Rating:  Summary: Where is Tenel Ka, Lowie , Anja, Emteedee and Zekk ? Review: I read this book. It was okay. Mike Stackpole is a good author. I do like how he can kind of trap you inside a book like in all the fighting scences. But I want to know what happend to Tenel Ka, Lowie, Anja Gallandro , Emteedee and Zekk ( All these people are from the Young Jedi Knight series.) ? If you know write your oppinion about this book and tell what happend to them and what new book they are in. Mike Stackpole's Onslaught deffinetly does have a lot of fighting in it and I have always thought Mara Jade was a dumb character, so I am not upset about her dieing.
Rating:  Summary: A Star Wars Novel That Hits The Mark Review: I'm a Star Wars junkie, with no apologies. Though I have little bad to say about various post-"Return of the Jedi" Star Wars books, I have to admit for the most part, they have been a disappointing and forgettable bunch. For those not familiar with the books, they are all part of the same storyline, though written by different authors. The only ones that I am tempted to reread are the initial Timothy Zahn - "Heir To The Empire" series. Those were pretty good, the rest well . . . It was with these limited expectations that I picked up Michael Stackpole's "Onslaught." If you have been keeping up, the New Republic has been invaded by a cruel species from outside the Galaxy that use biological weapons rather than technology. In "Onslaught," the battle begins in earnest, and this time I couldn't put the book down. Stackpole has a terrific understanding of the Jedi and does a tremendous job of painting scenes with Luke and his compatriots doing battle with the evil enemies that exist outside the Force. For the first time since the Phantom Menace, we get an idea about how Jedi work together and what kinds of conflicts they might have. Though the senior and most powerful Jedi, Luke is faced with disgruntled Jedi that disagree with his approach. Some of the dissenters are even from his own family. "Onslaught" is a fast-paced novel, and brings back memories of when the Star Wars universe was a much more interesting place. The Jedi seem powerful and mysterious again. The bad guys seem scary and threatening once more, and I am eager for the sequel. The Force has returned to the Star Wars universe, and not a moment to soon.
Rating:  Summary: A great continuation of the New Jedi Order series! Review: Michael Stackpole has done a great job with this story! Innovation all around! The New Republic is facing a new threat in the form of the Yuuzhan Vong, who is launching an invasion on the Republic from outside the galaxy. Finally, the Star Wars universe has cast off the old stories(old splinters of the Empire resurrected, the Solo kids being kidnapped, and superweapons)and gone forth to a new chapter in its history! Stackpole also portrays a much darker, nastier, universe that also is a welcome change from the old Star Wars books. Stackpole's books might become for the New Jedi Order what Tim Zahn's was for the Star Wars universe after "The Return of the Jedi", i.e. the engine that will propel and define the books being released in the future! All in all the book contains new characters, new story, new problems, new angles, new atmospheres. In short, a new birth for the Star Wars universe! Buy and read!
Rating:  Summary: Michael's Best Review: This is, in my opinion, the best novel from the Star Wars Galaxy(let alone from Michael A. Stackpole)! This proves that everyone doesn't live happily ever after when Thawn Dies! This book is going to be hard to top, but I have a feeling Michael is going to do it again and soon.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars: Onslaught Review: This is not one of the best books in the Star Wars series. I understand the demographics of the New Order and GenY, but there are many older fans who will be disturbed to discover that their heros are portrayed as "over-the-hill" has-beens. Luke is seen as tiring easily after "Jedi" feats of wonder. Leia is out of politics and after all these years still does not get to call herself a Jedi. Han is a barcrawling wreak. If this trend in character continues, I for one will be forced to find a new series that does value "older readers".
Rating:  Summary: New Jedi Order soars! Review: Michael Stackpole is arguably the best Star Wars author. His handling of the Jedi and Rogue Squadron characters is as strong as in his X-Wing novels. I especially love his treatment of Leia, who manages, for once, to convey strength of will, decisiveness, and dedication to duty. I find that one of my biggest complaints when I read books by some of the other Star Wars authors is, they keep trying to let her get all blubbery and that is simply not the Leia I got to know in the films. If you haven't dug into the New Jedi Order books, I strongly recommend that you do some quick catch-up reading, or you may have some confusion keeping two generations of characters straight. There is so much detail in the Star Wars universe with incredibly complex plot lines. Mr. Stackpole has beautifully managed to present this universe with clarity and a bunch of really easy-to-know characters. Oh! and let us not forget the real reason we read this stuff; rockin' action all the way through!
Rating:  Summary: nice, but not all that great. Review: One of the things I like the most about this series is the fact that it isn't about the Empire returning yet AGAIN. The Yuuzhan Vong (or whatever they are called) have potential, but could use some work. In this book I found them a littlebit to much patterned after the all-powerfull Empire from the movies. Most of the new characters were nice enough, but I didn't really liked the way the old characters were used. They just seemded a bit out of character in this book. The fact that things from the new movie came back in this novel was a nice touch (such as remarks about Podraces and the possibility of a new Jedi-counsil). But the 'everybody hates Jedi'-thing was unbelievable. Especially after the things dark Jedi like Darth Vader and Kyp Durron pulled in earlier stories. My last complaint is the fact that a much to large part of the novel was spent making clear just how mean and powerfull the Vong where. I mean, burning down planets and changing people in to mindles zombies is a big enough hint, isn't it?
Rating:  Summary: Couldn't be better! Review: I have read and loved Mr. Stackpole's X-wing series, but when I read "Onslaught" I discovered he could write about more than just dogfights. He conveyed the space, air, AND ground battles excellently! Those of you who expecting only snubfighters battles, it's not an X-wing book. It's something more. This book will bring me back over and over!
Rating:  Summary: The saga continues! Review: Another brilliant entry in the Star Wars saga. the new Jedi Order is really starting to take shape with this book. the Solo kids really show their stuff in this one while still allowing for the main characters to shine as well. True Han and Lando were kind of left out in this book but they will be back, I am sure of it and its good to see new characters, and new plot lines taking shape. One thing that is really good about this whole new jedi series is that the Vong, are true villains not some moronic imperial leader with no back bone at all and who is defeated without hardly any effort or sacrifice. Unlike the Empire, the Vong have a take no prisoners attitude and do not spare anyone. I hope the ruthlessness will continue with feature entries for it makes for a better and a more believable war.
Rating:  Summary: Was George Lucas consulted for this book? Review: A fairly good book but I really wonder if the new direction they have taken with the Star Wars universe is right. The Jedi are for peace and harmony with nature and the Empire was all for powerful machines, (ie. the Death Star), Now it seems that the bad guys are all for living things and the Heroes are defending machines. This just seems to be the opposite of everything I have every heard George Lucas say the series was about. I also didn't like the fact that Han Solo only appeared in chapter 4. New characters I like, totally giving up on old favorites I don't.