Rating:  Summary: A Work of Subtle Genius? Review: There is a lot of criticism over the "stereotypical" nature of the cast of characters in this story. To that I would just say that these are not sterotypes, they are archetypes (there is a difference). I think it would be impossible to create a fantasy world without resorting to using archetypal characters. Eddings knows that the reader is intelligent enough to realize that these are in fact acrchetypal characters; he knows that we know (for example) "Aunt Pol" and "Mr. Wolf" are more than who they initially seem to be, or that the orphan "Garion" is destined for greatness, so instead of trying to surprise us simply with their true identities he surprises us with revealing to us the complexeties of the characters, especialy in their interractions with one another. In regards to the plot of this series, well, it's a fanatasy series and fantasy is obligated to have a journey and usually when we think of fantasy we also think magic. The plot here is pretty straightforward in that what the character's set out to do (which is recover the "Orb of Aldur" and deal with the god "Torak") is what happens. And like any good story, there are a few side plots, but they always connect to the main plotline and never threaten to over-dominate it. The main "magical system" employed throughout this series is "the will and the word". This means that if you posses the "talent" then if you concentrate hard enough on something (by gathering in your will) and then speaking a word (to release your will) then you can accomplish almost anything. Nothing to complex there. But Eddings seems to have put a little thought into developing this a bit farther. Such as the idea of sorcery being physically and mentally exhausting, not going against the nature of the universe (which is to create), or that using this gift will cause a noise that can lead other's to you. While none of these things are earth-shattering developments, they do lend themselves to creating a more plausible system of magic. Unlike Tolkein who forced the reader to deal with his ego and accademic prowess, Eddings leaves all that in the background. To enjoy this story we don't need to know that Eddings is a linguistic scholar who specializes in Middle English (the language Chaucer) or the amount and extense of the research conducted by Eddings. Eddings isn't trying to brag to us about how smart he is, but instead is just telling a story.
Rating:  Summary: A Classic Review: I first read this series (and its followup, The Malloreon) when I was about 8 years old. With my best friend, we devoured up to 20 scifi/fantasy books a month apiece over the next 5 or so years. Of all those, this series is one of the ones that stands out the most, and that, to this day, I still love to re-read for the 20th+ time. David Eddings writing style has been said to be formulaic, a statement that is undeniable....his series in alternate worlds all run parallel to each other...This is indeed his downfall in the large scope of things. However, if contained within a single world, the formula is not a problem at all. Eddings is a skillful enough writer that he is able to begin with what may seem to be a sterotype- archetype is a better word- and evolve that character to have as many complexities and contradictions as any real person. Eddings rarely leaves characters one dimensional. While reading the books, you grow to love them... I remember conversations where Id have people asking if I was speaking of a real person or a character in the series... To this day, I still have phrases from the narrative in my vocabulary ('Don ya know ;P) Characters aside, Eddings world is one of the best researched in Fantasy today. He has elements for every major historical civilization reflected in his world, from the Romans to the Mongols....and the corresponding sciences to go with them. One great thing to watch as the story goes by is how the different groups "invent" things that are taken straight out of our past. Aside from being a great story, this series is a treatise on human civilizations and the way we evolve as cultures....mad gods and monsters aside, that is. It is also an interesting commentary on religion. All this other stuff aside, Its great fun as a story. The banter between the characters will have you splitting your side laughing, and nodding because so much of it is so true. The story is inventive and well laid out. The only book I ever found a bit boring was the first one, because once I had read the rest, I couldnt wait to get through it to read them again. I highly recomend this series, along with its continuation, the Mallorean. His other series are fun, but basically a copy of these two with the names changed. Its worth it to read the prequels: "Belgarath" and "Polgara", more for the back story than because anything new really happens. For the truely fanatical, there is also the "Rivan Codex" which contains the research texts and histories.... While Eddings is not master craftsman like Tolkein, (though his worlds are in many aspects as complex) he is a solid and comfortable writer, humourous, endearing, and ultimately, in his own way, quite original. You either Love him or hate him.
Rating:  Summary: Quite the recipe for a fantastic series Review: I highly recommend this series to any reader of fantasy fiction. The character development in this series is excellent, and the only reason that I gave this series a 4 out of five is because the following series by Eddings all derive from the very same formula of characters and writing. Which dilutes the charm and uniqueness of this series. Eddings spends a lot of time developing the individual characters, and endearing each one to the reader. His following series also use this approach, but pretty much blatently steal/copy the character types, just using different names for each type. You have the novice, the mother, the trickster, the knight and the theif. Enjoy this series, and then be prepared to read the same formula's in his following series. Bottom line? The series is a classic and will always be close to my heart. I just wish that Eddings had another series with this quality, that didn't copy the formula so ridgidly/closely.
Rating:  Summary: Eddings could have made this good,but it came out cruddy. Review: The idea was good , it was just where he went with it that was the problem.When the adventure was just abou t getting somewhere , Eddings just had to make the questers go somwhere else ,somewhere that was pointless to go to .Eddings goal is not to make a story ,it's to give the reader a tour of his world.
Rating:  Summary: A World of Magic Review: I was introduced to the world of Garion and his friends when I was 13 years old. Now, 16 years later, I am still enthralled with all the books of this incredible series. I can almost guarantee that once you start these books you will quickly find yourself totally immersed in this world and characters. I find myself going back to them again and again when I am looking for a magical reading experience.
Rating:  Summary: There is something magical about The Belgariad.. Review: Of all the fantasy novels I have read, The Belgeriad is the only one that I can read over and over again, without getting bored. The story is the standard fare, and nothing ground breaking. It's the normal "Prophecy" story, that has an odd rather unique twist. The "Prophecy" is an actual living entity, and has a counterpart that is equally powerful and intelligent. This is one of the really great fantasy series of our generation.
Rating:  Summary: Perfect! Review: Eddings'Belgariad is excellent stuff by great author. Real classic. The characters are unbelievable, the plot-interesting, the world and magic-system - terrific and complicated. EDDINGS RULES!
Rating:  Summary: Tired and predictable Review: This series has the standard fantasy fare. Our protaganist is a poor farm boy who has no idea that the fate of the world, indeed the whole universe, rests on his shoulders. He gets caught up in a cataclysmic struggle between good warriors and sorcerers and evil ones and will ultimately prove the strongest of them all. The major problem with the story is not that the plot is a bit hackneyed (although it is). The problem is that Eddings has injected the characters with so much sardonic, self-mocking wit, that there is no heroism and very little suspense. Our hero is the standard "common-fellow-who-doesn't-realize-how-heroic-he-really-is." The most powerful sorcerer is basically a philandering thief but a sweet fellow. Even the gods (and we get to meet most of them) are just guys who glow. This series is a perfect example of what's been ailing the fantasy genre for the last several years. Very few fantasy authors are doing anything original or interesting these days. At least I can keep going back to Fritz Lieber, Roger Zelazny and R.A. Lafferty. Now those guys could write.
Rating:  Summary: GREATEST STORY OF ALL TIME Review: I loved the Belgariad and the Mallorean sagas, the characters were great the story was great and the writting was great, not once did I become bored throughout the story and by the time I had finished I wanted to begin again. Not since the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings have I enjoyed a fantasy book this much. However unlike the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings The Belgariad had characters I could really enjoy and connect with especialy Garion who has replaced Aragorn as my favorite fantasy heroe. I recomend this book to anyone who loves action, adventure, romance, and of cource magic.
Rating:  Summary: Praiseworthy Review: Edding's Belgariad and Mallorean series were to put it one way, long. After reading ten books (5 in the Bel. and 5 in the Mall.), I was getting just a little tired of Garion's adventures. However, David Eddings created an amazing fantasy world that was reminiscent of Tolkien's Middle Earth at times. There were a lot of lovable characters that will always stay with me though, such as Belgarath and Polgara. I would have to say that I enjoyed the Belgariad more than I did The Mallorean. That series just seemed to go on and on with no results until finally in the 5th and last book they rescue Garion and Ce'Nedra's son. Throughout all of the books however one feeling with me remained constant- I wish that Ce'Nedra and Garion's romance would have been more grown-up, intense and exciting. They always just seemed to have this puppy love, even when they were married and it was kinda annoying after awhile as I adore a good romance! I was like shouting "Tell her you love her, BE Passionate!" I don't mean sex, i just mean spice it up a little!! Also, after 10 books Garion was still so immature! I was like "Ok how old are you?", and while Ce'Nedra's temper tantrums were endearing, they got to be a little irritating after awhile. I loved the good vs. evil theme of course and the tale of Garion growing from a farm boy into a king. I would recommend these books to anyone who loves a good (if incredibly long) tale! Thank you David and Leigh Edding's for writing such great, involved stories!