Rating:  Summary: Please read this novel Review: This is probable one of the best Star Wars novels written since the last Zahn book. Anakin is perfecly done, and a vision is givin about his role in the future, that he will be the focal point of the war, and that his actions will either save the galaxy or send it into a darkness not seen since the Sith were originally defeated. I will be interested in finding out how Anakin turns out, either a light side force or a sith lord. I will be one of the first to buy the next installment in the series.
Rating:  Summary: Finally! Review: Finally, a really excellent book. I was starting to lose some faith in the New Jedi Order series. After reading James Luceno's books, I was incredably disappointed. not a good story line or good dialogue. "Balance Point" was better, but it didn't quite capture my intrest as well as this did. I haven't had such a good read since Timothy Zahn's "Vision of the Future". It was very interesting learning about previous unknowns, like the Shapers and the Shamed Ones. Anakin Solo is one of my favorite characters, and it was good to finally read something about him. The story line was captivating, and the dialogue incredable. I greatly look foreward to the second installment of this duology.
Rating:  Summary: This book takes the lead in the New Jedi Order Review: While Keye's written style is unformal, it flows well, and is my favorite NJO book so far, and my second favorite Star Wars book (I, Jedi being the first) While this is defineately an Anakin book, Keye's writes Luke as a secondary character better than many have written him as a primary character. Finally we see the reason he's the Master. He's got plans within plans within plans, but unlike similiar characters from novels like, shall we say, 'Dune', he still shows a caring an emotional depth. And his confrontation with Borsk Fey'lya (the power-hungry and corrupt chief of state) was one I've been waiting for for a long time. But enough about Luke... this isn't his novel. Anakin's a character that has annoyed me thus far in the NJO. I enjoyed his character in the Correllian Trilogy, but thus far his NJO persona has been arrogant and headstrong. Keye's takes the character through an emotional journey in Conquest, and introduces characters from JJK, which I hadn't read, though Tahiri, his best friend who he'll partner with in 'Rebirth' might convince me to. I enjoyed the character enough that I hope she gets her own NJO novel. I won't ruin the novel for you, but one scene which I found most enjoyable (and very reminisient of a similar one in I, Jedi) Anakin's lightsaber was damaged in his travel across Yavin IV. Having few options, he must use a crystal bioengineered by the Yuzzen Vong to repair it. Existing outside the Force, it at first refuses to meld with the rest of the blade, until he has a startling revelation concerning a deeper truth. the result of which allows him to sense the Vong to an extent using something equivilant, though less focused to the Force. What is done to Tahiri is horrific, much less graphic than the decapitations, etc. of the previous NJO books, but having a much greater emotional impact. And doubt of the Yuzzen Vong religion is revealed. Pick this book up today!
Rating:  Summary: Finally . . . the NJO has HOPE Review: Greg Keyes has written an engrossing and entertaining tale in the ongoing New Jedi Order series. If it weren't for the overall weaknesses of the story-line that this book continues to perpetuate, I would have given it 5 stars. While 'Conquest' comes no where near the eloquence of Timothy Zahn, it is a more than worthy addition to the NJO as far as the mediocrity of the series goes. The first chapter had so much potential! Alas, an actual debate between Luke and Kyp regarding their views on the role of the Jedi was not to be presented; yet again, the opportunity to actually flesh-out these philisophical differences and give Kyp Durron some needed character development has slipped by. At least this work isn't as episodic as 'Balance Point' was. It flows logically that the Vong would have attacked Yavin sooner or later, especially once there weren't enough Jedi left to keep Yavin 4 cloaked; this is what occurs in 'Conquest.' This book centers upon Anakin Solo, and it is refreshing to actually have a likeable Solo kid. He isn't an arrogant, pacifistic dolt like his brother, nor a snob like his sister. He is like the Luke Skywalker of old, before the dark times; before the powers-that-be which developed the NJO turned Luke into a pacifistic whimp. It was nice to see Anakin is actually willing to do something to stop the Vong. There's finally a Solo kid I can like. What makes this book so optimistic? First, Anakin discovers a new caste of Vong--the 'Shamed Ones;" the tell Anakin some interesting things about Vong culture that will be of great benefit to the war effort. The Vong are not as unified as we have been previously lead to believe--dissent exists within their ranks. We're also introduced to the Shaper caste and their efforts to essentially brain-wash a young Jedi and make her serve the Vong by implanting her with Vong memories.
Rating:  Summary: Still Going Strong Review: Another fine read. Keyes hits home with the deep look at Anakin. Although unlike the other books, Luke seems to be coming around, finally. I wanted to reach into the pages and choke him at points in the other books, especially when Stackpole writes him. Stackpole always writes Luke out to be a sissy, afraid to use his powers. Even though he doesn't get into the thick of this book, you can tell from his stance against Fel'ya that his paitence is wearing thin. Anakin on the other hand is as headstrong as ever, and I'm afraid that he is walking to close to the darkside. We may come to see as the prequals are being released that he may be mirroring his namesake in actions and thoughts more than he knows. We also get deeper view than ever at the way the Vong thing and exactly why they do as they do. And the greatest revealment yet, I won't spoil it though, but I'll say that there are individuals within the Vong war machine that are just that...individuals. As far as the Galaxy as a whole, every book in the series keeps leaning towards the ultimate end that this may be the last series of books written in the Star Wars Universe as we know it. With the Vong in front, behind, to the left, to the right, and even embedded deep within the New Republic, one things for sure....they won't be able to get away when the Jedi decide to engage them. With the New Republic on the verge of yet another civil war, and the Imperial Remnant holding their own, can the galaxy survive the plague that is the Yuuzhan Vong? I know I will continue to shell out money to find out.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderfull Review: Hello, For the longest time I had wondered what had happened to the Character Tahiri. We had seen little of her since the Junior Jedi Series came out. She is back in this novel. There is a wonderfull change to the previous novels in that the graphic nature and tone present in the previous novels in this series is almost completely gone. Instead we get a full picture of the thoughts and feeling of Anakin Solo, and his role in the ongoing war with the Yuuzhan Vong.
Rating:  Summary: Edge of Victory I: Conquest (Star Wars: New Jedi Order) Review: I bought this book today and devoured it this afternoon. I have read all of the books in this series and this one seems to me to be the most fun of all of them. Anakin is at his best and is continuing to mature along the lines that Mara Jade Skywalker encouraged him in earlier books. In this installment, he rediscovers his connection to Tahiri that he left behind when he became a Jedi Knight--and is stronger for it. The ending also presents some of the first hopeful signs that all may not be lost in the battle against the Yuuzhan Vong. All in all, a most enjoyable book.
Rating:  Summary: Well done and interesting..... Review: Overall the book was well made and I enjoyed the small twists and turns throughout the plot. Some things didn't connect in my mind at 3 A.M., though a second reading of the book should clarify them. I enjoyed the re-introduction of Qorl and the interesting gem that Anakin finds to repair his lightsaber with. One problem I found with the whole book is that I felt lost when they talked about background information in the Anakin/Tahiri relationship as I have not read the Junior Jedi Knight books.
Rating:  Summary: A thrilling new Star Wars book centering on Anakin Solo. Review: The Yuuzhan Vong invaders have devastated many planets and slaughtered countless innocents. Now Warmaster Tsavong Lah has demanded the heads of all the Jedi. So desperate for survival that they are willing to believe anything, the people of the galaxy are ready to deliver into Yuuzhan Vong hands the Jedi, who have become scapegoats. None are more willing to hand over the Jedi than the Peace Brigade. Sixteen-year-old Anakin Solo is strong in the Force, strong enough to be a powerful Jedi. But he is also headstrong and impatient. When he and his older brother and sister come to the conclusion that the Jedi Academy may be a target of the Peace Brigade, he defies orders and leaves for Yavin IV. He especially fears for Tahiri, his best friend from childhood, who is currently at the Academy. He lands on Yavin IV to find a Peace Brigade fleet in the system and Yuuzhan Vong ships on the way. Anakin helps to hide the students and then plans to create a diversion and flee, but his plan is hindered by Tahiri and two other students, who stay behind against Anakin's orders. When Tahiri is captured and handed over to the Vong, Anakin fears for her life. But it's not Tahiri's life that's at risk, for the Yuuzhan Vong have a horrifying plan for her - to make her one of their own. This was a thrilling addition to the New Jedi Order series that I reccomend to all Star Wars fans.
Rating:  Summary: It's a great book! Review: This is one of the best Star Wars books that I have read! Keyes is really good at making characters come alive and can incorperate them into a book with skill. The book it self is excellent! The fact that Keyes was able to put in religious beliefs in the Yuuzhan Vong was really cool, as well as some good Yuuzhan Vong.It was also good to see that a character that had disappered was back and in action at the end. Again, a really good read.