Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: Let me start with this. I hate it when people expect so much out of these books. People seem to look to deep into these books and judge them as they would judge life. It doesn't matter how good of an authur is at writing or what they write. It's all about another world in another time, so nobody has a right to judge this world. This book is one of the best I have ever read. I will admit it makes eveything in Dragonlance seem dismal. But you have some outstanding characters new and old. This book really brings out why magic has disappeared not to mention a wondering if there are other gods other than the One-God which I can garuntee there is. After reading this book I was in so much shock at what I found out that I literally could not speak for an hour, because all I could think about was how surprised I was with the ending. I look back in the book and can now see the clues to the true identity of the One-God, now that I think about it. It has some really good action as well. And I'm willing to bet you'll see my hero emerge in the final book. Raistlin will be back and I'm pretty sure so will his best friend. I may ruin this but oh-well Raistlin had one good friend, Fisban.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT READ Review: This book really is one of the better ones to come out from the Dragonlance mythos. Things were pretty bad after Rabe wrote her petty little trilogy, but leave it to the creators of the world to return things back to they way should have been before the Chaos War.The return of the goddess at the end of the novel sent chills down my spine. Wow, she really is tricky isnt she? The death of the two original characters was sad but at least they went down in a blae of glory. I hope the next one comes out soon and brings back the MASTER OF BOTH PAST AND OF THE PRESENT, in all of his glory!
Rating:  Summary: Good book, but Tas... Review: Good book. I wont say much about the book, but i want to say something about an old character: Tas. I hate to say it but Tas is really beginning to annoy me. I ALMOST wish he would stay dead. The problem is that he aint that funny anymore, and nothing he does now really surprises me. I think I'm sharing the same opinion as many of the old heroes of Krynn. Tasslehoff is really annoying, and sometimes I wish I could have been in the book to strangle him myself. But when he is gone, something is clearly missing. The authors should make Tas do something really surprising. In the Chronicles, the things he said and did were surprising and funny. Thats what made him so interesting.
Rating:  Summary: Very good book, much better than the first in the series Review: I thought this book was actually very good, and for me that was a surprise, because after what they and Rabe did to Dragonlance, it just doesn't look all that interesting anymore, y'know? Taking away magic?! I mean, what's left? You gotta have that. And after reading reviews for some of the "filler" books that they were throwing out for the Dragonlance series, I gave up for a few years. But with this book, and it's predecessor, they've dug (or I should say, "are still digging") their way out of the trenches. The first one set the tone, (a grimmer, darker book then they have written in the Legends or the Chronicles) and this one fit smoothly into place, continuing exactly where the other one stops, at a point of certain doom. When I first read this book, I was literally shocked. I mean, yeah, they have death and destruction in all Dragonlance books, but in Lost Star, boy, they really wipe Krynn clean. You'll see when you read it (FOOL, GO READ IT NOW!! :) One of the bad things about this book, I saw in a previous review and I totally agree: it keeps you wanting a LOT more. After every chapter ends, you HAVE to keep reading or else you're going to go insane; you'll literally snap. You'll also find yourself yelling at people to stop make noise so you can just finish your darn book. The ultimate evil of this book, however, is the end, where you're left just cringing, NEEDING to know what happens next, because it's such a dramatic point (dramatic but unfortunately not resolved). And that's why this is different from the Chronicles. Those were the best, because if you bought one book and read it, it's complete in itself. There's insanely good writing, a climax, and then a good resolution of the events. This book, unfortunately, doesn't have that and that's the reason for the 4 stars and not 5. It's a good book, don't get me wrong, but it, of course, can't have the glory of the first set. Some of the "secrets" of the book are pointedly obvious, and that's a shame. They really could have done a lot better. But, still, it's not finished and they have their reasons, I'm sure. This book is very, very short. The type of suspense just forces you to keep reading. I read it and I wished I hadn't, God, I wished I hadn't, cause at that point, I would've had to wait more than a year for the next one. But, time is slowly creeping toward April....every so slowly...... You'll find the book finished in just a couple of days. But, don't worry, if you read , it'll be a good couple of days.
Rating:  Summary: Continuing a great tradition... Review: Weis & Hickman are fast becoming my favorite writers. I get shivers up and down my back every time I think of Raistlin and his quest for domination of the gods. They are simply brilliant storytellers. In Dragons of a Lost Star, you really get a dark feeling. Everyone seems to be getting thrashed around, and the One God seems to be responsible for it. Mina's god remains cloaked in mystery until the very end of the book, whereupon you are hit with a very surprising revelation. Although, you will look back and realize that there were clues pointing you towards the conclusion, but you chose to ignore them. You will also receive a feeling of comparison I believe with the religions of our own planet (this is based on zero religious beliefs). To me, religions have always said, "God is Love," but he is also cruel. Stephen King said much the same in Desperation, when God chooses who he takes, it indeed seems to be cruel. I really felt like this theory describes Dragons of a Lost Star pretty well. Overall, its a good book, but at the end of it, I was wondering just what had been accomplished. It seemed things had only gotten worse. But DL fans will be pleased to see Dalamar again, even if he has lost some of his glory. I eagerly await book 3, and eagerly await the rumored return of Raistlin.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: To give a little background about myself before I review this item, I'm 20, I've been reading Dragonlance (DL) for 2 years and I have a collection of 65 DL books, 55+ of which I've read, as well as other fantasy novels. Lots of things happen in this book! The "One True God" is revealed, and if you've read a lot of the Choas War series (hint: the answer is in Reaver's of a Blood Sea if you read carefully =), Chronicles, Legends, the Second Generation and Dragons of Summer Flame you should have an general idea of who the One True God is (it's not Choas, BTW... he's too crazy =). Lost Star was definitely better than Fallen Sun, and trust me you won't be dissapointed in it. As I said a lot of things happen: an enemy as well as an entire nation (but not its people) are destroyed, two of the original characters (from Chronicles) die, and Mina actually shows some emotion in the end of the book -- she crys. Malystryx if I remember correctly doesn't really play a part in the book but I have a feeling he will in the 3rd (he has too!). But anyway this is a MUST (can't stress that work enough!) read if you are a DL fan. After you read it you'll be happy you did!
Rating:  Summary: damn good! Review: this kind of books gets here in the Philippines late, thus I asked me best friend to get this for me(thanks Emerald!) - one of the few books I dare ask her to get for me... aside from the "Dragons of Summer Flame", this book got lots of tragic deaths, battles, and just damn excitement! it is one of the best DragonLance book I ever read(and believe me, I read most of them!)... the One God is revealed; a Dragon Overlord dies; major characters doomed or died... this is a must have for all DL fans! though I suggest you read the first book of this series first... and best of all by the way is that DALAMAR is BACK! classic DragonLance - romance, betrayal, despair, controversy... its all here!
Rating:  Summary: Good series Review: Not near as good as the first book in the series. Or as good as the original Dragonlance books. But still a great book.
Rating:  Summary: Read it for the last 100 pages Review: When I first read Dragons of a Fallen Sun I had never previously read another Dragonlance novel, so I was immersed into a world of the unknown creatures, where Kender were something completely new to me, and the idea of dragons and sorcerers and warriors brought a surprised smile to my face. As I went back to the Chronicles and Legends, and the Second Generation of characters, and then to the finale, The Dragons of Summer Flame, I realized that Dragons of a Fallen Sun wasn't anything new, but an add-on to Dragonlance and its Legends. The redundancy of Weis and Hickman could drive you away from their work, repetitively mentioning how a bored kender is disastrous, it tends to draw you away; along with the constant typographical errors, which I found three in the span of four pages. Although minor, it remains in your mind, and takes away from your enjoyment. Other than their constant redundance, and their editors abilities to pass over errors, this was a fine book. Starting off with Morham Targonne, the leader of the Dark Knights of Nereka, sitting at his desk examining his, pardon me, their profits. Constant at his work, he is still aware of his surroundings, as the book mentions. He is brought up to date by two runners of the fallen shield of the Silvanesti, and of the attack on the Citadel of Light. For the first 350 pages we progress, along with various characters, slowly and evidently through various governmental problems, and little action takes place. This has been the trend in the last two novels by Weis and Hickman, little action, and increasing governmental issues. Mina moves and takes over Silvanesti, not taking over Martial Law, living on the outskirts of the city, and letting the elves remain as they were, peaceful and considerate of their needs. The elevating seriousness of the book foreshadows the forecoming events. In the first part of the book, jokes - corny, and brought only a cheap laugh - were constantly thought of by our two valiant authors. But, as we descend into the deeper portions of these minds, we see their actual ability. Read this book for the last one hundred pages. This is when the action starts. I am not a crazed man for action and gore, and so forth and so on. I expect in a Dragonlance novel action here and their, and a small battle, no matter who wins, as I am sure we all do. The fight for Qualinesti begins on page 371 I believe. A very well thought out battle, and a the reader will find an unexpected ending to it. But, as for the One God, their should be no surprises, go with your first instinct, and you should manage it. I'm not sure who I was expecting; a new god would have brought no satisfaction, because I would not have known who, or why he decided to show up. We cannot blame them for their lack of choices, bless them for giving you choices at all. We see the progression of Weis and Hickman as authors in this book, whether they are progressing for the worse, or for the better. Personally, I choose the latter. I can wait for the Dragons of a Vanished Moon, in April of 2002. For this reason, I don't see how much farther they can go on with writing Dragonlance novels, I fear, and I might be wrong, that this may be the last 'good' series by Margaret Weis, and Tracy Hickman. I would love to be proved wrong, because I thoroughly enjoy reading their work. I encourage all those who haven't yet; to buy, or borrow from you local library, Dragons of a Lost Star.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad but not great Review: This book is not a great book because I feel that it was written for preteens or 13 year olds. I read alot and forget most of the minute details from long ago series but the revelation of the one god was starkly obvious and I had hoped my guess was wrong. I was disappointed. The portion of the book dedicated to Qualinesti however was well done and the result surprising. The epilogue was well done and left a couple cliffhangers for the reader. Overall I felt that a short story could have stated the amount that actually happened. I hope Vanishing Moon will be a touch more sophisticated