Rating:  Summary: Okay what happened to this series Review: First of I've read all of the Jedi Knights Series and I really liked them. So when they said a new saga in the Star Wars Galaxy was coming out of course I was thrilled. The first book was good, Chewie death was a great honor to the character if you ask me. I mean when it takes an entire moon crashing into the planet you're on in order to kill you hey you must have been a somebody in the Star Wars Universe. Anywho, the next couple of books were okay, but this one. The dude killed everybody in the whole friggin' book what the HELL?? What, did he run out of ideas or something. Okay I can see killing off some of the characters from the Jedi Knights books, but not every single main character after the other authers have just finished molding them back together. And then Jaina going over to the dark side. Not only did I have to stop in the middle of the book because it was so boring (this coming from a guy who read "A Tale of Two Cities" the most boring book in the world), but I also had to stop reading for a while cause this book got me pissed off. The only reason I'd give it a 2 is because there aren't many if any grammatical errors in it.
Rating:  Summary: Be careful what you read Review: This a earth shaking book. I believe all of the outrage that has been poured out in the other reviews should compliment the author(although alot of people unfortunately spoiled the book by giving away what happens.) I will be the first to admit that about 3/4 of the way through the book, I got really pissed off. The author built up such an emotional bond and empathy for the characters in me, that when bad things started happening, I really got mad. This book is worth reading even if you are just starting to read the New Jedi Order series as it does a pretty good job going over the backstory and bringing newcomers up to date. It also is the book that will change the face of Star Wars: NJO. If you want a book full of surprises and twists read this one, just be prepared to get a little angry.
Rating:  Summary: Horrible. Just plain Horrible. Review: Well, Chewwie died in the first book. I could take that. Then things begin to look up. Ah, Anakin Solo is going to get us out of the Vong wars. So, I picked up this book expecting Anakin to lead his striketeam to victory. Well everything is going well. But suddenly I am reading and Anakin dies. So I re read it. I was sure I was mistaken. Afterall, a good writer like Troy Denning would never kill the hero. I read the sentence again. Holy Smokes! I was right. He died. Besides that a bunch of minor Jedi die, and Jacen is captured. But I can not say what I really think. Last time I went so overboard bashing Troy Denning that it was never published. But I will say that if you this: if you read New Jedi Order you have to read this. It is very eventful in the series. But not eventful in a good way.
Rating:  Summary: Picking up steam Review: Coruscant falls. The Jedi ranks dwindle in numbers. The Yuuzhan Vong establish a firm foothold in the center of the galaxy. It is the end of the New Republic and the beginning of a journey that will return the likes of Han, Leia, Wedge, Luke, and the rest to what they once were: Rebels."Star by Star" is a dark novel, but it is also the most well-written piece of Star Wars fiction to come down the pipe since Timothy Zahn introduced Thrawn. By reintroducing characters like Garm Bel Iblis and Vergere, the stage is set for some interesting bits of characterization. We begin to see the stirrings of the Dark Side in Jaina, Jacen starts to understand the role he may play in the future, and Anakin...well, Anakin certainly saves the day for the Jedi, if not the galaxy. The characterization is wonderful, and the plot moves at a quickened pace. For a book this size, it is surprisingly easy to finish. I enjoyed seeing Lando and his new army of droids and their ironic appearance and style as well as (finally) the unveiling of Viqi Shesh as the traitor she is (that is, the characters finally learn she's a collaborator, though the signs haven't exactly been subtle). The voxyn were also a unique creation, and I expect we'll see a few more pop up here and there--maybe. With all the talk about the "big death" and the subsequent complaints, one thing readers are overlooking is Borsk Fey'lya's final sacrifice. Having denounced the Jedi in the past, he dies a hero, taking out a sizeable portion of Coruscant and Yuuzhan Vong as well. Don't let all the negative reviews turn you away from "Star by Star;" if anything, the "big death" gives incentive to the major characters to finally go on the offensive instead of cooling their heels and letting the galaxy be chipped away from them due to galaxywide collaboration. Yes, it was dark. Yes, there is another "tragic" death, but it serves a point: no one, not even the Jedi, can escape the darkness the Yuuzhan Vong have brought to their galaxy. This is a must-read, even for those of you who haven't been following the New Jedi Order.
Rating:  Summary: Should be a banned Review: This writer, Troy Denning, is a man who is a great writer, probaly a smart man and and just destroyed this good series. Does anyone realy believe in a series were they get a character all ready for saving the galaxy and then kill him (Anakin.) Do not read this book. It is dull except when they grab your attention by killing a character ever few seconds. I think Mr. Denning killed Anakin just so his book would be the Star Wars to remember. Note to Troy Denning: If you ever dare write another Star Wars book I will publish bad reviews of your wretched books. I would also like to note that Amazon.com should let its readers give the books zero stars. I felt ashamed that i had to give the book one whole star.
Rating:  Summary: Not to be missed Review: Many fans seem unhappy with the dark aspect of this book and it is dark but don't let that keep you away from it. (After all, The Empire Strikes Back was dark as well.) Troy Denning is one of the better Star Wars authors, ranking right up there with Timothy Zahn, and this is, by far, the best book in the New Jedi Order series. The plot is fast-paced, the characters are well-written and the story is gut wrenching. The New Republic faces its darkest hour yet and the death of a rising star will leave readers heart-broken. You won't be able to put this book down.
Rating:  Summary: I'm so confused Review: Okay, My experiance with the NJO series has been via audiocassette thanks to my job and how it takes me on travels. I mean heck, would you rather listen to a comercial heavy radio station or NJO? Point made But ya see, there's a problem with this audio. Corrusant, not in there; Feylia, not in there; Tsvanglah's anger at only capturing one of the mighty twins to offer up to Yun Yuzhan on his attack of Corrusant, not in there; the grieving of the Organa/Solos, not in there; Viqhi Sesh, you guessed it, not in there. What they have in there, basic simple stuff like Lando's ruse to appear betraying; the dark jeedhi, Anakin's death, Jana acting all whiny and darkish because of it, oh and let us not forget Vergere crying because of her betrayal of Jacen. You see, this is a great book. But half (amazon does not allow me to put this word in) way through the novel, the tape shuts down. An abrigged version of this masterpeice is unacceptable.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: This was probably the best in the NJO so far, but also the most shocking- even compared to "Vector Prime". Well written, the characters are strong and interesting, and the story is well written, though so much is going on that it becomes confusing at times. I warn you, have your tissues ready at the end, you're in for a major disappointment. I hope that Dennings will have a few more to contribute to the Star Wars books, because this one was awesome.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars the way it should be Review: Despite it's length (606 pgs), Star by Star is on of the most excellent Star Wars novels around, second only to the Unifying Force. Denning firmly establishes himself alongside Stackpole and Zahn as one of the greatest SW authors. Although, it was pure coincidence, this book came out at a time when the feelings of despair and desperation in this book paralleled those in our world. Anakin Solo is no more, and Coruscant falls to the Yuuzhan Vong. Interestingly, after Anakin's death, Jacen (whom many people have derided as overly philosophical) becomes the more sane twin and fulfills the mission, only to be captured by Nom Anor and Vergere. Even Borsk Fey'lya, the conniving bothan, redeems himself by standing up to the equally corrupt Nom Anor, although I am not sorry to see him die. The space battles are amazing and the characters, particularly the Barabels, are equally so. My one complaint: the commando mission was very disorienting, I actually thought they were on Myrkyr rather than a worldship.
Rating:  Summary: Tragic story - Refreshing writing Review: At times I've had to crawl through reading some of the NJO books, but this one is definitely not one of them. So far it has been the most enjoyable of the series (especially since I'm writing this after reading the abysmally obnoxious follow-up by Elaine Cunningham, Dark Journey). From the introduction of the extremely cool and funny Barabels (just think how cool Zahn's Noghri were when he introduced them), to the fast page-turner action that dominated the Jedi insertion team's suicide mission, this book kept me going despite its 600 page bulk. But I must warn you that an unfortunate major event involving one of my favorite SW characters takes place. I actually knew it was going to happen before I read the book because I made the mistake of reading through some of the character bios in the starwars.com site, but Denning managed to paint such a good gut-wrenching scene that I suffered through every painful second of it. Good writing, excellent action, refreshing humor, good book.