Rating:  Summary: A book you will never forget! Review: What happens when we die? This book gives us some insight to the ultimate question we all must face. It is a beautiful love story about Chris and Ann, and how the energy of love lives on even after death. One of the most important ideas is the power of the mind. The story emphasises repeatedly that "As you think in your heart, so you become". This novel provides comfort and hope to anyone who has lost a loved one. One of those "great reads" novels that reflects the ancient teachings in an deceptively simple, but unforgetable story. This is a keeper for your personal library and you will find yourself thinking about these ideas long after you have finished reading the book!
Rating:  Summary: The sum is greater than the parts Review: There are many divergent reviews of this book here. I will simply say that it isn't perfect, but it conveyed to me something greater than the sum of its flaws and imperfections. I found it comforting. I consider myself an agnostic, in the strict definition of the word, but I'm at an age where I found this comforting, at least as a subject for speculation. It had the ring of "truth" to me, and I don't mean the objective truth of scientific observation, but the kind of truth that feels at home in my gut and my heart. I'll let my mind take care of itself; it's generally quite capable of keeping itself entertained. We all have to deal with death in our own way, and I'm glad I read this book in the week before I found out my father has terminal cancer. Three weeks before they hunted down and shot an abused dog on the hill behind my house. And who knows what will be on the news tonight at 11. I will not apologize for finding ineffable comfort in this book, not to mention good writing, and I recommend it to any questing person, someone who is willing to be open to another person's beliefs and ideas about what may or may not lie in store for all of us. I will make a point of seeing the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Too good to make into a movie Review: I read "What Dreams May Come" in the early 80's, some time after reading some of the writings of Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. Matheson encapsulated the essence of her writings scientifically, but imbued the storyline with a reality and an emotive feel far beyond what I expected. His characters, their weaknesses and strengths almost step out of the pages, his goodness and belief, his strength of character, all these things shine through. I loved the book, I bought copies for friends, and then it was out of print. Now its back I shall stock up, because this is a life changing experience. Since reading the novel I've read more Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, and several biographical stories by English comedian Michael Bentine. It all adds up. So when the film was released I dragged my wife along, and despite fine performances from Robin Williams and Cuba Gooding, felt the screenplay missed the boat. The characters are given too much intensity, the death of the children is used to attempt to justify the wife's suicide, and the journey to hell isn't anywhere near as good as the book. In short, its been overdone with emotional overlays, and the result is a too sweet pudding, as opposed to the magnificent three course meal of the book. Buy it, read it, keep it, and give a copy to your kids (along with any Kubler-Ross and Bentine you can lay your hands on. A final word to religious fundamentalists who dismiss this work as mistaken or dangerous. It is as valid, if not more so, than any belief. It upholds universal brotherhood, and the one undeniable bottom line in religion, we all worship the same God, we just interpret God differently.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely wonderful! Review: I've wanted to see the movie since it's release and glad I didn't until I read the book! I was very disappointed that the movie totally missed the author's meanings. This book is one of hope, inspiration and realization that yes, you are the only one responsible for your earthly actions and choices because of free will endowed to us but also love can be a powerful thing both here and in the hereafter. The author was not saying you have to be willing to give up your eternal soul for the love of someone but love and it's essence can be the ultimate expression to help someone so desparate that they can't help themselves see beyond their own miseries ( the blinding veil ). Jesus said, " Of all the commandments I give you the greatest one is Love! " Love can supercede the boundries of death and may not release someone from their purgence but will make it more bearable for its endurance. The movie does fall short of the author's intent by expressing a nonconsequencial judgement by choosing to end one's life before it is fully played out which is incorrect but the producers were looking for a marketable approach for a highly charged and emotional subject. Stick with the book.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic! I couldn't put it down! Review: I read the book after seeing the movie and the movie pales in comparison. The book makes you more appreciative of what you have now and the loved ones with which you share you life.
Rating:  Summary: makes you think about your life - every moment of it Review: great book, great movie.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic Review: I can see why some people wouldn't enjoy this book but I think it is a masterpiece. You rarely find books that stimulate your imagination and make you think about what it is you believe in and what is important in life. It is a true love story without the usual beginning and ending. I found it inspirational. The movie is out now too. Don't miss that or this book!
Rating:  Summary: If you're interested... Review: This is an excellent book. On a similar subject, for those interested, find... Jane Oliver's 'Morning For Mr. Prothero'. It's out of print, but worth the search and price if you can find it.
Rating:  Summary: The New Age thinking!! Review: I had the opportunity to read this book in high school and only recalled my reading it when word of the movie came out. I remember remarking to my wife that I had read the book and was most interested in the movie. Though the book gives graphic imagery and a beautiful picture of heaven, "summer land" it gives an inaccurate picture of life and death. My reading of the book in high school was at a time when I myself was searching for meaning. Searching for God, the meaning of life in dealing with the taste of death.Upon learning of the movie being released I took the time to re-read the book. As a Christian I saw huge holes in the ideology behind the writing. Though the author did diligent research, quoted the Bible, and used the name of Jesus Christ several times (not in a complementary manner) I found the book upon re-reading not only misleading, but down right dangerous. The book as well as the movie gives a distorted and misleading picture of life after death. I would concur with other reviewers that one would be better served reading the works of authors such as C. S. Lewis and his book The great divorce which was written more for entertainment than theology. While the imagery and imagination were beautiful and the idea and intentions seem to be well placed. The book has one fatal flaw it leaves an impressionable society, both young and Old with a warped perception of the life hereafter. Mr. Matheson while writing to entertain in that I fully respect the fact that this is a work fiction. Has also left an impression that his words in his book were reality! And in that lies the fatal flaw, for those who die without Christ there is no return. Death is a one-way trip and there's no escape from hell. We can twist perception but the reality won't budge, the reality is that Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life, and no man comes unto the father except through him. Its books like this that give the New Age movement its boost and further the descent of a new generation into corruption. For if we make the rules and heaven is what we imagine in our own minds, if there is no accountability for our actions what need have we then for law and order? We're all endowed with free will, the right to choose either to chase after the misleading of evil. Or pursue the more difficult road to life, it is easier to believe in reincarnation in the heaven that we create. Than the possibility of accountability and responsibility for our actions in this life that follow us to the next.
Rating:  Summary: This book is definitly a must read!! INCREDIBLE! Review: Our bookclub chose this book to read for the month of October. I will admit to not being very excited about reading it. I will now admit that it turned out to be one of the most fascinating books I have ever read!!! It evoked such strong emotions and feelings inside of me. I picked it up to read it, and could not stop! This book will go on my personal list of the best books I've ever read.