Rating:  Summary: Execellent story, but you'll hate the end Review: I must say, Stackpole is one of the top three writers of Star Wars novels. There were several aspects of the book that I liked, such as his development of the Vong culture. Before, we didn't have a clue what made them tick, but now we know more about them as a people. As usual, the battles will keep you on the edge of your seat. One thing that I didn't like about the storyline is that the Vong seem easier to defeat. In Vector Prime, they were portrayed as a super-race that could beat the Jedi Knights. They were shown as a race in which the individual didn't care about his own political status, but only for the dominance of the galaxy. Now, they are no better than the bureaucrats of the New Republic. And they seen much easier to defeat in battle. The Jedi only lost a few in the last battle, and none in the first. One thing that I didn't expect was the way the story ended. You won't believe the way things turn out. I look forward to the release of Agents of Chaos 1: Hero's Trial this fall.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad, Not bad Review: ...Well anyway good storyline, although things were veryrushed. I liked the battles, which were very action packed. I dohowever hope to see Han Solo come out of his little shell and kick some Vong butt. I am also glad to see the Solo children getting into the thick of it. I hope the other books are a little bigger and just as action packed.
Rating:  Summary: I callfor a no confidence votein Borsk Feyly`s leadership Review: I demand leia back as the cheif of state, borsk is spliting the new republic you will see this in the last 50 or so pages if he stays cheif of state. this i predict. the fight seen between corran and that vong was cool but a little short. and in the last 50 pages he accepting to be the media scapgoat is very wrong the corellians will not stand for this their revenge will be strong corellians do things their own way. and ganner character has gottin much detter the lose of another good person is bad the solo kids now know the price of war. han solo should have a more important part no confidence borsk feyly.
Rating:  Summary: Teaching the Master what should be Review: This book has only three main problems that I see but none of them are horrible. First, cure or kill Mara, the 'weakness' is getting old. Second, I see an enemy manufacturing plant that is the size of a planet and is unguarded so I do nothing. Third, I thought Zahn had killed off the emperors hand and now it returns. However, its return means that the Republic can learn to travel beyond its limits and that Thrawn was right all the time. Does anybody seem to care? The book is incredibly exciting and makes you wonder what the Vong and the Republic can possibly do next. Further, it incorporates new genius for the future in both the Remanent and the Republic as well as the Chiss. Accompany this reading with 'Rogue Planet' and the living ships suddenly make much more sense. I also hope to see a new era of Dark Jedi come to a head to make the future more of a blur.
Rating:  Summary: A decent follow up to his best work yet. Review: Dark Tide 1 (Onslaught) was hands down Michael Stackpole's best work yet. Dark Tide II (Ruin) was only a so-so follow up to it. The writing style seemed to lose some of its fluidity since the earlier book in the series, and character introductions seemed a tad sloppy. Also, characters like Jaina Solo bothered me because the idea that a veteran pilot like her would have to go through the debate about the merits of using proton torpedoes against fighters was ludicrous. Despite the fact that the book is dedicated to Star Wars fans, I found that it also seemed written down to us in a manner that was condescending and borderline insulting. Simple devices and debates had to be gone over again in detail. Since this is a sequel, it would have been better if he had merely assumed that the people reading it had also read some of his earlier work (which at times he appeared to do, hence the lack of descriptions of ANY characters). I had almost grown to respect Stackpole for the changes he made in his writing since the X-Wing books, but now I see that too many of them from Onslaught were merely mistakes.
Rating:  Summary: Great Read...but dissapoints in some areas... Review: As usuall, Michael Stackpole does a great job in rendering characters and continues the fluent well written paragraphs that Star Wars fans are accustomed to. There is nothing wrong with the plot - you probably won't put this book down until you finished it (or get too tired!) The problem is the ending is not as uplifting as one would expect from reading Stackpole's earlier book, Dark Tide: Onslought. I would usually have no problem with this if Stackpole was to write the following book, but can I trust the next author to fix up a _lot_ of loose holes with "Hero's Trial"? If only Stackpole or Zahn were to finish the series, this would be among the greatest SW books ever...however, since this is not the case, we can only wait with a certain degree of trepidation for the next release.
Rating:  Summary: Another Stackpole hit Review: Despite the fact the New Jedi Order series started out with the weak, stop-gap "Vector Prime" written by an obvious SW outsider, Mike Stackpole delivers a 1-2 punch with his Dark Tide Duology. I enjoyed the first installment "Onslaught" but found the recently released "Ruin" to be even more satisfying. The abundance of action (of all types) moves the story along at a fast pace making it a quick, enjoyable read. The characters we all know were true to form as one would expect. Mr. Stackpole is a SW Expanded Universe veteran and it shows. Not only do we get to ride along with the folks from previous NJO books, some interesting if underused folks from the older Bantam Spectra novels make guest appearances and are sure to bring a smile to long-time fans. One thing I found disturbing about Ruin is that these new villains from outside the galaxy are brutal and vicious to a grotesque degree. George Lucas has kept Star Wars filled with lots of action which necessitates at least SOME violence but I think these sickening bad guys enjoy pain and torture a bit too much. The line between memorable bad guys imbued with evil thoughts and S&M is a delicate one and it seems to blur a bit in this latest episode of the ongoing saga. Unfortunately, "Ruin" is Mike Stackpole's last contribution to Star Wars literature ... at least for a while. I fear that without experienced people like himself having input, the Star Wars New Jedi Order series will slide into something very much unlike what we have come to expect in the past. So, pick up "Ruin" immediately and enjoy it. Another SW book of this caliber this is unlikely to come around again soon.
Rating:  Summary: On the 20th anniversary Of Empire, The Vong Strike back! Review: The Empire Strikes back is one of Fans favorite movies, as it takes the characters we loved from Star Wars, and in ways that forced them to grow and change, beat them up. Luke lost his innocence and his hand, Han was betrayed and Frozen, and the Rebellion was delt a serious defeat at Hoth. Dark Tide:Ruin draws on this formula to create a very powerful and actionpacked story, that socks it too the characters in a Galaxy Far Far Away. Ruin is a very accurate description, as there is a lot of destruction, on both sides. The LS makes some early victories, but find that the threat is much worse than they have seen before. The Vong are now breeding Humans into warriors, have built a warship that is equivelent in size to a Super Star Destroyer, and have the power to decimate an entire planet in just hours. It is not entirely hopeless however, as the Republic has new allies and stratagies against the Vong. Pelleaon and the Remnent help out, and Jagged Fel, son of Baron Fel arrives with a group of Chiss fighters to assist against the ruthless enemy. There are battles and thrills aplenty, with new characthers, and old ones fighting side by side. Anakin gets some more development to his character, as he comes to grips with his feelings about the death of Chewbacca. Jaina also grows a lot. I for one like books that make you care even more about the characters than you did, and Ruin accomplishes that. Also, one of the people I least expected to die, well, died. This level of care for characters, and genuine threat to the characters and their univere and cause has not been seen since Empire Strikes Back. This is a book that people will enjoy. Another welcome addition is a look at the Vong, their social structure, aims, desires, beliefs, things we have wanted to know for the past two novels are revealed at last. The only thing I did not like was the length, it could have used another 50 pages. I would however rather have a book that left you wanting more than one that overstayed its welcome (Tom Clancy *cough*). All together, a wonderful book that broadens the Star Wars Universe, and makes it a more enjoyable place for the fan. 4/5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: An apsiring effort from a top notch author Review: Before we go any further, let's get this straight. I love to read Stackpole's works in the Battletech or Star Wars universes. I am sorry to see him and his character Corran Horn depart. I hope the absence isn't too long. Once again we are thrust into the conflict with the Vong. Getting to learn who they are, what they believe, how they think, beginning to make them three dimensional characters. Unlike in earlier novels until Vector Prime, people die, people you get close too. This shows the truth that this is war and no one is safe. It also shows, that no matter how hard a hero tries, good intentions arent enough. Sometimes when you win, you lose. Han and Leia were missed, but I am glad to see a new generation taking up the fight, and new characters. The rebellion wasnt just Han, Leia, and Luke, and I am glad to see stories that begin to focus on others in this fight. A great book, come back to play soon Michael! (btw get on a new Battletech book in the meantime :))
Rating:  Summary: We'll just need to wait a bit longer Review: The book played perfectly with what is needed. The only small disapointment is the ending of the two book series. They did alot of work.. and yet it seems okay.... things just dont seem to be so happy as it should be at the end of a series. Im worried that the Vong are cutting too deeply into the Galaxy so soon into this 20-30 book new jedi order series. But over all the book did bring to the NJO series a lot of good things. IT brought the Imperial Remnant as an allie with the lovable Pelleon as its leader. It also gave us another look at the Chiss; Thrawns race. The book focused greatly along the path of Corran, or Stackpole's thought/Jedi child. I wish the ending of the book wasnt so harsh on such a great charactor. But with the departur of Stackpole being an author for Star Wars i like that no one else will be able to determine Corran's fate ( unless their gunna be jerkish about it ) ALL in all This book Kicked Butt, but will leave us hanging for the next book to come out in August. Lets just hope Yavin 4 or Coruscant doesnt melt/burn as fast as Ithor.