Rating:  Summary: An Incredible NJO Novel Review: I recently reread through the NJO series again in order to prepar for the next novel, and just as the first time, Star By Star stood out in my mind the brightest. Ive seen many people totally panning this novel for its use of dark themes and for killing a major character, but these people obviously arent understanding what this series is about. The New Jedi Order series was created in order to take the Star Wars series in a whole new direction. No longer do we have the old enemies coming back and creating anothe huge weapon only to be foiled by Luke and co. again. We have a new enemy, an incredibly powerful enemy, and this enemy IS winning. These are dark novels, they arent the happy novels like before. Everyone is not invulnerable, people do die, people do grieve, and people arent perfectly mentally stable. This is exactly what the Star Wars universe needed.I am a disappointed as any about Anakin dying, I had a lot of hope for the character, but how often do people in real life die at a convienient time? This was done masterfully by Denning, he created a very well written book. Besides, anyone who has truly understood the New Jedi Order up until now knows what I know and isnt completely in despair. If youre an idealist who only enjoys fairy tales with a happy ending, you wont enjoy this book. Its not supposed be for you. The whole NJO series isnt for you. If you have a deep love for the Star Wars universe though, and have a realist view upon the world, you should love this book as much as I have.
Rating:  Summary: NJO's TESB Review: This installment of the NJO series is the dramatic equivalent of THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK in the original trilogy. At the end of STAR BY STAR our heroes have taken heavy losses, are looking toward a dark future, and a few have managed to escape on the Millennium Falcon, just as at the end of TESB. This was quite understandable, and needful for the series; the heroes have to hit rock bottom and then claw their way back up to a victorious finish. I wouldn't worry too much about the demise of a particular character though; methinks the writers will come up with a way to bring that character back. I do share, however, the quibble some have with Denning's handling of space combat scenes. The master is undoubtedly Stackpole. As for the review by one Georgy Georgeson from Sweet Home, Alabama USA, I have just one question: What the sam hill was that all about?
Rating:  Summary: Book ONE in the Star Wars Hall of Shame Review: As a long time Star Wars fan I think that the part of this book where Anakin dies should never have been approved by George Lucas, or anyone else who authorizes the story lines. I also think that all of the authors who wrote later books should have objected to Anakin's demise loudly if they were consulted that it was going to happen and further not written anything about it into their books. Killing Anakin Solo was a BIG MISTAKE and the Star Wars Universe has undoubtedly lost a lot of fans because of it.
Rating:  Summary: What can I say? Review: What can I say about this book? I waited desperately for this book to come out in paperback, buying any of the ones that came after it consecutively but were published in paperback before it was, and shelving them because there was no way I was reading them out of order. And I was finally able to purchase the book and I think I ran through it in about a week - and not because it was bad - but because I DIDN'T WANT TO PUT IT DOWN. Many of you already know that someone dies, but I refuse to say who for those of you who may not know. I found out someone died long before I got my hands on the book and I was in suspense the entire way to find out who it was. In the back of my mind I kept thinking about who it could be and why they would kill the character off and I became so engrossed in the book that when it happened I literally started crying. I'm a Star Wars freak, and now I know just how big of a freak I am. I admit that some of Denning's battle sequences leave much to be desired. They are confusing in many places, though I admit I usually breeze through the battle sequences in any book, keeping half a mind on who lives and dies as the other half vaguely struggles to comprehend why, if you have skips coming at you from all sides, you can't just jump into hyperspace down below you. . . . And yes, some of those side plots could have been put to better use. The book really should have been made into a trilogy - three 300 page books giving depth to some of the side plots we wanted to see. Anakin and Tahiri. Jacen and Tenel Ka. Han and Leia even, now that they are finding their way back to each other. And I REALLY wish there had been a scene between Han and Anakin (with Leia, Jacen, and Jaina) before the young Jedi left on their mission where they became a family again, or at least said the right things to start them on the path. Would have made what happened in the book that much more poignant. But read it. And don't stop reading NJO just because you don't like the way Denning tackled his assignment. Whether you read them or not Luke, Leia, and the rest of the gang are still out there. And to the one person who I saw who also mentioned this, and thank you for mentioning it because it's been preying on my mind too - YES. THERE WAS A VERGERE IN ROGUE PLANET, SHE WAS A JEDI, ANAKIN (the first one) WAS SEARCHING FOR HER WITH OBI-WAN, AND SHE DID DISAPPEAR MYSTERIOULY WITH A NEW SPECIES AND GOT THEM TO LEAVE THE GALAXY WITH HER. That's one of the reasons I'm still going to read the series - I desperately want to know what the link is between all that.
Rating:  Summary: Don't read it Review: Don't read it. The book wasn't bad up until the point Anakin dies. I have no intrest in even finishing the book or reading the rest of the NJO series.
Rating:  Summary: Difficult, Depressing, Heart-wreching episode Review: I can definitely say that I'm not surprised that "Star by Star" is equal with "Vector Prime" as the lowest customer-rated book of the New Jedi Order series. It is the darkest and most difficult read since "Vector Prime". In fact, in many ways, it's even darker. In "...Prime", even with the heartbreak of Chewbacca's death, there was still some feeling of hope provided by a dramatic victory over the Praetorite Vong (the politically-driven arm of the evil Yuuzhan Vong invasion species). In "Star by Star", there is another shocking and jarring death of a major character (who I will not reveal here) that occurs midway through the book and casts a dark shadow on the rest of the events in this story. This time there is no type of victory at the end to provide hope for the future. It's quite understandable how this book would upset longtime Star Wars fans, and even make them downright angry. It made me feel the same way when I read it. However, after stepping back and thinking about it, it becomes clear that this was an extremely well written story and the dark elements are right in keeping with the intended tone of the entire New Jedi Order series. Still, this story is not for the easily upset.
"Star by Star", while it continues to deal with the on-going chess match between the New Republic and Yuuzhan Vong, it focuses primarily on aggressive moves by each side designed to bring the other side closer to defeat. The Vong have discovered beast (called 'voxyn') that detect the Force and are unremittingly violent in attacking their prey. This proves to be a valuable weapon in the Vong's determination to wipe out the Jedi. This is also part of the plan to remove the Jedi as an obstacle as the Vong begin their assault on the New Republic central world of Coruscant. In turn, the Jedi plan a covert assault deep inside Vong territory, using the Jedi children, to destroy the voxyn queen and eliminate that threat. It leads to some of the most compelling and dramatic narrative in the entire NJO series. I dare not reveal any more. Even though the book, itself, exceeds 600 pages, the writing flows well and there are several dramatic plot developments and twists that will leave the reader in shock and rushing from page to page to see the next turn of events. It's a worthy read and a necessity for all Star Wars fans.
Rating:  Summary: MILK!!!!!!! Review: This trilogy.Installment of Star Wars. LORE!!!!. I thought Han made an excellent need to use a superweapon. Try to resurrect the empire. Which seems to be the normal fare for most SW novels? Han and Chewie's adventures on Kessel=quite, as were the moments. The Jedi trainees was also read. Anderson did make them all too similar or worshipful of Luke: the subplots were too. Especially the wedding between Furgan and Mon Mothma, and what schemes he hatches. I enjoyed Ackbar, he suffers!!! The part involving Anakin and Winter and their sanctuary: on Anoth is. The only problem I had was the books. That actual academy didn't seem to get it much. I really wanted to find out history and the they train to use. I wanted to like!... Admiral Daala is just could not get in her. I recommend getting this "collection" so you are to keep through the story without. The second in third novels spend some(sometimes way too much time) previous one. It is however. Minor irritation = should not infringe. Too much enjoyment. The writings: one of the Star Wars novelists, Kevin J. Anderson...!
Rating:  Summary: The BEST NJO Review: of all the NJO's, this one is definetly my favorite. it covers more storyline than any of the others, and it has a GOOD story to tell. and for all you action lovers out there, (including me) this is the book for you. in it we get to see what die-hard Jedi combat is really like, when a small group of them take on hundreds of Vong. but I won't give too many details at the risk of spoiler :-) and as far as characters go, we find the kind of depth in them that we havent seen since Stackpole stopped writing. and last, but certainly not least, it adds a big piece to the puzzle that all the NJO's have been working towards: an understanding of the Yuuzhan Vong. read all of the NJO's, but if you only own one, make it Star by Star
Rating:  Summary: Amazingly dramatic Review: Star by Star is by far one of the best books I have ever read. The action scenes are incredible and you really feel for the characters. I almost came to tears in some parts. Others I would gasp aloud. This book is amazing!
Rating:  Summary: Why is every body always picken' on me? Review: "The Woods are Crowded." The family must sell their cozy and move away. They travel in a cover with their watch. Jake running behind. After some days eating only meat and ma. Anikan came into a large prairie, build a nice log stable. Horses, soon discover that they are camping. Will Han smoke tobacco? Will they eat corn-bread? To find out. Read little! I recommend book. It is about life. Wild holds many! I enjoyed when they thought he had drowned.