Rating:  Summary: A Good Conclusion and Prolude Review: The way that this book concluded the X-wing series was satisfactory. The only regret is that not enough progress with characters or major discovery(Chu'unthor) leaves you hanging. I really did enjoy the book. In fact, i read it a second time because I thought that I perhaps missed a chapter. The entire ending was credible, but the Han-Leia marriage was missed entirely. No details, just a page or less. Zinj's finally was great, but would NOT have been totally understandable had Allston continued with a final book.Dave Wolverton created a splendid prolude for a wonderfull series. If by any chance he creates this series I have a few pointers: 1. Major evils(Gathzirion) don't die in shuttlecrafts. They go out in a blaze of power. 2. Always include Thrawn lore. It's the bases for which the Star Wars Literature Universe revolves around. At the very least, you owe it to Timothy Zahn. 3. Never. NEVER!!!! downplay a major cerimony. Han and Leia's wedding. Duh!?!?!?! All in all your book was fantastic. The action didn't stop and the humor was omnipresent. Marvelous work Dave. I hope to see more of your work in the Star Wars Universe. And remember: The Force Will Be With You...Always.
Rating:  Summary: Out of character, but Dathomir is a nice addition Review: Being an avid Star Wars fan I have been enjoying the stories after the story (so-to-speak), but The Courtship of Princess Leia was not what I expected. Han and Leia were for the most part completely out of character. Leia became a bubble-head when a set of nice pecs were flashed her way, and Han was too desperate. His natural cynicism was overridden by unattractive anger and jealousy. Though it's nice to develop new emotions in a character, you can't forsake the old ones and expect the overall effect to be richer. I could almost write off Leia's antics as PMS but with all the elite medical technology in the SW Universe you'd kind of expect them to have a cure for that... That being said, I rather liked the introduction of Dathomir into the mix (regardless of the contrived plot that got it there). There's now a whole new planet to draw characters from. Teneniel Djo was a nice addition, but I think she needed to have a few more pages devoted to her development. As for Luke? There have been some comments that his actions were odd, but I took it as maturity (could it be our favorite hothead is finally learning patience?). All the information written/shown/etc. of the Jedi give the impression they were supposed to be sort of aloof and enigmatic people who didn't let down their guard much with "ordinary" folk. Having "mysterious" powers, a more thorough understanding of the universe than your average joe, and the need to keep one's emotions in check lest one becomes Beelzebub might have something to do with it. The book is an easy read with some comic relief. Some of it flows nicely, some doesn't. The sum of its parts make it very middle of the road. Don't expect too much.
Rating:  Summary: Romantic and Exciting a great book all around Review: It's a great book, every Sci-Fi lovers kinda' book I loved it every time I read it (which was alot), you'll be cheering Han on while chastising Isolder (which isn't such a good idea) so I have to say go into the book with an open mind and you'll love it.
Rating:  Summary: A hot Star Wars novel Review: Han fights for Leia's love in an interesting Star Wars novel. Dathomir is a planet with witches, not Jedi's. It's a very good book, read it.
Rating:  Summary: So-So Review: This book wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst. The first 100 pages was boring. Then things got interesting when Han kidnapped Leia. A lot of people critisized that by sayin that Han wouldn't do that, but I disagree. Han has changed since the first two movies. He is not the smuggler that he used to be. He is not as differcult. In Return of the Jedi, he mellowed out, and his love for Leia came out. I do disagree of Leia going for someone like Isolder over Han after all they had been through. For Leia to do something like that, she might as well left Han frozen in Jabba's palace. And the pet Rancors? The Jedi witches? Where did they get so many. I thought the Jedi were almost extint. Well, this books has its ups and downs. I wouldn't read it again.
Rating:  Summary: Not the best SW book I ever spent my money on. Review: When I first heard that there was a book about Han and Leia's relationship, I was excited. When I saw that Han had a rival for Leia's affections, I thought "That could be interesting." When I'd finished reading "The Courtship..." I had to shake my head with disappointment. The story truly had potential, but I didn't like the way that the whole thing was carried out and I ESPECIALLY didn't like the portrayal of Han, Leia, or their relationship. First of all, the Han that was portrayed in this book was too idiotic to be the REAL Han Solo, so I am assuming that the real Han was hit in the head by an enranged Wookiee and was suffering from temporary insanity. There is no way that Han Solo would behave in such a ridiculous way. He acts like barbarian instead of a "scoundrel"... I half expected him to beat his chest and holler like Tarzan while dragging a screaming Leia off into the jungle. Secondly... was THAT Leia? I think perhaps the REAL Leia got hit by the same Wookiee that must have caused Han's temporary bout of insanity. Lastly, this book painfully destroys the unique and strong relationship that Han and Leia developed in the movies. Not the best book I ever read, but certainly not the worst. At least it's not as bad as Kevin Anderson's Jedi Academy Trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: This is the best Star Wars book ever written!!!!!!! Review: This book is so cool!! The Han/Leia angle was great!! I thought that the witches of Dathomir were very interesting. The Nightsisters were the best enemy that i have ever read about.
Rating:  Summary: remember the disastrous Challenger space mission? Review: yep, this book takes off with much promise, and crashes and burns almost immediately after. ahh...something went wrong with this book. only the fact that it was about my favorite smarta$$ Han Solo saved this book from my fury. Luke was himself, but not really himself. maybe it's because he's maturing, but i vastly prefer the young Luke. Threepio was totally unlike himself! i can't believe this is the same blabbermouth protocol droid in Star Wars movies. his bantering with R2D2 was sorely missed. R2D2 was, for the most part, insignificant. Chewbacca was kept in the background. and wouldn't have been missed. Isolder was really weird. he is the wild card here -- a very enigmatic figure at the start, but a jilted confused little dweeb in the end. Teneniel wasn't bad, but her characterization stinks! waste of a good character by the author. Gethzerion and the nightsisters lacked depth. in fact, the whole planet of Dathomir lacked depth in description and significance. ok, so Han won a planet (!!!) from a card game (?!?!?!?), big deal. Han...well, Han Solo was being an ass, for the most part of the story. i can never understand what possessed Leia to fall in love with Han again (in their 7 day bet). of course, i'm not looking for an epic story here...this is, after all, how Han and Leia get married...but jeez, wasn't that established already in Return of the Jedi? that Leia loves Han? this novel wasn't really necessary (unless Dathomir proves to be important in future novels...), and the only significant part was Luke finding the Jedi Academy luxury liner --> which could have taken up an epic search in itself! all in all...this novel could've been a whole heckuva lot better. the plot really lacks gusto. if anything prevents it from being a waste of time, at least i know the subsequent events regarding Luke & the gang. that's all! otherwise...it has NONE of the magic of the original ***STAR WARS*** trilogy. only for hardcore Star Wars novel fans. not for George Lucas purists.
Rating:  Summary: A nice addition to the SW Universe Review: This book was a definite pleasure to read. It was one of the first SW books I have read, and still stands to be one of the more nicely written books. It is a very typical storyline, and Mr. Wolverton keeps it clear, which is not a bad thing at all. The quality of the writing was very fine, and many new subplots are added (e.g. the witches of Dathomir), which has its pros and cons, since there are two sides to everything. Though some of the characters in this novel are not as well-portrayed and well-depicted as I had expected and hoped, it is nevertheless, a nice addition to the SW universe.
Rating:  Summary: It was okay - I did like it! Review: Well, it's a good book, I'll give it that. It doesn't seem to fit in with the rest of the Star Wars universe, but it's an important part of the story. It has some great characters, especially the witches of Dathomir. I like the idea of 'King Solo' and the other ridiculous things that seem to be going right, then wind up to be going wrong. All in all, it could be better, but then, it could also be a LOT worse!