Rating:  Summary: Stunning. Review: Many that have read this book have mixed reviews. Earlier someone posted Anakin's death was a canceling of the previous sacrifice that Chewbacca gave. I've read this book 2 times already and as I dig deeper into it I do see the Star Wars in it that many miss. The orginal trilogy happend in a dark time. Many characters did eventually die. I.E. Obi Wan in Ep IV and Qui Gon in Ep 1. We do know that the Jedi are exterminated by Palpatine from previous sources. History does repeat itself and much of what is happening can also be seen from the point of view this is what happens when your children go to war. What was Troy's motivation? Who knows you'll have to ask him but I'm seeing alot of people complain from etither side of the fence. This is a repeat of the "Dark Times" of the galaxy where each day can be your last to simply put it. Lets see what's came out of the NJO series up to present day. Jacen, Jaina and Anakin are now showing independence and leadership skills as young adults. With Anakin's death it throws a mix of realizm into it that shows latter especially in Rebel Dream. Skywalker now with a baby boy must look towards makeing the future safe not just for the galaxy but his own son. I personally LOVE the Vong's Religious Fantical approach to this war. And signs are starting to arise in the books that open up alot of plot points that can be exploited further down the line.
Rating:  Summary: The Series Still Dominate Review: I thought the book was very good. I have loved the new series with the new alien race. I was upset to find out that young Anikin Solo died but the series stills goes on. I have read every book and I am pre-ordering the next book in the series. I recomend everyone reads the series starting from book 1.
Rating:  Summary: STUPID!!!!!!!! Review: I don't even have to read this book to know that I don't want to. Troy Denning has ruined this for every potential Star Wars author and reader!! I think this has gone too far! There are four people in the SW universe that you CANNOT kill!! Anakin Solo, Luke Skywalker, Leia, and Han Solo!!! Chewbacca's death was much easier to handle than this because he at least led a full life and died the grand old age of about 200 something! THIS HAS GONE TOO FAR!! I thought Salvatore was bad for creating the Vong, but at least they can be incorporated into any potential books by potential writers like myself, as well as the original authors of SW!! I WANT THIS BOOK REPEALED!!! It is stupid, and does not need to exist. I'm sure Denning is a very good author, but he should not have killed off Anakin, because Anakin is an important character. Kill off Jacen, for all I care!!!! Or ..., kill off Mara Jade! That would be INTERESTING!!!! Leave Luke with Ben and have Mara Jade die!!! That would be better than killing off one of the most important characters in the book! I don't want to read the NJO books anymore because of this one. Without Anakin, it is USELESS!!
Rating:  Summary: STOP WHINING!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: I have to say, this book was disappointing, but..... STOP WHINING PEOPLE!!!! Personally, I liked having the YJK's back. I didn't like having HIM die, he was the hope for the future, but we need to get over it and keep reading. This book combined humor, action, excitement, tragedy, romance, and a keep-you-on-the-edge-of-your-seat plot. I think that a book needs to be well-balanced, and this was a great example of a well-balanced book. Above all, fellow Star Wars fans, remember this: don't give up on Star Wars because of one book. Keep reading, it has to get better.
Rating:  Summary: Upset but Moved Review: This book is written very well. I have to admit, tho, that it really upset me. The Star Wars series is really going to have to step up to replace what we lose in this book. I hope they are capable of this challenge. I'm trying to not give too much away so this is somewhat vague. I just feel the need to express my anger at some of the events in this particular book. I actually threw the book across the room and did not pick it up again for a week. On this note I feel it important to point out that no book has ever evoked such emotion in me. I have to say this is one of the most important "must read" books in the Vong era of Star Wars. The suspense, action and beautifully depicted use of the force are excellent and really set your imagination off and running. I don't think I'll ever forgive Troy Denning for doing what he did. What transpires in this book is worse thatn in Vector Prime. I'm sorry for the mixed review but it pretty much represents my feelings for this book. Troy would have gotten 5 stars for this book from me but he really ticked me off.
Rating:  Summary: edge of your seat suspense! Review: When I read this book, I was on a drive to the coast(no.I wasn't driving), and I just could'nt put it down! The suspense just keeps you on pins and needles, because you don't know what happens next. I gave this book 4 stars,even though it's really a 5 star book, but they went and killed off Anakin. In an earlier book, Master Ikrit told Anakin and Tahiri that they were stronger together than apart, which indicated to me that big things were in store for these two, as a couple. So I was really surprised and disapointed that they killed him.I thought "you can't kill Anakin!! He's the hero of the story!!!" But it is an excellent read, and shows how bad things can happen to good people.I know they cremated his body in "Dark Journey",but maybe they'll find a way to brinh him back. I highly recommend this book, and all the other New Jedi Order books as well.
Rating:  Summary: End of the best. Review: I thought that this book would be great because of the ones that came before it. But I was wrong. It was well written, but they killed off my second favorite character. That was really dumb. Why the heck did they do that? There was no reason behind it. The way I see it is they killed him just to get rid of him, just to make it seem like the galaxy had no hope of winning the war. But why not someone else? I'm not going to tell anyone not to read it but I wouldn't say that this book is the best, and neither will any of the ones that come after it.
Rating:  Summary: easy guys.... Review: so what if u-know-who died? sometimes bad things happen that we dont like, think is unfair, but it doesnt stop it from happening. thats life. live with it.
Rating:  Summary: I must disagree... Review: Yes I think that the death of the promising young character sad but I agree with them. They killed off Chewie to show that the invinsabilty was gone, then it comes back right after wards. Because of that i'm glad they killed someone else off but maybe not him, also his death sort of cancels out chewie's sacrifice since he died saving him. I find the fights great, and for the record if you think the motives of the Yuuzhan Vong just becuase they're bad your dead wrong, they're heavily religous and that is something that can be the strongest motive of all.
Rating:  Summary: Whatever. Review: Reading NJO books has become like a duty. It's something I do because I'm supposed to, in the hope it will get better. I keep being dissapointed, but i keep coming back like a fool. Then, there were two bright flashes, the Edge of Victory duology. So, I bought Star By Star. I haven't even finished it yet. I have reached the pivotal point where Anakin dies. Well, that was a waste. Didn't even let him kill Nom Amor. I am tired and just not thrilled anymore. Haven't been since the X-Wing books. Maliase. That's the word for what this series suffers now. For the record, I am sick, sick, sick of Senate scenes. I am sick of the way fleet battles are written. I am sick of refugees. I am sick of the repetitive emotional drama of the main characters. it has gotten way too old. Way too repetitive. There were some things I enjoyed in this. The war droids were enjoyable, and the Barabel jedi were entertaining. I ended up caring about them far more than the twins. I enjoyed the new tech, the new weapons, the yhuzan vong worldship, the dark jedi. In other words, I enjoyed the NEW elements. A few years back, there were short story anthologies published which dealt with entirely new characters, villians and planets. They were great. This is the solution. Ditch the main characters. Tell more stories in the golden age, the empire era. There was a whole universe of the Empire that wasn't explored. Give us new heroes and villians, who'se emotional makeup we haven't seen mapped in microscopic detail. Characters who can run and do things without worrying how the senate will react or if it will push them to the Dark Side. The reviews do indicate a general trend of the readership of the NJO series. A number of people I know feel the same. They won't show up in these reviews, but they will show up in the sales of books that won't walk out the door.