Rating:  Summary: WOW!!!!!!! Review: Timothy Zahn has done it again!! This is definetly the best book I have ever read. So much happened in this book. There was that whole Luke & Mara thing. (BTW, I was praying that would happen. When it finally did, I felt like throwing a party.) My favorite part was at the end, starting on page 514. " 'I still say you should have been the one over there,' Han groused as he and Leia watched from the back of the room...'You did way more on this than he did.' 'It's all right Han,' Leia said, surreptitously wiping a tear from her eye. ' Yeah?' Han countered suspiciously. ' Then how come you're crying?' She smiled at him. ' Memories,' she said. 'Just memories'" I almost cryed myself!! The odds of finding a book this good ever again are approximatly 3,720 to 1!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Finally! It's about time! Wowee! Review: This the best book! Tim Zahn is the greatest! He skilfully meshes every single character perfectly. When I read specter of the past, I knew that Luke and Mara were going to hook up. The tension was building! And I loved finding who tierce really is! And Soontier fel's clone! I just can't shut up! Peace, finally!
Rating:  Summary: D-O-P-E. That spells... He's done it again. Review: Vision of the Future is definitely an awesome book. I got completely sucked into Zahn's story again and just couldn't put it down! I was actually extremely disappointed when i realized there was going to be only two books this time, instead of the treasured trilogy that I fell in love with. Zahn is the best Star Wars writer around and if you want to start reading the Star Wars Universe, definitely pick a Timothy Zahn Saga. They are the best!
Rating:  Summary: WOW! What a book Review: This is definately Zahn at his best. On of the best if not the best Star Wars book ever written. The plot is amazing, and description superb. Zahn keeps you wondering until the last minute and then after that last mintue leaves you wanting more. One of the most enthraling books I've ever read. The best part for sure is the ending. Who would have ever guessed? The ending is almost completely unexpected but then maybe not. All the same it's just, well, amazing. I can only hope there is a follow up as soon as possible.
Rating:  Summary: It doesn't get much better than this! Review: I am totally blown away! This was a perfect ending to Timothy Zahn's masterful take on the Star Wars universe... and be prepared for a few of Zahn's typical plot curves that will make your jaw drop! There were at least four biggies that had me saying out "HOLY SH**!" (out loud, on the bus even). Let me say that trying to second-guess what surprises Timothy Zahn has in store for you is like trying to second-guess Grand Admiral Thrawn himself...I'll admit that "Specter of the Past" was slow (good, but a little slow), but it was a necessary build-up for "Visions"... and believe me when I tell you that "Visions" was one helluva page turner; especially at the last few chapters. The best part about it... Zahn makes sure that what we really want to happen does happen. (He even fixes a few "mistakes" that some other authors have made... namely Lando and Mara.) Well, one of the other best parts is that almost all of the old favourites are in here... Luke, Han, Leia, Mara, Karrde, Pellaeon (what a great Imperial he turned out to be... he's actually got me *liking* the Empire)... and many more. Great book, you'll be sorry if you miss it!
Rating:  Summary: It is a staple of the Star Wars Univers Review: I bought it the day it came out, read it, finished it and read it again. This is like the bible of the Star Wars Universe. Zahn, you are the Master. It answers all our questions about the Force and the whole Lando and Mara thing <ohhhh thank the Force> And now it makes sure other authors have to get origional in plot lines <read the book to understand that one> My favorite part was page 481 <NO, don't skip there, read the whole book first> I feel off my bed and started screaming at that point. Hey I love to talk to fellow SW fans so send me a mail! MTFBWY
Rating:  Summary: A Most Satisfying Read Review: Timothy Zahn has reaffirmed himself as the premier novelist in the Star Wars universe. Once again, he has nailed the characters of Han, Leia, Luke, and Lando down to a "T". His continued expansion of Talon Karrde's character is most enjoyable. I only wish other Star Wars authors would make more use of him. Once again, he has escaped the confines of the cardboard villians who we normally see and given a level of depth and multi-dimensions which we rarely get a chance to experience. I found myself routing for Admiral Pellaeon, as surprise as Karrde was, and warmed by Luke's and Mara's saga. A few minor quibbles kept me from giving the book a 5. One being the way Chewbacca disappeared from the story. When did you ever see Chewbacca leave Han's side when the going got rough? Another, Mr. Zahn had a number of characters make appearances with promises of greater things and then basicly have them disappear by the wayside, Ghent being one example. There were a few techincal problems in story that bothered me as well(hey, droids don't float!). But over all this is a definite must read book.
Rating:  Summary: This is the best book from Zahn yet. Review: Vision of the Future is the best Star Wars book I've read. I loved the book. The interplay between the characters, the New Republic, and the Empire is astoundingly good. I hope that Mr. Zahn will write more Star Wars books. They are sure to be good.
Rating:  Summary: Zahn still going good... Review: This was a very entertaining read all the way through, especially for anybody who might have been expecting a tired, uninspired fifth book to the Thrawn novels. Zahn shows once again that he is perfectly capable of maintaining the same quality of work that he shows in his earlier books, a performance which most SW fans of his would justifiably be expecting anyway. Exactly how good that is, might be slightly in question. I am not implying in any way that Zahn is an inferior writer, but I must confess that in reading this novel I was rather hoping for a slightly more equalizing view of the Empire and the Republic...which Zahn does not deliver to the extent I had been anticipating. Blessedly, he keeps key Imperial characters such as Admiral Pellaeon very much in the forefront of things, and also (and this is not often seen in SW novels at all) manages to make them look halfway morally respectable. I was happy let myself sympathize with these well-intentioned, well-presented characters, who, solely because they happen to be wearing Imperial uniforms, understandably cannot be presented as 'heroes'. Unfortunately, there is too little of this sanitizing of the Empire for my tastes. In "Vision", all the plotline enemies are on the side of the Empire, all the enemies are absolutely defeated, and every defeat inflicted upon the enemy is done in a fashion that implies only structural importance (ie they advance the story of the book, without regards to statistics and likelihood). These are all visible in the Thrawn trilogy and Specter of the Past, by the way. Harrowing escapes from the enemy by Leia and Han...daring infiltrations of the enemy by Lando and Talon Karrde...breathtaking duels against the foe by Luke and Mara Jade...Artoo Detoo surviving infernoes and holocausts... I do not dispute Zahn's skill at making each individual encounter concerning a major goodie, very very convincing indeed. Zahn is perfectly capable of suspending your disbelief as he writes of Han's (N)th or (N+1)th escape from an Imperial Star Destroyer. As you read it, you accept it and it's okay... But, my problem with the plot surfaced after I looked at it in retrospect...primarily the idea of Luke and Leia and Han and Lando and Karrde and Mara and Ackbar and all the rest of the goodguys surviving five whole novels and coming out TOTALLY UNSCATHED, whilst Imperial after Imperial (Thrawn, Ferrier, Disra, C'Boath) goes down without so much as a moral whimper. Perhaps I am setting myself up for a Laser lynching by all you SW fans out there, but doesn't anybody else out there have the slightest bit of sympathy for the Empire? In this novel Zahn places a very reasonable, sensible leader in charge of Imperial forces. He presents the 'civilized', acceptable face of the Empire: the one which shows that they are also decent people who have been led astray by ruthless leaders in the past. However, this still doesn't prevent the fact that every death you read about is 99.999% likely to be that of an Imperial badguy. Zahn does imply occasional losses by the Republic to the Empire, but this is muted and aesthetically euphemized...so much to the point that, by the end of the novel, I was actually feeling quite sorry for the Empire. [Imperial elite stormtrooper, deadliest fighter in the Empire, greatest remaining strategist in the Empire, killed on the bridge of an Imperial Star Destroyer by a poisoned hair-needle. Oh dear, oh dear.] Perhaps Zahn had been pressured into limiting his more detailed defeats to just the Imperial side, but I for one found rather difficult to stomach the fact that the Empire could pose such a threat to the forces of good and niceness, whilst still suffering such drastic and bizarrely orchestrated defeats. Am I alone in thinking this? Read the book, enjoy the good writing, chew the plot over, and let me know what you think... PS A final word of warning to those expecting a mighty Imperial Grand Admiral comeback: it doesn't really look like there will be one...while Zahn makes no absolute proof of it, he has made it extremely difficult to convincingly write in a return of the "Red-Eyed Warlord". Guess we'll have to look to stalwart, trusty Admiral Pellaeon for our next Devil-incarnate Imperial leader :)
Rating:  Summary: The best Star Wars book, possibly the best book ever. Review: Well, I thought nothing could top the original Thrawn trilogy. Specter of the Past "confirmed" my suspicions--it wasn't that great. But this book just blew the Thrawn trilogy out of the water. Great plot, excellent suspense, a great relationship between Luke and Mara, and a climax/finale that had my heart beating fast. There is NOTHING I can find bad about this book, period. If you haven't read it yet you have to, though I reccomend reading Specter of the Past first.