Rating:  Summary: An excellent example of the Robert A. Heinlein story. Review: A family reunion for Heinlein charecters
Rating:  Summary: Time for Heinlein to wake up and smell the feminism Review: The plot is interesting, but the dialog (especially that of the female characters, and the interaction between the two main male and female protagonists) is incredibly weak and quite annoying. Unless you don't mind supposedly intelligent and powerful women who are leaders in a rebellion preoccupied with being "sweaty little nymphomaniacs" and getting their "bottoms paddeled until they turn pink". Please.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent, with unexpected twists Review: I'm frustrated with people who "liked the book except for the ending" - although that was also my first take. What everyone is missing is that this is Heinlein's send-up of the classic man-meets-mysterious-woman-and-together-they-save-the-universe space opera (which both Richard and Gwen Hazel wrote!). As for the ending, Heinlein, like his characters, dislikes the Heisenberg/Goedel unknowability implicit in present-day physics, and says there must be something beyond it. Then he makes his point, by leaving Pixel (Schrodinger's cat) and his protagonists in a 50:50 live-or-die situation...and ending the book there. Right, the ending doesn't satisfy; neither, says Heinlein, does contemporary physics. Then see To Sail Beyond The Sunset for what comes next, both for the characters and in science.
Rating:  Summary: Complete Drudgery, Rehashing of His Other Books Review: My god... I didn't know an author could vary so much in the qualities of the work he produces. I first got hooked on Heinlein with "Stranger in a Strange Land" and was completely blown away by his ideas, especially on religion. Then "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress," and "Time Enough for Love".I guess all the books above naturally have the same themes that the Master wanted to iterate and bring across, and that's good. But this one, "Cat", was completely off. Not only was the whole Lazarus Long-type protagonist getting old, but the references to free love, etc were just too in-the-face. Absolutedly no subtlety or excitement. Not one place in the book did I feel a sense of mystery, anticipation, or anything. I felt nothing. The prose was poor, the characters barely better than cartoonish 1-dimensional cut-outs, and the plot was as original as a romance novel. He never was a great writer, but he could definitely impress with his ideas and insights. But he failed to achieve any of these and this work was pure boredom in every possible way.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book, not Heinlein's best, but a great book. Review: Call me biased, Heinlein is who got me hooked on Science Fiction, but this is a great book. Lots of fun to read, it's much like Job: A Comedy Of Justice, but it gives us an outsiders look at the Long Family of Time Enough For Love, and ties together many of Heinlein's earlier and later works. Don't read this book until you've read Methusaleh's Children, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Time Enough For Love, and The Number of The Beast.
Rating:  Summary: A great plot! One needs to look for a deeper meaning. Review: Cat has a great plot and wonderful action. It was the first of his books that I have read so I can't atest for the content of the novel being Heinlein or not. However I can say that it shows a amusing insight to the behavior of people, and the expectations that we have for one another.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful...but not for everyone Review: The Cat Who Walks Through Walls was my first Heinlein book, read when I was 13, interestingly enough because I was so into quantum physics that I read everything I thought might be remotely related. I was intrigued and delighted, simply assuming there was more to the ending than I understood. I was right. To fully enjoy this bit of sci-fi joy, you have to read more of Heinlein. It opened a whole new world to a science-obsessed teen-age girl, with an admittedly open-minded attitude towards so-called moral issues. I've re-read it more than once as an adult and get more out of it every time. I agree with a previous reviewer in that this writer requires thought and analysis. This is something almost entirely lacking in too much of the reading public today, at least looking at the bestsellers lists. I will admit that this isn't the best of RAH, and for the average reader, not the one to start with. But, oh, what a great step into a wider world.
Rating:  Summary: interesting ,nothing particularly new ideas a bit farfetched Review: Although I enjoyed this Heinlein book I recomend reading Time Enough for Love, To Sail Beyond the Sunset and perhaps Stranger in a Strange Land before reading this. I didn't like how the book ended, but the ending turned out to be in To Sail Beyond the Sunset.I didn't like the portrayal of the charactures such as Lazarus or Jubal Harshaw, or the real reasons they were trying to save the computer Mike. Some of the time loop stuff got kinda crazy and hard to follow. Generally I love Heinlein but this seems to be a weaker edition to some of his other stories. However I would read because it is an interesting closer look on some of the less promonint characters in the Long family.
Rating:  Summary: Get in or Get out Review: The Cat is a great book filled with witty comentary and strange plot twists, were to be honest I think the auther wanted to share his personal joke with the world, and as can be seen by some of the rewiews not everyone gets it. While not his best it is still more then worth the time it takes to read it.
Rating:  Summary: My fave! Review: This was the first Heinlein book I ever read and still my Fave! Killer story, good characters and ties together some of his other books, in the end. TANSTAFL!