Rating:  Summary: Absolutely FANTASTIC!!! Review: Okay, perhaps this book doesn't need antoher review with 96 already behind it but I just had to comment on it because it's one of the best books I have ever read. It's so full of drama and it has you on the edge of your seat from the beginning to the end. It has romance, danger, angst, suspense - basically just everything. I loved the great new characters. One thing is that it's more of a Leia / Han book - although Luke does play a major role in it too. I started reading this at midnight and I couldn't put it down until 4.30 and only then because it had been a long day and I couldn't keep my eyes open. Even then I had such an adrenalin rush that I couldn't sleep. If you don't like this book you're insane. (well, not really but y'know) It's absolutely FANTASTIC!
Rating:  Summary: This book was fabulously funny, romantic, and exciting. Review: I loved the main idea of the story but I have a problem with the portayal of some of the characters. I feel that Leia's indecisive manor conflicts with her past qualities to make decisions as a leader. I also feel that some of her feelings didn't seem real or natural. The conflicts over love and duty just didn't ring true for me.Luke may have matured more but some of that reckless nature is what drew people to him. We can identify with him and thats something that as we mature, never goes away. I loved it when Luke allows himself to be captured by a wicth and then realizes what her intentions toward him are.I laughed so hard it hurt. Han was so romantic that I feel he was natural in his feelings. This is one of my favorite books. As you read the series, I'm sure you'll notice that the mistakes vary, but i think the authors need to get together more when it comes to keeping up with the technology and the characters personality traits. I hope everyone who reads this book will enjoy it as much as I have. If you're a romantic, then I'm sure you'll love it. Its one of the reasons i love the Star Wars movies so much. They're a perfect combo of love, action, and adventure without having to show skin and gore.I do hope Wolverton will continue to write in the Star Wars Universe!!
Rating:  Summary: Prince Isolder is a wookie!! Review: This book was so great!!! You know how in the book Han describes Isolder in his mind as a very hansome man. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. If any body...HAHA...wants..AHAHAHAHAHA...know what Isolder really looks like. buy the Essential guide to characters. AHAHAHAHAHAHA. He's so fring'in ugly he's like short and stalky. He's got hair like a bitch....HA. I thought this book was the best!!! My favorite part was when Han was on his heroic mission and to try to stop him Leia trys to compliment him and she says. "I like stuff about you, I like the way your pants fit." The only little disappointment was Han didn't give Isolder a beating that would of been funny. This book rules I think Wolverton should write all the books now. OH YEAH AND TO THE GUY WHO SAID THIS BOOK SUCKS DON'T READ IT ETC IN THE CAPITAL LETTERS. I GOT ONE THING TO SAY TO YOU: "KISS MY WOOKIE"
Rating:  Summary: THIS IS A GREAT BOOK!!! Review: I really enjoyed reading this one. I have an entire collection of STAR WARS books and this is by far one of the best. I'd say that it ranks with the top five in my collection. The reason why I say this is because it consists of a couple qualities that, to me, make this novel interesting. First of all is the plot. This book has a really good plot because it upholds the expectations of what a STAR WARS book should be and conjures up a couple of creative new ideas as well. Second of all is the characters. Anyone who's anyone should know who Luke Skywalker is and if they don't, then they better stay up with the times because STAR WARS mania is everywhere nowadays. This book really did get addicting, however, the only thing that I found out of place were the primitive women, because this is the only STAR WARS book that I've read that seems to have beefed up women in it. I don't know, maybe it's just me that thinks that.
Rating:  Summary: WOW! Review: I have personally read this book three or four times and I believe that it is one of Dave Wolverton's finest. Grand plot, wonderful characters, characteristic of Dave Wolverton's wonderful writing style. I believe that this book should be read by Star Wars fans and people just looking for a good Sci-Fi story.
Rating:  Summary: An awesome, captivating book the whole way through! Review: I am an avid reader and I can tell when I really like a book. This book was so wonderful I didn't want it to end. I started reading it one day for a book report and when I was about 3\4 of the way through (and hadn't started writing the report) I pretty much stopped reading it because I didn't want to finish it! The plot isn't too hard to follow, and although you hope the whole way through Leia marries Han Solo, it isn't obvious who she choses until the end. Even people who don't know a whole heck of a lot about Star Wars will find this book a great additon to any bookshelf. The only thing I would have added (besides a lot more pages of the ending) is a small glossary/dictionary of the people and terms as it could get a bit confusing where and what they are talking about. A little about the book: Leia is torn between Prince Isolder and her old long time flame, Han Solo. If she marries Prince Isolder, she will become the Queen Mother of the Hapes Consortium-63 high tech planets, and money and items to help fight the warlord, and a place for Alderaanian refugees (those who weren't on the planet when it blew up) to call home. And the last reason is a big part of the confict within Leia. If Leia were to marry Han, well, she would get...him, and that's it. I HIGHLY RECOMEND THIS BOOK TO ALL READERS, STAR WARS FANS, AND SCIENCE FICTION READERS OF ALL AGES!
Rating:  Summary: I loved this book! It was great! Review: OK. This was a GREAT book. It was the first SW book I read(not counting the Young Jedi Knights series)and I LOVED it! It was hilarious and the storyline was great! In some other reviews, people said that Han, Luke and Leia's personalities were different. Well, of course they are different!!! Nobody stays the same forever! Let's start with Han's personality change. Firstly, he's more mature in his love for Leia. He shows it. Second, before he became a part of the Rebel Alliance, he would do anything to save his own skin. Now he'd do anyhting to dave Leia's! He's so sweet! Luke: Well, he's certainly not as reckless as he was before. As Obi-Wan Kenobi told Yoda, Luke did learn patience. Also, Luke controls the Force much better than he did before. Leia: I can't believe she dropped Han for Isolder. But then, the only reason she was attracted to him in the first place was because he came with a lot of $$$ and she knew if she married him it would really help the Alliance. Also, he was very polite and treated her like a lady. He had good manners. (But Han treated her like an equal when he wasn't teasing her. He had a different character than Isolder and personaly, I like Han better.) I don't know why she did what she did, but love is a weird thing. Even though this took place in an advanced-technology era, love is still love. No amount of technology can make it completely rational! I liked the Dathomir bit a lot. I also really liked Teneniel Djo and the Witches of Dathomir. This book was hysterical! There were times when I couldn't make out the words on the page because I was laughing so hard my eyes were tearing! Of course, it also had it sad and serious parts. This book had a lot of action, but also managed to be romantic and sweet at the same time. I highly recommend it to everyone! it is currently my favorite book in the universe. It's a great book no matter what anyone else says in their reviews! I loved this book! Dave Wolverton, you did a great job! MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!
Rating:  Summary: not as bad as they say Review: Okay, I've read the reveiws, and the biggest complaint I see is that Leia leaves Han. Ya' know this stuff does happen, it was a fling Isolder said what she wanted to hear, what I don't belive is she fell for that line "I fell in love with her from a distance." Yeah, right. The second biggest complaint is how Han reacted, how would you handle it if the one peson you loved more than you loved your self suddenly didn't love you back? Would you be calm and rational? or would you freak out and do what ever was necessary to get them back? I think what Han did was romantic, and that Leia could have been nicer about it. also in this book(or maybe it was one of the others? I can't remember)it says "Every time Han put his life on the line it was for her, Leia couldn't, no wouldn't belive some one could love her that much..." I rest my case, the defense rests, bring in the prosecution
Rating:  Summary: Tecnical Difficulties Review: This book was a good book as far as the storyline goes. It had many problems with the technology that makes Star Wars so special to me and many other fans. Some of the mistakes are:1. Blasters don't shoot blue bolts.2.Luke's lightsaber is green not blue.3.You can't just fly under a Super Star Destroyer's sheilds, or any ship's shields for that matter.4. You can't destroy the bridge of a Super Star Destroyer with a few conncusion missles.5. The Millennium Falcon does not have proton torpedos or ion cannons as part of its armament of weapons.6.You can't just destroy a tractor beam projecter by shooting at it or every ship that gets caught in one could get away easily. Despit all these facts this was a pretty good book. If you don't have it go get it and just don't pay attention to those mistakes. And may the Force be with you!
Rating:  Summary: I haven't even read it, and it sounds cruddy! Review: OK. I haven't read the book, but after looking at book descriptions and reviews I say this would probably be stupid and unbelievable. I'm not a Star Wars freak, but I know a Wookie from a X-Wing. Even if you've only seen the third movie, you would certenly know that Leia wouldn't even consider it. And I'm only 11!