Rating:  Summary: Just Another Dog Fight Review: It would have been nice to have some character interaction, and emotions, not just more of the same.... shooting at the bad guys in space.
Rating:  Summary: Good, but don't buy it Review: Recovery is a pretty good Short Story( the only reason i didn't give 5 stars is because its to short) it intro's some characters who just kinda pop-up later in "Star by Star", and it also sets the tone for Han and Leia relationship later on. I say don't buy because you can get it for free in "Star by Star" (at least in Paperback) definetly worth reading, it only took me about 15 or 20 minutes to read it,
Rating:  Summary: The Microsoft Reader version is fixed Review: Recovery is a short book, 50 or 60 pages, that takes place after the novel Balance Point and the prologue of Conquest. It's an interesting story the serves to introduce many of the Jedi seen and referred to in Denning's novel Star by Star, and it also fills in several gaps in the storyline: We see Luke first conceiving of his "Great River" project. We see Han desperately rushing Leia to safety after the events of Balance Point, as well as their very well done reconciliation (don't expect a kiss, though). There are some fun space battles, some good intrigue, some treachery on the part of a certain Kuati senator. ALthough at first the Microsoft Reader version was missing chapter 6, it is now fixed. Overall a very good read, worth the price. Recommended.
Rating:  Summary: A fair transition Review: Star Wars Recovery is a tag-a-long for the book Star by Star, published by the same author, Troy Denning. It is a good e-book to read, but you will need to read several other books from the New Jedi Order Series to understand what is going on. The story takes place shortly after Balance Point, in which Leia is seriously wounded. Han takes her to Corellia, where she is admitted to a Bacta ward and is treated. Along the story, we meet a group of Barbels, all of whom are Jedi, that play a prominent role in Star by Star. This is a good introduction for the characters, because in SbS, they sort of appear. Also in the story is the Solos finding more about Viqi Shesh and her corruption and collaboration with the Yuuzahn Vong. Han and Leia piece together evidence, such as an assasination attempt, CorDuro shipping & their collaboration with the Vong, and Viqi's interest in finding the Solos. Denning throws some good fights in, when the Bacta ward is attacked and a cloud car chase.So, overall, a good read for Star Wars fans, and one that provides some backround information on everything that is going on. The only problems are factual, such as CorSec, which had been eliminated years before, replaced by another group, and the part when Han takes on his temporary co-pilot, which seemed a little too trusting on his part and is not like him.
Rating:  Summary: Printed in 'Star by Star' Paperback NJO9 Review: Thanks Goodness, it was reproduced in the Paperback edition of 'Star by Star' Paperback NJO9. The story, though nice, does not expand the Star Wars Universe any further, nor is it essential to the NJO plot at all. ATTENTION: The ebook file is so over-protected, you can't read it on another PC, nor read it again once your Windows has crashed, nor use it on a non-Windows System, not even print it to read it confortably somewhere else than machine it was downloaded from. I lost it all on the first system update. It should be definitely prohibited to sell anything under such conditions ! I only hope they will also add 'Ylesia' in print form! For I am sure never to buy an ebook again under such conditions!
Rating:  Summary: A short story that's worth the time and money Review: This is my first experience with Microsoft Reader. I thought it was great! I made the font larger, pulled a nice recliner over in front of the monitor, and had no trouble reading the story in one sitting. It's quite easy to work with, and the price was not really that expensive. Granted, you might be able to get much more story in most ebooks for the same money, but this was the only media that the story was available in. It was also a very fast way to acquire the story. The story takes some interesting turns and nicely brings some other plot lines back together. I liked the new Jedi characters that were introduced, and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with them in future installments of the overall story. A worthy effort on the part of Troy Denning, and most people who are still reading the Yuuzhan Vong stories by this point are likely to appreciate this part. And, if you've never tried an ebook, take a chance. You'll probably be pleasantly surprised.
Rating:  Summary: A short story that's worth the time and money Review: This is my first experience with Microsoft Reader. I thought it was great! I made the font larger, pulled a nice recliner over in front of the monitor, and had no trouble reading the story in one sitting. It's quite easy to work with, and the price was not really that expensive. Granted, you might be able to get much more story in most ebooks for the same money, but this was the only media that the story was available in. It was also a very fast way to acquire the story. The story takes some interesting turns and nicely brings some other plot lines back together. I liked the new Jedi characters that were introduced, and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with them in future installments of the overall story. A worthy effort on the part of Troy Denning, and most people who are still reading the Yuuzhan Vong stories by this point are likely to appreciate this part. And, if you've never tried an ebook, take a chance. You'll probably be pleasantly surprised.
Rating:  Summary: Great At Any Length Review: Troy Denning recently wrote one of what I believe to be amongst the finest of the Star Wars written saga with his book, "Star By Star". The novel was one of the lengthier works, and now with, "The New Jedi Order: Recovery", he has offered the second electronic only Star Wars book, in an excellent short story format. If you have not ventured into the realm of e-books, they are worthwhile. Before beginning you should read the differences between the readers offered by Microsoft and Adobe. Both systems are good, however they are different. I read this work with The Adobe Reader. At just about 100 pages, the work would seem to have a very short span with which to tell a tale of any real relevance to the overall events in The New Jedi Order Series. This does not read like a short story largely due to Troy Denning's skills, as well as his ability to include a great deal of new information that either completes or ties together a variety of issues. The events surrounding the reconciliation of Han and Leia are fully explored, and a certain Senator that hearkens back to the treacherous Palpatine begins getting pulled toward what hopefully will be her ignominious end. The Y. Vong make an appearance, a set of the most interesting Jedi Triplets is an integral part of the tale, and Han's Cousin appears once again to demonstrate that he is capable of lowering himself even further in the eyes of fans. The e-book is good fun, and well worth trying if you have yet to take the step.
Rating:  Summary: Judge a book by it's cover, indeed. Review: Well the book is very good and I'd like to see more Star Wars books e-published (at a REASONABLE cost), but I have a silly, yet serious quibble. The lovely cover art we see on Amazon is NOT the cover of the ebook. False advertising? Not really, but the publisher, while I praise them for entering the ebook foray at all, doesn't NEED take a sight-unseen purchase as an opportunity to advertise themselves rather than use the actual cover art. Of course you'll only find this stuff out when you've already paid for the item. If it's an issue for you, NOW you know. Otherwise enjoy the book and support appropriately priced ebooks.
Rating:  Summary: Partial book? Review: While I have enjoyed the New Jedi Order so far, I will never know if I like this one, as the Microsoft Reader version seems to be missing the entire 6th chapter, as well as the cover image. Hopefully the publisher will fix this and offer compensation so that we may enjoy the eBook.