Rating:  Summary: Secrets of Amenti Review: Anna Hayes gets down to business. Impressive and ambitious in its scope, Anna lays out the whole story of Earth History and its potential futures in narrative timeline. Included also are detailed schedules of coming events. Her perspective is dimensionally top-down and she addresses most all the critical events and relevant issues of Earth from 550 mya to 2012. Its volumes of information artfully compressed into 300 pages. Weaved through the facts emerges a compelling inspirational story, the story we have written for ourselves and have all to do with the endings and the new beginnings.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent presentation of contact with benevolent species. Review: Anna Hayes is yet another contactee sharing ET knowledge, agenda and connectedness with a human life form. There are many "ET" visitors who are working with individuals to open humanity to understand its role in the intergalactic commmunity. While Anna's experiences and presentation come from just one of many species contacting humans, she is right on target with the general information and the specifics of the species she is dealing with. She is articulate and presents the material with great professional skills. It is informative, delightful, entertaining and I highly recommend it. Remembering to read other contact material as well..."Extraterretrial Contact" by Dr. Steven M. Greer is also highly recommended in your search for information on the "awakening" knowledge of our intergalactic connectedness and the contacts that have been made and the history of humanity. His research with military, government and civilian sightings and contacts is at last "the smoking gun" so many have been looking for. In light with the same "proof positive" is Zachary Sitchin's books which bring proof of humanity's origins. It is time humanity awakened to not only its origins, but the why and where of the purpose of creation. Anna Hayes, Steven Greer and Sitchin are among a vanguard of articulate individuals assisting in the awakening humanity. -Lori Cordini/Watana (another contactee)
Rating:  Summary: Excellent presentation of contact with benevolent species. Review: Anna Hayes is yet another contactee sharing ET knowledge, agenda and connectedness with a human life form. There are many "ET" visitors who are working with individuals to open humanity to understand its role in the intergalactic commmunity. While Anna's experiences and presentation come from just one of many species contacting humans, she is right on target with the general information and the specifics of the species she is dealing with. She is articulate and presents the material with great professional skills. It is informative, delightful, entertaining and I highly recommend it. Remembering to read other contact material as well..."Extraterretrial Contact" by Dr. Steven M. Greer is also highly recommended in your search for information on the "awakening" knowledge of our intergalactic connectedness and the contacts that have been made and the history of humanity. His research with military, government and civilian sightings and contacts is at last "the smoking gun" so many have been looking for. In light with the same "proof positive" is Zachary Sitchin's books which bring proof of humanity's origins. It is time humanity awakened to not only its origins, but the why and where of the purpose of creation. Anna Hayes, Steven Greer and Sitchin are among a vanguard of articulate individuals assisting in the awakening humanity. -Lori Cordini/Watana (another contactee)
Rating:  Summary: The Mechanics of Ascension Review: Anna Hayes' work is about ascension and transmutation that the Earth and human race will be going through during the next 17 years. In this marvelous series, Volume I and II, she conveys to us in detail how spirituality and science are basically the same thing. The mechanics of creation, multidimensionality, our DNA, cycles of the Earth, merkaba fields and mechanics, and how we are ultimately connected to and effected by the rest of the Universe and creation, is finally revealed in a book that provides answers to most of our questions. Anna Hayes' workshops, given periodically on the East Coast, delve deeper into information in the books, and go beyond, in an endless manifestation of knowledge that we have always hungered for. The ancient mysteries and their application to our lives today are revealed. For those who are open to the truth and wish to explore and expand their consciousness, and understand their connection to our Creator, these books will provide endless insight and satisfaction.
Rating:  Summary: Mass of confusing esoteric information & history Review: Ashayana Deane, previously writing under the name Anna Hayes and previously known as "Katie" has put together a history of Earth and compilation of extraterrestrial science and metaphysical ideas that appears impressive, though confusing at first look. The more I go through her materials the more they seem like propaganda for some secret society or ET faction - lots of potentially accurate details being used to carry a deception or manipulation into the reader's consciousness. There is an excessive focus on galactic politics and how they have played out in the conflicts over Earth. The Keylontic science stuff seems to have some validity, but in my opinion misses the deepest levels of reality and healing - consciousness and spiritual awareness/integration. Aliens with holographic technology who can interdimensionally abduct people and create artificial reality and illusions seem like control freaks [regardless of whether they believe they are acting for someone else's good] who need to learn to be in harmony with creative flow and basic spiritual principles. With all the ETs and entities who claim they wish to help humanity against the "dark" powers, why do they just communicate with a small sample of people instead of offering their help to the general population? I strongly encourage a read of the Matrix 5 books by Valerian for those who are prepared to explore this further. This author of the Voyagers books seems to be caught in the midst of a galactic/global power struggle among beings preoccupied with shaping this space-time reality to their liking. This is certainly interesting stuff and better than most ET contactee materials, but I would not accept the contents at face value. There are certainly some useful ideas about personal empowerment in this book, yet these are accompanied by ritualistic belief systems of a more subtle nature that may keep you from exploring your true self more fully.
Rating:  Summary: Mass of confusing esoteric information & history Review: Ashayana Deane, previously writing under the name Anna Hayes and previously known as "Katie" has put together a history of Earth and compilation of extraterrestrial science and metaphysical ideas that appears impressive, though confusing at first look. The more I go through her materials the more they seem like propaganda for some secret society or ET faction - lots of potentially accurate details being used to carry a deception or manipulation into the reader's consciousness. There is an excessive focus on galactic politics and how they have played out in the conflicts over Earth. The Keylontic science stuff seems to have some validity, but in my opinion misses the deepest levels of reality and healing - consciousness and spiritual awareness/integration. Aliens with holographic technology who can interdimensionally abduct people and create artificial reality and illusions seem like control freaks [regardless of whether they believe they are acting for someone else's good] who need to learn to be in harmony with creative flow and basic spiritual principles. With all the ETs and entities who claim they wish to help humanity against the "dark" powers, why do they just communicate with a small sample of people instead of offering their help to the general population? I strongly encourage a read of the Matrix 5 books by Valerian for those who are prepared to explore this further. This author of the Voyagers books seems to be caught in the midst of a galactic/global power struggle among beings preoccupied with shaping this space-time reality to their liking. This is certainly interesting stuff and better than most ET contactee materials, but I would not accept the contents at face value. There are certainly some useful ideas about personal empowerment in this book, yet these are accompanied by ritualistic belief systems of a more subtle nature that may keep you from exploring your true self more fully.
Rating:  Summary: More important than the bible Review: Ashyana's work of the translation of CDT plates begins with the history of earth, and ancient civilizations up to the present, including information on the 9/11 attacks (as well as continuing terrorist activity). As someone now practicing this "keylontic science", I can only say that it has been the most beneficial for mental health, as well as physical health. Anyone who hasn't read this book, is missing out. But maybe it's not for everyone. I believe that you must approach this book with an open mind, as the information contained within will startle you. I found this book by accident after asking the universe, and my higher self "for help". It truly has been a joy reading, and understanding it.
Rating:  Summary: Barely readable, I wonder about it all ... Review: I purchased this book after hearing Anna Hayes (now Ashayana Deane) speak in Florida. At the time, I wished my husband -- a clinical psychologist --had been with me. She was extremely engaging, but very paranoid. She said the dark aliens were messing with her husband's mind (Gruber) and he was in the hospital, in a mental ward. Still, I bought her book and found it barely comprehensible. I've been a student of metaphysics for over 25 years and am fairly up on physics and reasonably intelligent (Phi Beta Kappa) yet, the book -- especially at the end-- is barely intelligible. Then, later, I see she's remarried and changed her name. Whether her husband ever got out of the mental ward and changed his name, or this is a new guy, I don't know. Later, I saw she's doing seminars on Indigo Children, a take-off on work done by Nance Anne Tappe 20+ years ago. I don't know the content of Anna's seminars, but doubt they add much to original work. Let's just say my own information is that there is considerable "Astral mischief" going on at the present time and I wonder if Anna/Ashayana -- like her former husband, Gruber-- may not be the victim of some of those same mischievious forces. Anyone wanting the REAL lowdown on what's going on should read the works (or watch the videos) of Dr. David R. Hawkins.
Rating:  Summary: Truthfull Material Supports More Religion Review: If you are looking for advanced information about the Alien agenda, about the political dramas of the Illuminati, and the truth about various New Age factions of knowledge, this is definently an essential book. I agree with the reader who said "more important than the bible",indeed it is, it is going to get your consciousness farther away from one religion yet closer to another. Regardless, it is "healthier" than the bible....lol If you are looking for advanced information about the Matrix, about reality, and how to free your Self from the construct, this book is but another wishy-washy New Age-supporting tool of disempowerment. However if you read New Age texts,the Merkabah material, the David Icke etc. if you read the Bible, the Quran, the Dhammapada, or you believe in Ken Wilbers perrenial philosophy, transpersonal psychology, yoga, or any other external worldly system disempowering authentic transcendence, this book is a good land mark for freeing some of your mind. What this book posits concerning the alien races and the illuminati is true (true because Anna Hayes a.k.a Ashayana Deane is an illuminised "agent of change", student of J.J Hutak who is releasing the information Hurtak discovered beneath the Sphinx, segments of the Halls of Amentai, as well as knowledge stolen from genuine remote viewers), but then it goes to show: what it suports shifts backwards in evolution and fortifies the old-age/new-age methods of ascension with such vagueness. Such concepts as the Chakras, the Merkabah spins, the sacred geometry, and all that stuff which corelates to Mid-Eastern and Eastern dogmas and the religions of Atlantis and Lemuria. Even the Atlantean Pylon Implant Networks she describes are fictitious, and a front for covering up the real scalar system. And what is the real scalar system?: Operation Bluebeam of course. Operation Bluebeam is a technological project managed by NASA and programmed by the Knights Templar, it basically uses a truncated silicate crystal computing processor to transmit scalar waves that induce such archetypes in the channelers brain as the "blue flame" the "Merkabah" the "ascension" material and all these other new age, religious, revelatory, UFO-ET, and appocalyptic distractions. I myself would have assumed someone who had the advanced-level details on the alien protocall would have also an advanced system for freeing the Self from the Matrix that created it. But no, this material only does what I would expect a mainstream publication to do; it provides yet another ascension "program" that is unoriginal, and not even valid on a philosophical or scientific level of intelligence. The information is a few steps ahead of other mainstream publications but I would reccommend Val Valarians Matrix books before Voyagers. Also I would read Rupert Sheldrakes books on Morphic Resonance if you really want to know the mechanics behind morphogenetic fields. As for the hollographic illusion of reallity David Bohms Undivided Universe and the Implicate Order is a classic read. You also gotta know your molecular biology, your quantum mechanics, and your organic chemistry. For these I see no reason not to read Springer Verlags publication on Advanced Molecular Biology, Malcom Levits book on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance; Spin Dynamics, Michio Kakus textbook Superstrings and M-Theory and the textbook: Basic Neurochemistry by Siegel Agranoff. Oh and don't forgett your psychedelic experimentations (those are good methods to access deeper levels of your being), Terrence Mckennas descriptions of Dimethyl Triptamine, language, UFOs, ET's and Shammanism in the Archaic Revival. Also natural history, nature studies, paleontology and geology and to "know your planet first". From here I would read as much philosophy I could, and I don't mean that religious eastern stuff (although that's a fun way to waste time also), im talking about modern and postmodern theory: Heideggers History of the Concept of Time, Husserls phenomenology, Kant, Hegel, Kierkergaard, Freud, Jung, Wilber, Derrida, Gadamer. etc. And last (but probably first), if your going to enhance your Self-dynamics for freeing the Matrix, art techniques and art history are very important. In order to manifest a unique system of evolution that is going to communicate to your DNA sequences and protein architectures it must be optico-visual, and painting, airbrushing, drawing etc. are great ways to represent multidimensional structures of remotely sensed images. From here you should be able to develop your own absolute knowledge, your own transcendental methods and modes of being. Then none of those pesky holographic Matrix inserts they call "the Greys", the "Annunaki", the "Necromitons", "ZEA Agents" or even "the Guardian Alliance" should bother your psychical mind. One cool thing about the second edition of Voyagers II is it discusses what has happened to the sort of time-signatures of reality since the events of 9/11. Simillar things have been going on this planet for millions of years, such as the comet that wiped out the dinosaurs, theyre called chaotic catastrophies and they have the effect to the total re-indexing of time, past and future temporal vectors modified by perturbative scalars. All in all, ..............you gotta buy this book, it should excite you, it may shock you, it could even change your life . Just don't forgett we are living in a world of illusions, of novelties, and deceptions of power that we must be self-responsible for if we give our power away to a paradigm, a world-view, or an external source of information, then just like anything else we'll eventually have to hit the break lights, get your head checked, clear it, and continue the next cycle of evolution. The nature of chaos eventually founds order, and just like chaos, the Matrix eventually reaches that point of resonance where escape is inevitable. The Matrix is a construct for your thoughts, thoughts which imprison your consciousness. To know the construct is important for you cannot escape something if you are unaware you are in it. For the Matrix, you must be aware of yourself, to know thyself, and knowing this you will reallize from within yourself the path that will free your mind.
Rating:  Summary: The Guardian alliance struggle for our freedom. Review: The best, most informative account of our extraterrestrial origin and the dark agenda- A serious book.