Rating:  Summary: Honor Forever! Review: Here it is! The next in the exciting Honor Harrington series! Honor's orders take her into an ambush where she is outnumbered, outgunned, and unable to run, she has two options: see the people under her command die in a hopeless battle...or surrender them - and herself - to the Peeps. At least the People's Navy promises to treat their prisoners honorably. Honor finds herself bound for a prison planet aptly named "Hell"...and her scheduled execution. She is put into solitary confinement, separated from her officers and her treecat Nimitz, and subjected to systematic humiliation by her gaolers. Her future has become both bleak and short. Yet bad as things look, they're about to get worse...for the Peeps. ***I believe David Weber may be the master of sci-fi, military, and technical writing!***
Rating:  Summary: great light reading Review: hey, this is really great light reading. Good is good and bad is bad: the good guys on the good side win, the bad guys on the bad side lose, and the good guys on the bad side do the right thing.
I've read all of them, and I'll read the rest. This series is as good (albeit about two levels down) a read as the nautical series by O'Brien.
Rating:  Summary: Calvary to Honor's Rescue! Review: Honor finally loses bad. Not only is she captured, but she is sentenced to be executed by the head of the Peep's Bureau of Comunications. She also loses sight in one eye, and is dependent upon others for everything. What I loved about this book is how David makes the truly evil bad guys believable, and that there could be very good guys fighting for the Peep's. An excellent yarn with plenty of good sub-plots to keep you up all night. What I like about this series is David's views on politics and military stratagies.
Rating:  Summary: Honor taken Review: Honor is in command of a joint Manticoran Graysonian squadron when it is intercepted by an unusually well commanded Peep squadron. Despite her best efforts, Honor's ship is forced to surrender to the Peeps and she is placed in custody of the commanding officer who is quite preparedto accept her parole. Unfortunately, his political officer is of another mind and forces the commander to transfer Honor to 'Civilian' imprisonment where she is forced to endure all forms of degradation. Finally handed over to the Peeps head of publicity - a cold hearted woman by the name of Cordelia Ransome, she is tortured even more and her 'cat Nimitz finds himself the target of Ransome's ire. When all seems bleakest, help is offered from an apparent renegade and the Manticorans find themselves free to escape. Only trouble is that the only place they can go is their destination; the Peep's most secret prison planet!
Rating:  Summary: As before, I enjoyed Honor and all. I hope for more. Review: I am a historian, and read D.F.Weber with pleasure. I find Honor to be realities compilemation of Nelson, Hornblower, Eisenhower, Truman, Golda Meier, and Bella Absug. I find hope in Honor, and D.F.W.'s, belief in the abilities of our medical people in the future, both near and far. Also I am a combat vetern and I know that sh-- happens, but I know that even so, Honor gives an understanding that belief in the sanctity of life and personal honor with the knowledge that this demands a duty to protect and fight with her all to keep and shelter those who cannot. I hope for a happy ending.
Rating:  Summary: Not his best! Review: I am a real Weber fan, but large parts of this book are somewhat dull. Never thought that I would say that about a Weber book. Large chunks are devoted to convincing you that being the head of a sucessful coup is dangerous and inconvienent, go figure. All is not lost. This book is a modified cliffhanger, and the next one should be great.
Rating:  Summary: The most boring, insipid work I have tried to read. Review: I have read other stories by Weber that were quite good but this is unspeakable. Actually, I tried to read this novel three times and each time found that it cannot hold my attention for more than 10 minutes. It is wordy, slow, rambling and just plain DULL.
Rating:  Summary: slow start, great finish Review: I just went back and re-read this to refresh my memory befor reading _Echoes of Honor_. I was surprised at how much I had to struggle to get through the first 30% of the book. It picked up steam after that, though. As a Navy brat with two brothers-in-law who are retired Navy fighter pilots, I must say that Weber has his finger on all that is noble, frustrating, and at times appalling about the military. ..bruce..
Rating:  Summary: Wait for the other half of the book! Review: I love Honor Harrington and the whole universe that David Weber has created. I especially like the rewards that he bestows upon the righteous endeavors and heroic activities of his leading characters. This story is only half done though. It is obviously a pre-quel to a second book in an already long saga of stories. It seems unfair to the fans to have to wait for months for the end of the story and pay double for the story. One other comment, David's villains are being drawn with to much attention to their horrid-ness. We don't need any more depravity in our recreational reading. Suffice that the bad guys are bad. Please don't go to such detail about how bad.
Rating:  Summary: This is a total disappointment Review: I love the Honor Harrington Books, but not this book. It realy left a bad taste in my mouth. Only the beginning and the end held anything good in this book. Bad enough that I had to return it so that seeing the book doesn't spoil my love of Honor Harrington.