Rating:  Summary: Wasted talent Review: Take a computer game written by hilarious author Douglas Adams, get Monty Python's Terry Jones to write the novel (naked), and you get...a novel that reads like it was based on a computer game. Some talent shines through, but not worth it for me.
Rating:  Summary: A great book Review: Alright it is no HHGG but it is really funny the bots are hillarious the bomb is the most funny of all though. It had only one flaw: to much sex
Rating:  Summary: A good book Review: I liked this book I don't think it matches with The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galexy it had a lot of good jokes, but in the middle it had a little crumble in the plot.
Rating:  Summary: I really enjoyed the book and could not put it down Review: I really enjoyed this book and found it very intersting and a good rea
Rating:  Summary: ST is a titanic achievement of small proportions... Review: Starthip Titanic is one of those rare treats, or "sleepers" as the saying goes. Though rather derivative of the original Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy, its characters are much more crisp and realistic, with more understanbable goals. I am glad that the dialogue was so ribald -- reminds me of a modern Chaucer in its delivery. Very funny and refreshing.My only complaint consists of three things: (1) It's too short by at least a half! and (2) Why hasn't there been a movie made of this! and (3) There weren't any parrot jokes in the novel. I believe the parrot should have more say in this novel, plus twice as many chapters devoted to parrot jokes of all sorts! Maybe if Mr. Polly were to wear a silly paper hat all might be forgiven! Think hard on this! *SQWAWK*
Rating:  Summary: Starship Titanic is a good book. Review: Starship Titanic is a good book, but not compared to the books by Douglas Adams. Terry Jones' charactor development is not as good, and Adams did a better job of kepping his books intrusting- If you are consiering bying this book becuse of Douglas Adams' name on the cover, you may be disapointed, but probably will not.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent, Excellent game! Review: I first took notice of the Starship Titanic about 2 years ago. But due to lack of funds and equipment I was unable to buy the game. I only wish now that I had actually played the game then. Starship Titanic is one of the best examples of modern gaming on the market today. Adam's take a legendary story and combines it with futuristic fantasy to create a monument that far exceeds the expectations. However, everything has a downside. For those of you with little patience, this game is not for you. It requires a great deal of patience and creativity. Also, it could give you a little more to do inbetween lift rides up and down the well. But I don't want to spoil the game, check it out nonetheless.
Rating:  Summary: Wow, what a disappointment. Review: I'm so bummed. I thought that this would be a really great book, well within the spirit and method of Douglas Adams. What a crushing disappointment. The dialog is wooden, the characters shallow, hopeless caricatures of themselves, there's no motivation for their actions, and the writing reads like a parody of Douglas Adams. I'm only halfway through, and I don't find the book engaging, interesting, or even vaguely engaging. I must admit that I've read nothing by Terry Jones in the past, but I am a huge fan of Douglas Adams, and have read all of his books several times. For those that might be interesting in purchasing this, I discourage you from doing so. It is, in my mind, the only flaw in the writings of Douglas Adams. Although he did not write it, he certainly had a hand in it. I'm left wondering: What was he thinking?
Rating:  Summary: surReality Check! Review: So many people are griping that this isn't The Hitchikers Guide, well we bloody well know that! Mr. Adems states quite plainly in the newest addition of The Guide that it was the creation of freak circumstances and too much grolsh on an empty stomach. We must see this book as the unique work of art that it is. By the way they're paying me to write this by the character so I'll add a few seldom used ones:Z ^ {|;# thank you.
Rating:  Summary: It was not written by Douglas Adams Review: I was quite suprised to learn from the book's introduction that it was not written by Douglas Adams, even though he is listed as the first author on the book. It was somewhat entertaining, but it definately was not the quality I have come to expect from Douglas Adams.