Evil 1, The Umbrella Conspiracy. I was suprised when I found this as it was an original book, not based on any of the resident evil games. I found that this book was excellent, joining together the events in the books resident evil 1 and 2 while also producing a good plot and story to the book. A good follow up and definitely worth reading.