Rating:  Summary: A sci-fi/fantasy classic Review: Anne McCaffery has written a lot of stories in this series but these, the original three, stand fort as a an astounding display of a frightening talent. How McCaffery can invent and describe a world in such explicit detail, as well as plot-lines that so enthrall that one is lost while reading, I will never know. Her 'Pern' is an incredible world, populated by the descendants of long-ago, Earth-originating, space farers stranded upon a Terra-like planet populated only by strange animals. Their bizarre history is only revealed in full in the third book, as the true interest of the stories is the planet's fight against 'thread,' a deadly spore that rains upon the planet from time to time. The characters are fully developed and the plot twists enthralling. While it is more entertainment than psychologicaly insightful, it is an experience you can't help but walk away from shaken. I love these three books, regardless of the hit-or-miss value of her other stories. This, along with a few choice others, belongs next to Asimov's Foundation Trilogy in sci-fi history.
Rating:  Summary: Wow! What a book! Review: This threesome is wonderful! I read the books in this series 4 or 5 times a year! (not counting all the others I can get my hands on of Anne McCaffrey's) I can't believe all the books she has written- the woman thinks constantly! I have loved everyone of her books that I have read- I live on Anne McCaffrey's books! I am constantly in search of new ones- I wish I was rich enough to buy all the books she has and will ever write! At night as I go to bed, pieces of diolouge spiral through my head and discuss stopping thread and Impressing dragons and discovering Aivas and brainships and discovering that psycic powers ARE real. . .and then I go to sleep. When I wake up that same thing happens over again- even during my school classes! All I can say is- Thank you Anne McCaffrey!
Rating:  Summary: Asolute Drivel Review: Absolute drivel: Engineered dragons?! Why not build flamethrowers? Or if you have the ability to build time traveling dragons, then surely you can counteract some space fungi. Traveling "in between"?? How novel! The Dragons can teleport! Through time too! One dimensional characters so shallow it makes the Jordan Wheel of time books 8 and 9 seem deep. This is without a doubt the most poorly written novel I have ever had the displeasure to stumble across. Do yourselves a favor: For fantasy real the Thomas Covenant or George RR Martin Series And For good well thought out Sci-Fi, read Ender's Game (Orson Scott Card) or Larry Niven
Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT STORY, HORRIBLE EDITION Review: In The Dragonriders of Pern, Anne McCaffrey creates a stunning and richly detailed world. It's clear on reading these stories that they are very dear to McCaffrey's heart. Her blend of science, music and human drama are supported by a wholly believable mythology which bridges the gap between our earth and Pern. Unfortunately, this edition was hastily thrown together without any regard for the author's hard work. On seemingly every page there are typographical errors so severe that McCaffrey's spell is broken. Character names constantly shift spelling. Words are misspelled, mixed up and changed to the point that the prose completely falls apart. At times geographic locations on Pern are switched with character names...this is a work of Science Fiction/Fantasy but when the place where you live starts talking all believability goes out the window. The sloppy editing of the edition was so bad I ended up buying individual copies of Dragonflight, Dragonquest and The White Dragon. I noticed none of the errors I saw in the three-in-one volume. I highly recommend reading Dragonflight, Dragonquest, and The White Dragon, but save yourself the confusion and disappointment of this three-in-one edition. Buy each separately.
Rating:  Summary: The Start of It All Review: The Dragonriders of Pern is an omnibus edition of the first three novels in the Pern series, including Dragonflight, Dragonquest, and The White Dragon. In Dragonflight, Lessa had been the lawful heir of Ruatha Hold, but Fax has conquered this hold and four others and now Lessa is posing as a kitchen drudge. Benden Weyr has come to the High Reaches looking for candidates to impress a Queen in the next hatching. After visiting Lord Fax's Hold, Crom, and the various guild halls, they travel to the other five held by the high reaches, finally coming to Ruatha. There Lessa provides Fax with a vile experience and uses the Dragonriders to cause his downfall. Nonetheless, much to her surprise, they select Lessa to be Presented to the queen egg at the next hatching. In Dragonquest, Lessa and F'lar are the Weyrleaders of Benden Weyr. However, the Red Star is passing, thread is falling again and the two young weyrleaders are having problems with the Oldtimers. F'nor, the brother of F'lar, has learned bits and pieces about the Red Star and is obsessed by the quest to find out more about it. In The White Dragon, Jaxom, the son of Fax and Lady Gemma, has become Lord Holder of Ruatha after Lessa abdicated her claim. His guardian, Lytol, is a former dragonrider who has lost his dragon, so Jaxom has heard a lot about dragons and welcomes the opportunity to witness a hatching. When one of the hatchlings is undersized and cannot break out of the egg on its own, Jaxom helps a little and finds himself with a small white dragon. Seeing this, the Lord Holders have a hissy fit. This series introduces the dragons of Pern, which have gone on to become a staple of the SF publishing industry. None of the sequels, however, quite matches these three novels and the subsequent Harper Hall trilogy. Highly recommended to McCaffrey fans and anyone who enjoys exotic societies, intelligent animals, and political intrigue.
Rating:  Summary: There is no better book Review: Ever since I first picked up this book, Anne McCaffrey has been my favorite author. The Pern series is the most incredible I have ever read, from the majestic, yet empathetic dragons to the likable and unique characters who ride them. I cannot begin to calculate the number of times I have read and re-read the Pern series, especially these first three books. Anne McCaffrey pulls off wonders with her writing -- no other author could have concocted or done justice to Pern and its people as she does. Lessa especially is such an intricate, complicated, and wonderful character that I would have loved this book if she were the only detailed character, and I look to her as my first role-model. Not only am I in love with F'lar, Masterharper Robinton, and Jaxom, but they make this series more than just my favorite, but one that really affects my life as well. I have read every book about Pern that I could, and I will never tire of this world and its dragons. Anybody who likes science fiction or fantasy will love it, as will anybody who likes to read at all.
Rating:  Summary: One of the most amazing series ever written ! Review: I started the dragonmen series as an experiment into sci_fi and found the greatest treat i could ever hoped for. Brilliantly written and amazingly imaginative. Hope everyone tries this . you'll love it!
Rating:  Summary: A rare gem... Review: Dragonriders of Pern is an exceptionally good book. The story carries you along to a wonderful planet, populated by people and dragons who don't fight each other like in old knight stories but actually love each other and constantly work together to protect their homes from the threat of destructive Thread, an extra-terrestrial (or should it be extra-pernial???) deadly spore. I thought it was a book for younger readers (I am 31 myself, and only now read it for the first time) but I was mistaken. It is excellent read, full of suspense and action but also portraying human emotions such as love and hate, heroism and greed, simple common sense and brilliant ideas who can change the future of a whole planet. A beautiful, beautiful book, full of magic and hope, that captured my mind and heart. I loved it. I intend to go on reading all the rest of the Pern novels. I have a lot of catching up to do!
Rating:  Summary: 5 stars arent enough!!!!!!!! Review: This series is enchanting and well planned. It has a complex culture, and of course, amazing creatures. It is my opinion that these books should be movies. The origanal three, the Harper Hall trilogy, Renegades, All the Weyrs, The Dolphins, The Masterharper, The Skies of Pern, they should be among the best-selling books of all time!! I give them a 7 out of 5
Rating:  Summary: Is there any way to describe this.....WHO KNOWS!? Review: Oh My Gosh! If there are ANY words that mean more than awesome, I would use them!! :) I recently read the story "Dragonsong", which I got from my local library. I read it within 2-3 days. I got a gift certificate from my grandmother to [local store] for my recent birthday. I used it to get this book and some other things. Since it has 3 books in it, you'll be surprised that I am only 11, and I'm already half way into "The White Dragon"; THE THIRD BOOK!! I'm saving ALL, and I mean ALL, of my alowance money t buy as many McCaffery books I can possibly find! Now, Isn't that a good enough reason to read it!? If it's not, Shells, you are MAD! My friend think I'm mad, but, their just envyous that I have such an awesome, cool, engrossing(,ect.)book in my backpack!(or hands)