Rating:  Summary: DISAPPOINTING Review: I read I, Jedi (but not the X-Wing books) and enjoyed it. The author said in an interview that that this book would be bloody "It will be fun." Seeing that this is the universe created by Vector Prime, I wasn't looking for much. And I didn't find much. Supposedly, you are suppose to be able to read all the paperbacks and get the whole story, or read all the hardbacks and get the whole story (or if you want a double dose of it) all of the books - this doesn't seem to be true despite DelRey's claim. The author's comment wasn't much of a recommendation either. Go away NJO and take the originators of this storyline with you. Stackpole - you can do better. That why the book got 2 stars, 1 for the author and 1 for Star Wars (which is not the same as NJO - the characters names are all that are the same in both.)
Rating:  Summary: death of star wars Review: this book is literaly the end of the star wars universe. with so many things going against thoughts of star wars fans everywere.
Rating:  Summary: Can't come to this one first Review: It's worth noting that "Dark Tide: Onslaught" should probably not be read if you haven't yet read R.A. Salvatore's "New Jedi Order: Vector Prime", since understanding the beginning of Onslaught seems to require having read Vector Prime. At least that was how I felt, and have since put down Onslaught until Vector Prime is released in softcover. I hope that Del Rey will not be releasing books "out of order" like this in the future, since I refuse to pay the extra $$ for the overpriced hardcover editions. I'm giving Onslaught only one star because of this shortcoming -- which I should note falls solely on the Del Rey editorial folks for publishing in this manner, and not on Stackpole, whose other Star Wars books I have enjoyed.
Rating:  Summary: improving. Review: This was a good book, but it could have been longer and elaborated more on the Vong.
Rating:  Summary: Something New Review: Dark Tide 1:Onslaught is a great book. I couldn't put the book down. There was something new around every turn. Michael A. Stakpole brings the characters up front and real in this book. The relationships between the DarkTide's characters seem "down to earth". I also love the varieties and the collection of these characters. Yet, you won't see much of Han or C3-PO and that disappointed me. However if you are a "die hard SW fan" this book may throw u off track because "the New Jedi Order" concept is turning away from the old SW days. I think its great there will be a new series that fall into one big story, the battle against the Yuuzhan Vong. And some new Jedis on the scene gives the whole saga a fresh look. Later on in the following books, I hope we'll see Ol' Luke transform into a real Jedi Master and shows it. Because i didn't sense it from him, it look like the young Luke in some degrees. If your into sci fi and fanasty pick up on the New Jedi Order and test the book for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Oh, this is good! Review: This book was one of the best SW's ones I have ever read! Ihaven't read Vector Prime yet, but I caught on easily enough...I lovedwhat they did with the characters in this. The children were well developed- I liked having Jaina in Rogue Squadron, and having Gavin Darklighter leading it was great! This book also didn't follow the usual plotline of having an imp warlord attack the helpless but well led New Republic, and then the jedi come in and save the day and everyone is happy and alive. That was very refreshing. Also, the Vong weren't really the only threat in this book...I already hated Fey'la, and they threw Kyp Durron in as well, for a potential threat...I always have liked that character because of his unpredictability. It will be great to see what happens there... Onslaught is an excellent book, and I think all SW fans should read it!
Rating:  Summary: Excelent prelude of things to come Review: This book is great, just like all of Stackpole's works. I enjoyed Corran (as always) and the way he has become a wise, true jedi. I also liked the fact that it didn't focus on the usuals and seperated the Solo children. I did have one problem though. Jaina joins Rouge Squadron? Oh, yah that has nothing to do with her influential parantage. Nope, nu-uh, no sir.
Rating:  Summary: The World of Star Wars Fiction is Revived! Review: Well! First of all, Michael A. Stackpole is a superb writer! I reccomend this book to anyone who likes a good story. It helps to have read Vector Prime by R.A. Salvatore first, and to have a decent backroung in Star Wars fiction. You will see a good deal of favorite characters here, though not much of Han. Borsk Fey'lya is the President of the Republic, and Gavin Darklighter is leader of Rogue Squadron. The Solo kids are kicking some Yuzhan Vong booty. Luke and Mara are a believeable couple, and Jedi Knight Corran Horn gives you a heart attack in the last few chapters. (a RATHER LARGE ONE!) Overall, a great book- restores any damage done by Salvatore in the last one. A must read for any true Star Wars fan!
Rating:  Summary: Two lightsabers at once! Review: It is obvious Stackpole is using details he learned from Phantom Menace. Jacen quotes Yoda...though we can assume, for the author's sake, that Yoda said that to Luke on Degobah. There is also suddenly knowledge of the Old Jedi Order that wasn't here before Phanom Menace. This isn't bothersome, it can be easily explained. I'm not going to. I was impressed with Anakin more than anyone else in the book. I suppose it's because of a kid as young as him doing what we saw Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan do is an amazing image. Stackpole makes it all believable. A problem with this book, as with any of the other ones dealing with the senate, is how childish the senators act. This is not to say I think Stackpole did anything wrong here, I simply hate Fey'la and the rest of them. They are nearly worse than the Yuuzhan Vong. Speaking of the Yuuzhan Vong. Stackpole must really like the sound of that name, because he used it in every sentence. It got a bit monotonous. Not bad for my only complaint. The back cover promises "unsurpassed action and imagination." This is a bit misleading. This book doesn't have all that much action. I, Jedi had more action than this book. On the subject of the action: I was impressed with some of the ploys the Republic pilots, particularly Jaina, use to fight the Vong. Also, Stackpole makes the reader think he is going to use a deus ex machina like Lucas did in TPM. Then that fizzles out and he brings back some suspense. Well done. I liked the interaction between Corran and Ganner. The latter's superior attitude made it really gratifying when he showed a little respect for Corran at one point. It was also nice to tie this in with Stackpole's earlier works (Corran's dual-phase lightsaber). I don't want to rewrite the book here, like I seem to have started to do. I'll finish by saying I really liked this book and if you disagree you must not have read it.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty cool, but slightly confusing Review: I am a big time STAR WARS books reader--I have every one of them. There was one thing that I didn't like. This book came out in paper back a long time before Vector Prime. I found out after reading Onslaught that reading Vector Prime is essential to understanding Onslaught. The only reason I don't give the book 5 stars is because it was confusing because the book before it wasn't out yet. True, this is more the publisher's fault than Michael Stackpole, the author, but it is still a problem.