Rating:  Summary: Who is left? Review: Star war books used to have an ending or at least a semi-ending if a two book series. Tha last books 9 and 10 have no endings and it seems the authors are on a kick to kill off all the main characters. It would be good to have at least some good endings left at the conclusion of the books.
Rating:  Summary: A Response to "a reader" from Pueblo, Co Review: I agree that its a good thing Elaine Cunningham has only written one book in our favorite universe, but{and its a very important 'but'}I think she could do better if she really tried.I thin you were a little harsh and I'm saying that quite honestly.Now then, Dark Journey was an interesting depiction of the Star Wars universe. I had a great time reading it but, as a few readers have pointed out, she made errors at many turns. One of the biggest was not using the twin aspect to continue Jacen's story in SYNC with his sister. I would like to know what caused the "surge in the Force" that everyone seems to think was Jacen's 'life Force!
Rating:  Summary: Very disappointing Review: I felt compelled to share my disappointment in this book. Normally, I am writing about how good they are. This book was a big letdown after Star by Star. It had a very start and stop feel to it and barely even scratched the surface of Jaina looking towards the Dark Side. More just like Jaina having a really bad day. I am also very disappointed in Anakin's funeral. It was treated like an afterthought and was very poorly written. You would think that Luke, his uncle, and the head of the Jedi would have had something major to say. It really seemed like this author barely understood the characters. Anakin was such a great character and it was just glossed over. I really hope the next book is better, the fans deserve much better than this one.
Rating:  Summary: Dark Journey, a wasted opportunity. Review: As a long time reader of the Staw Wars epic, I was pleased to see a book offering insight into Jaina Solo, as she has been the least explored of the Solo children. Sadly I feel this episode fell short of that goal and did little to advance the overall NJO storyline. And Most objectionable to me was the continuing decimation of the pivotial charaters of the Skywalker-Solo family. Leaving Jacen's fate in limbo at least leaves some slim hope of his survival. Of Jaina's swing toward the dark side I think it offered few new insights into her true personality. The explaination that grief, or extremity often cause good people to do bad things is getting a bit thin. The writing felt awkward at times, and as I've observed in other SW books whose authors are new to the Star Wars Saga, their grasp of the charaters and storyline seem tenuous at best. This book left me hoping the Next author and book are better.. MUCH better.
Rating:  Summary: Another great book but why is Luke such a pansy? Review: Great book. I have read all the NJO books and all are fantastic, except for SBS for obvious reason. If any future authors are reading this please do not make Luke Skywalker out to be a pansy who sits in the corner sprouting philosophy. That is all he seems to have done for the last 5 books. Can anybody remember what Luke was like in the movies and earlier novels? I can. Look, I know he is not the young man he was but he is not that old and he is supposed to be the leader of the Jedi, and probably the most powerful. Don't throw him on the scrap heap.
Rating:  Summary: An absolutely amazing "...Journey" Review: First I would like to say that I have been extremely impressed by the overall quality of the NJO series. It has taken everything I believe to be true about Star Wars and then changed it all. Now about "Dark Journey" Once again, wow. The books continue to be written wonderfully. I really wish, however, that people would stop bashing certain authors for "not knowing the universe" The storyline is written by ALL the authors...Mrs. Cunningham writes wonderfully. I was really glad to see a book about Jaina Solo. She is an exceptionally interesting character and I can see her as being a "main" character in the years to come. She is the new Luke Skywalker. I'm completely cool with that. If you are into the NJO series, you must read this book. Like others have said, no big plot changes here, but just dipping into the SW universe is worth the price of admission alone. Dark Journey is a compelling story that just adds to the sweetness.
Rating:  Summary: Dark Journey is not all that dark Review: I've read nearly all of the Star Wars publications to date, with the exception of a few of the old Tales of the Sith stories, and never before could I honestly say I was disappointed with an author. Especially in the New Jedi Order series, all of the different authors have seemed to flow ideas together as one. But Elaine Cunningham has done something terrible for the future of the New Jedi Order, and all Star Wars novels that will continue the chronology. Jaina Solo's journey to the dark side of the Force was an excellent idea (my applause to Troy Denning on his superior novel and for all he did for Star Wars in only 606 pages of hardcover exquisitness), but Elaine Cunningham RUINED IT. She absolutely ruined it. I honestly do not believe she's even read books previous to the Young Jedi Knights series. She expressed no knowledge of the history of the galaxy, or how the cliches of Star Wars go. NO ONE turns to the dark side and recovers by the end of a single, pointless paperback. Jaina's turn should have been a total catastrophe and should have continued for a long time. Here is my theory: The major eras of Star Wars history are capped off by a major lightsaber duel between conflicting Jedi. Usually, the "main plot" of the story isn't the Jedi, but something like the Repulic vs. the Clones, the Rebels against the Empire, The New Republic against the Yuuzhan Vong.....yet the lightsaber duel is equally important in resolving the conflict. The "Clone Wars" era, if you will, is capped off by a major lightsaber duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. The "Rebellion" era is capped off by Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Vader. The "New Jedi Order" era SHOULD HAVE BEEN capped off by the most heart-wrenching duel of all time, Jacen vs. Jaina. I'm sure that's all been thought of already, but I would be willing to bet that with Elaine Cunningham's idiotic and selfish way of trying to use up good ideas in her own novel, it will never happen the way it should have. I also hope he realizes that I'm not the only one who thinks down on her for doing this and that she will never write for Star Wars ever again.
Rating:  Summary: Into the Darkside Review: "DARK JOURNEY" is a great new novel in the New Jedi series. S.W. characters are treated as they should be treated. Extraordinary people doing things beyond the incredible. Jaina is shown to us as an extraordinary young woman dealing with grief and loss that no one should face. She becomes the Trickster to confound the Vong. And nearly looses herself in the Darkside. Only at the bitter end realising at the last moment that embracing the Darkside is not the way. We see Jaina grow pasr her grief and rage to reach a new determination in the fight against the Vong.
Rating:  Summary: class act Review: Elaine cunninghams first full star wars novel is a great addition to the NJO series which so far has see sawed between great and mediocre. I have read every book so far, my favourites being Michael stackpoles duology and the two greg keyes books which get 5 stars. My least favourite was Balance Point and Vector Prime. This one though is as good as the best in the series. Elaine focuses on the trauma that Jaina goes through following the death of Anakin as she heads to Hapes with the other jedi but decides she wants to find Jacen and coaxes most of her crew to go with her. Zekk holds out. Fans of Kyp Durron will be glad to see him in action but once again he makes a mess of things in the battle over Coruscant. U have to feel sorry for the guy because his intentions are good even if his methods are suspect. U always feel he walks a tightrope between Light and Dark and i think before this saga is over he will have a major say in the outcome. I was delighted to see The Chiss in it as well with appearances by Baron Soontir Fel and his son Jagged Fel. The chiss are cool and if they get their act together they will have a big impact on the war. I havent finished this book yet but its a case of so far so good. I think Jagged Fel will get with Jaina. There isnt much Luke Skywalker in this though. Once again he takes a back seat which is disappointing. Come on Del Rey give Luke something to do other then fly an x-wing. Not since Onslaught have we really seen Luke in action. Not much Mara either. Overall a good book and i cant wait to finish it.I cant wait to read Aaron allstons books when they come out. Hes a great author.
Rating:  Summary: A real cliffhanger Review: The success of this book depends on events to come or not come in next one. Elaine Cunningham makes a bold move in trying to make it look like Jacen Solo has perished. If this is true, then "Dark Journey" has done a terrible injustice to the NJO series. I must say that it was, however, an effective technique. I read through this book very quickly, because I was eager to find out what happens to Jacen, and I never did. It was very fustrating. The book does have some good qualities. Like Troy Denning's book "Star by Star" much more attention was given to the characters from the "Young Jedi Knights" series. How it differed from "Star by Star" is that it did not have the meaningless slaughter of numerous Jedi and or major EU characters. That was definitely a plus. However, I don't feel that the book was very well written. I noticed a gross overuse of word "retorted". Elaine, "You're right", is not a retort. If my favorite character, Jacen Solo, is dead, then this book has done a terrible job only because it never said how it happened. If he survives then I think that this a really good book. The characters of Jaina Solo, Tenal Ka, and Kyp Durron are really expanded, but I'd hate for Jacen to just out like a punk. Anyways, it sets up a lot of interesting possibilities. PS: Let's stop killing all the main characters. If you want to kill off someone, then kill off the older characters. That doesn't mean Luke Skywalker, but even he would have been better than Anakin Solo.