Rating:  Summary: Could have been better Review: This book follows the basic plot that Dark Journey set out for it. The area it could have improved in further character development, esecially with Jaina, Jagged Fel and Kyp Durron. The healing process that Jaina would have to have gone through is not dealt with in this book very well, though the conversation she has with Leia near the end of the book is very well done. I found this book to be lacking the emotion that Dark Journey or Balance Point have shown. It does, however, explore the termoil that both Luke and Mara are going though. One of the things I did like about it was the human aspect of the pilots and their superiors. I also like the part about Jag and Wedge. But you will just have read it. I hope this was even a little bit helpful. Cheers!
Rating:  Summary: Another NJO, another author. A bit dissapointing. Review: This is the eleventh book in the New Jedi Order series, and the eighth author. With this series it is good to bring different view points into the story, but they prove to be inconsistent from book to book. Each time I read the next book in the series they get progressively more detached from the story, and the author tries to surpass the previous author. Rebel Dream starts out a bit awkward and hard to follow. It progresses to become a story about Jaina Solo once again and her pursuit of harassing the Yuzahn Vong using their trickster goddess of Yun-harla. The author builds up a story that strays and reappears a few pages later as if the author forgets how the characters are supposed to act according to the story. Luke and Mara Skywalker leave their young son in search of a dark presence on their conquered home world of Coruscant, believing this is the only way to truly protect their family. Han and Leia play the babysitters and shuttle displaced children back and forth, which seem to be there only duty in this new series when they are not grief-stricken over their losses. The best thing about this book is the development of General Wedge Antilles. He becomes an intricate to the story and it is good to see a non-mainstream character receive so much attention. Overall this book is disappointing and leaves more things unresolved than its predecessors. It seems as if this story is built up, in this short novel (305 pages), just so that readers will buy the next book in the series. Most of all I yearn for the days when Bantam published the Star Wars novels, before the creation of Lucas Books, when the authors were well known just at the mention of their name and the books were altogether of a higher quality and much longer in length.
Rating:  Summary: Totally Awsome Review: This was by far one of the best books in the New Jedi Order that I have read, and I have read all of them! I love the conversations and interactions between Jaina and her would-be-lovers, aka Kyp Jag and Zekk. I love the person she choose, though I won't tell you who it is! I will just say read the book and find out for yourself. The plot gets deeper and deeper, even to the point of sending Luke and Mara into the enemy stronghold on Courasaunt along with some voulenteers and Tahari. Aaron Alliston is an excellent writer and I commend him for his brilliant work in the star wars literature world. I can't wait for the next book!
Rating:  Summary: Much Better Review: This was one of the best NJO books yet. It had it all. Drama, Comedy, Suspence, Romance and oh yea great fight sceens. If you were upset or let down with dark journey give this one a try. Without spoiling everything the days of old are back. The old gang is back doing what it does best. Win the old fashion way and don't ask for permission. Jania is getting better and Kyp is thinking of the whole again. Corran is back and so is Jag. This is a must read.
Rating:  Summary: Aaron Allston maintains Troy Denning's star wars euphoria. Review: with Star by Star, Troy Denning brought back a state of Star Wars that we did not have since Vector Prime was luanched. While being a great series, the New Jedi Order changed Star Wars in many dynamic ways. In his book, Denning brings back characters Wedge Antilles and Garm Bel Iblis, and FINALLY gives the Republic some victories against the Vong. In Dark Journey, Elaine Cunningham stole his thunder. While being a great book, it took from the sense of awe acchieved. In Rebel Dream, Allston, veteran SW writer, brings back favorite character's with Wraith and Rogue squandron, and everyone's favorite capital ship : Lusankya. I don't want to give the book away, but it's excellent writing that any star wars fan should read.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Story! Well Written, but a little short! Review: There are two portions to this review, the overall review and the plot review. The first part is for everyone, the second part is only for those who want the story plot and details. Part 1: Overall this book is an excellent addition to the NJO series. Its a great turn around from the depressing NJO Dark Journey. Allston shows that his X-Wing books were no fluke. He has a firm grasp of the characters and the plotline. The darker tone of the previous books is lessened, and once again, the NJO series feels like Star Wars. The characters are still mythologically Star Wars, but like the movies, Allston has made them even more humanlike. He added the classic Star Wars wit and humor to the NJO series. The only major criticism I have of this book is that it is too short.Part 2 (PLot): Coruscant has fallen, Jaina Solo has slipped into the dark side but returned with Kyp Durron's help. Han Solo, Princess Leia and Mara Jade return to the center stage. Now Wedge Antilles shows why the New Republic generals are just as tactically sound as the Vong. He leads the New Republic to victory retaking a previously Vong held world. All the major characters return, as the Vong struggle to counter this sudden New Republic military competancy. Luke Skywalker, no longer content with actionless defense, receives visions of the dark side on Coruscant, and he goes to confront it accompanied by his wife some commandoes. There is also the possibility of rescue for Jacen although most believe he is dead. All in all a great story. Its short length and the absence of any information regarding Jacen are the only reasons for 4 not 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Where is the real Star Wars? Review: Star Wars Rebel Dreams is a continuation of the deterioration of the Star Wars universe. Having followed the Star Wars saga from the beginning, I have found the last few novels very disappointing. For me, Star Wars was a fantasy world of heroes and villains. A world where the villains may initially get the upper hand, but a world where we knew the heroes would always be victorious. Star Wars was an escape from reality, something that has become even more important to many in these trying times. The books were always fast moving and exciting to read. The heroes were almost super human in their abilities and their handling of adversity. All of this changed with the killing off of important characters in the recent series. Rebel Dreams goes even further by its change in writing style and its over humanization of its characters, almost to the point of not be able to recognize them. It's time to bring back the real Star Wars, the Star Wars of writers like Timothy Zahn, Barbara Hambly and Kathy Tyers. Perhaps this can be done in the last novel of this series by bringing the republic to the edge of defeat with no hope for survival. Then through the force, Luke could find a way to travel back in time, to before the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, giving him the opportunity to change the time line and save the New Republic. It has been used before and could make a very interesting way to close The New Jedi Order and restore the Star Wars universe.
Rating:  Summary: Finally, a little closure... Review: Allston does a pretty good job of gathering some loose ends from Dark Journey and Star By Star. The book is sometimes confusing- what exactly do they hope to accomplish with the "Goddess" ruse and what's with the new superweapon (which is only partially explained near the end of the book)? On a high note, a few new plots are introduced here that promise a little payback to the Vong. In any case, I was glad to see a few of the characters (1 in particular :-) ) relieved of at least SOME of their excessive emotional baggage. So far the series has been getting progressively darker and giving less and less hope for the great Star Wars galaxy. This book, while it does not exactly inspire large amounts of hope, at least provides break from the sad monotony of heart wrenching death and defeat. Definitely a needed respite after Star By Star. I definitely recommend the book, if for no other reason than to keep yourself from wallowing in the helpless despair induced by the last two books in the series.
Rating:  Summary: Finally, hope has returned.... Review: After the Vong have plundered and destroyed the Star Wars Universe, after having some of our favorite characters taken from us, and after much darkness this novel brings the light. I feel that this is the first book in the newest series to bring a lighter tone back to Star Wars, to salvage what we love about these characters, and bring back hope. This novel is very reminiscent of the rebellion during the original trilogy and when you read it, you will understand why. Wedge Antilles plays a very prominent role in the novel as does Luke and Jaina. Han and Leia have some heartwarming scenes. Look to this novel to resolve the issues circling Jaina, Kyp, and Jag (meaning the supposed love triangle). The jacket of the novel is a tad misleading, describing a mission Luke plans to take that would lead him back to Coruscant. In actuality, the mission does not begin until the last pages of the book and is to be continued in the following novel. All in all, I enjoyed the author's tone immensely. The novel flowed very well. In a nutshell, after reading this book, you are left with a feeling of relief, that finally the New Republic may have a chance against the Vong.
Rating:  Summary: This is a great book if... Review: you have been following the new jedi order. In and of itself, it is a good book, but you would probably just be lost as it contnues the NJO plotline. The best part of this book was the humor that really reminded me of the original Star Wars movies. Your old favorites play important roles and this was nice to see for a change. Jaina is in the book and so we get to see her plotline advanced (which was another nice change...a continued plot in consecutive books...on my!). Luke actually starts doing things, another good thing. Overall this was a great book that I just had to finish. Fortunately the next book comes out in May, and we won't have to wait that long.