Rating:  Summary: Garbage Review: Troy Denning should be (I can't say it for fear my review will not be posted :( ). I will settle for him promising never to write another Star Wars Book EVER AGAIN. The stage was set for a series of fantastic stories that he breezed through without any respect for the hard work that laid the foundation for him to build on. Instead, he burned the house to the ground, inexcusable. The 600+ page monstrosity covered what real authors could have made 6 exceptional books from. His lack of knowledge and naivete regarding the Star Wars universe is evident throughout. How could they let this be published. It scares me that the publisher does not place more stock in the value of this franchise, certainly one who did would never let this book leave the editor's desk. Thank goodness for Aaron Allston who saves the New Jedi Order with the two most recent books. Elaine Cunningham's was horrible as well, but paled in comparison to Denning's fireplace fodder. If you were pained by these two books as much as I, you owe it to yourself to read Allston's two newest. The damage done can never be fixed but at least we can move on, knowing the series' integrity has been restored.
Rating:  Summary: Why do people bash this novel? Review: This has a MUCH more darker feel to it than "The Empire Strikes Back!" I know it's tragic but it pits the heroes against a worse possible situation.I know the death of Anakin Solo was very diswrought for some. In my opinion, he was a tragic character whose overwhelmingness led to him making a heroic sacrifice. It even got to me too. For optimal thrill, put in your Phantom Menace soundtrack CD and during some of it, listen to "Duel of the Fates." It gives you a feel for it. This did have some of a fun factor. Lando Calrissian introduces battle droids that actually have teeth to them, if you get what I mean, and if you're sick of Gungans, try the Noghri, viscious but good allies in the war. And don't forget the Yuuzhan Vong!! (puts Trade Federation to shame!). I hear there's a turning point in the Enemy Lines series in the NJO, though I'm reading them in order. This is an epic novel that shouldn't be missed. This series keeps you going for more. I have yet to purchase "Dark Journey," "Enemy Lines I: Rebel Stand," and "Enemy Lines 2: Rebel Dream." Another flawed character ultimately redeems himself through death as well. This series I must say is very disturbing. It makes you wonder how the Jedi can hold out in all of this. Hearing about Chewbacca's death in Vector Prime is enough to make ANYONE shiver!!!
Rating:  Summary: Horrible Review: It's obvious why this book is taking so long to get published in paperback. It's HORRIBLE. Writing is amateur at best, and the treatment of the major plot disappoints. If you must read this book, borrow it from someone you know. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there wondering why they spent hardcover-type dollars on trash like this.
Rating:  Summary: A long trip now a dark road Review: I always thought that Star Wars books were supposed to make you feel happy? This one leaves a sour taste in your mouth, but at the same time is very good in its own right. Mr. Denning has done a very good job here of cramming a lot of material into one novel, this "need for space" is preety much semless. However you may feel about this serise(New Jedi Order) you do not want to miss the last 20 pages. Overall=This book will back you feel happy and sad at the same time.
Rating:  Summary: A GREAT READ!!! Review: Summary Star By Star begins with the Solo children, Mara Jade, and Leia rescuing a group of Jedi off a captured space cruiser. The Yuuzhan Vong are behind the kidnapping, and set a trap for the Jedi. After the rescue party escapes, they travel back to Coursant where an attempt on Borsk' Fel'ya's life takes place. The NJO then receive a message from the Yuuzhan Vong stating that they will destroy a convoy of refugee ships if the Jedi aren't handed over to them immediately. The NJO then decide, against Luke's, Leia's and Han's advice, to capture a Yuuzhan Vong craft, and go and destroy the fleet flagship. Their plans go wrong, and many of the Jedi die. At that time, the Yuuzhan Vong are plotting to capture the Solo twins, and use them in a sacrifice to their gods. They also plot to kidnap Ben Jade, and hold him for ransom. The NJO Jedi fight the Yuuzhan Vong, and the kidnapping attempt on Ben is thwarted. The book finishes in a surprising way, and you have to read it to find out what it is. Props: This book was great, but not the best Star Wars book ever. Star by Star, I think, set the tone for the rest of the series. After the killing off of a main character (and I don't blame Denning for it. He had no choice.), I think the story was the book that set where the series was going after this book. The little over-protective parent part of Han and Leia, I think, gives those characters more depth. I know they were caring, but this makes them more human in my eyes. Now to the bad guys. The Yuuzhan Vong are the best enemies to come along in awhile. Thrawn was better, but these guys give him a run for his money. Ruthless and cunning, the Vong prove that they shouldn't be messed with. Their pet Jedi-Killers are also very cool. I think that the only comparison you could make with these people is they and the Uruk-Hai from Lord of The Rings. They both are big, mean, killing machines. Overall, a REALLY good book. ...
Rating:  Summary: if you love the series you cannot miss this one Review: the yuuzhan vong have gotten desperate. in an attempt to get the jedi to surrender, they have taken to killing ships with refugees on them. the jedi keep saying to themselves that they are not responsible for the lost of life, but it still haunts them. the yuuzhan have a new weapon that targets and kills jedi. when it is discovered that the animal is cloned from one queen, the young jedi decide to get themselves captured and kill the queen on the yuuzhan vong's worldship. the group of course includes jacen and jania, and anakin who is the leader of the group. once they get onto the ship it is non stop action and it is definitely one of the best of this particular series. your heart just stays in your mouth wondering what is going to happen next to our heroes and a word of caution that if you do not want to know what happened, there are at least 2 other paperbacks on the market that will ruin the surprise. i wanted to wait for the paperback version and read the other 2 which ruins the surprise ending. trust me when i say go get the book. i bought the hardcover used and was not disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Applause Review: A triumph, no less. Troy Denning has continued what he started in the D&D genre, truly engrossing books. You'll notice that this is one of thickest by far of the NJO series. But as Yoda once said "Judge me by my size do you? As well you should not!" This book is the epitomy of that. From the start I was taken in by the sheer empathy Denning brings to the reader. You WILL feel what the Jedi are going through. This book is undoubtedly where the cow pattie hits the fan. It's all come down to this sports fans. Action, emotion, thick plot; it has it all. Don't hesitate!
Rating:  Summary: What's the big problem? Review: Look, people, give Denning a break. IT WASN'T HIS CHOICE! Neither was Chewbacca back in Vector Prime. Neither did it for personal glory. Salvatore said in an interview that they told him AFTER he signed the contract. On to the story: The most sizable story in the New Jedi Order is also one of the most well-written. A fine balance is struck between the various plotlines. I can honestly say that this man's work is up to par with the best of what I've read in the Star Wars universe--though Stackpole, Allston, and Zahn occupy the uppermost levels. Yes, the dead one was one of the most significant. However, this serves to make the future events even more significant. How will the New Republic fare without this hero? We are beginning to see, and I, for one, can only wish the series would last much, much longer.
Rating:  Summary: Star by Star = Why O Why Review: In the last year I have started reading the New Jedi order Series, which I have enjoyed enormously since the first installment (Vector Prime) and the Yuuzhan Vong introduction. These books have captivated me, and Compelled me to read on hardly putting a book down once started. As with any series I have grown to have favorates within the stories, understanding and bonding with certain charters. However once I finished reading STAR BY STAR (Troy Denning). The Sense of loss and confusion was immense, I dont understand why after such a build up with a number of books, where he was a priciple character Anakin solo was killed off. He was the deepest Charator in the books by far in my eyes. There was a love interest with Tahiri the dark side in him, the unique aspects to his force control, the most interesting, deepest charator in any of the books as far back as the Corillian trilogy, The fact he harbored the sorrow and still blamed himself for the death of Chewbacca was another twist in his story creating a trully Great charater. Does the individual author have sole rights on what takes place in the book or is there a set script to follow that is layed out by a governing body? If this is the case, I would really apriciate an address or an email address so as I might write or Email Troy Denning and Congratulate him on a great book. but also ask some questions and reason why he felt Anakin Solo should pass away. I have read the terms and conditions and am aware that My Review will not make it because of the "Spoilers" However I had to air my view because I felt so strongly for this book. It was great (The BEST yet) but it still may have ruined the Series for me. Why should I feel upset at the end of a fiction novel, Thats for real life.
Rating:  Summary: Great book Review: Let me get a couple things off my chest first (someone else has pointed this out, but I'm going to do it again). Denning did NOT make the decision to kill off ------. He absolutely does NOT deserve any criticism WHATSOEVER about that. Dislike the decision, that's fine, but not the author saddled with the misfortune of having to include such a controversial death. Plus, the incident occured right at the end of the book. We have no way of knowing what long-term effects the death will have on those closest to the victim. That sort of thing would constitute character development (we already saw the beginnings of that in the initial response to the death), which, in my opinion, completely justifies the decision. Second, what's all this nonsense about the series going on with no end in sight? Check your calendars, 'cause we only got another year and a half of it. And you know what? That upsets me. I'm really enjoying the series, particularly the Yuuzhan Vong (at least, the main ones - the rest do seem a bit weak in terms of conception). Tsavong Lah is a great bad guy. I sincerely hope that the Yuuzhan Vong have some sort of continued presence after NJO concludes. Now the book itself...well, I can't say enough good things about it. It's well written, well paced, and generally extremely well done. The quality isn't quite up to that of Salvatore's, but I much preferred the plot in this one. The death? Well, honestly, I wasn't too fond of that character in the first place, and it seems like it definitely could open up the others for a bit of change. I don't really understand where all these complaints about "constantly killing off characters" are coming from - only two are gone (albeit, those two were fan favourites) and there's still a ton of good ones left. Other than that, the loss of a major planet was quite shocking, as was the death of a long time bad-guy-on-the-side-of-good that, while he had been asking for it for a while now, still upset me more than it should have. At least he took out a ... Vong with him. Yes, this book is dark. Yes, this book even gets a bit depressing. But this is the middle book in NJO, and as such, these things are to be expected. It is necessary to have an absolute low-point in an epic war story before things can get better, and this fits the bill quite nicely. I do agree that, post 9/11, we don't really need so much tragedy in our fiction, but the book was written before those events and the story couldn't really be changed much at that point without a complete overhaul of the work already being done for the four softcover follow-ups, which will describe how the various characters and factions deal with the pivotal events of Star by Star. The next hardcover, Destiny's Way, looks to be the first real up in the war for the New Republic and the Jedi. After that, expect things to continue to improve, for the most part, right up until Hardcover 5, where I suspect one more character will kick the bucket in a final blaze of glory that will remove the Vong as a major threat to galactic peace. What are the bets that it'll be Luke? :D