Rating:  Summary: NJO: Dark Journey Review: I have read all of the published NJO novels and Dark Journey is the worst. A character's wants create the action from which a well-written story line flows. Star by Star establishes why Jaina Solo turns to the dark side of the Force. Dark Journey does not add anything new. There is no answer to this pivotal question in the story: As a Dark Jedi, what does Jaina do, say, or decide that makes a bad situation for the New Republic better or worse? Instead, Jaina spends most of the novel snapping at other characters and working upon the Trickster. Furthermore, the story line does not explain how or why she reaches her turning point--the return to the light side of the Force. The story lacks action, character development, and a climax.
Rating:  Summary: Hmm... mixed feelings Review: Okay, I'm not the biggest Jaina fan, but I rather liked this book. True, not much Mara/Luke bits at ALL (that's my usual fav), but Tenel Ka is wonderfully written. And this book made me like Kyp, something that was not the case before. BUT WHAT ABOUT JACEN?????? WHAT? Is he dead, alive, in between? Is he a blue shiny ghost? Did they kill off BOTH the Solo boys? WHY??? *coughs* Ahem. Well, anyway, it was a pretty good book. Very easy reading style.
Rating:  Summary: It's all right... Review: I'm not really sure what to give this book. Nothing really tremendous happened, and I felt as though something big -should- have happened. I mean, following "Star by Star"--a book with a lot of very BIG events--I expected "Dark Journey" to deal with the major issues from the previous novel. I'm not a long time Star Wars reader (when compared to some people), but I -am- a huge fan. Frankly, I think Timothy Zahn, Greg Keyes, and Michael Stackpole should do more work on this series--especially Zahn, who hasn't done anything. Anyway, back to this novel. I'm not sure, but I think I caught several grammatical or spelling errors here and there. Wasn't this book editted? All right, I think I've covered the cons. Now on to the pros. The story was fast-paced and flowed very fluently. It started off right were "Star by Star" ended, and Cunningham's writing style seemed to emulate Denning's and even Keyes' (who I think have done the best work in the NJO series thus far). I truly enjoyed her bringing Kyp Durron out as one of the main characters. I love that character and have been intrigued by the potential relationship between him and Jaina that was introduced in Keyes' "Rebirth". "Star by Star" didn't follow up on that relationship, but this book did. I found it to be -very- interesting. And the comic relief was also -very- amusing. What I didn't understand was why she kept including Luke and Mara here and there. The scenes with everyone's favorite couple weren't important at all. There was no significance and it seemed as though they forgot that they lost Coruscant and Anakin. They were making jokes instead of mourning... Considering Luke's behavior in the previous book, I think he would have remained somber or at least brooding rather than producing witty remarks--and the same goes for Mara. The scenes with Han and Leia were very good, as were the ones with Jagged Fel Baron--who I am really starting to like now. To sum it up, it's a good read. I only give it three stars because it doesn't really live up to my expectations, but I still consider it worth buying (and reading, of course).
Rating:  Summary: the worst one yet Review: Some of the previous NJO books have been rather boring and I was getting to the point when I didn't really care when the next book came out and then I read Star by Star and I really enjoyed it. So my expectations for Dark Journey were rather high. I read the book in a day but that was just to find out if they mentioned anything about Jacen. I have never really like Jaina so a whole book devoted to her was rather boring, although the change in Kyp was nice to see. The writing style was what really got to me, it just didn't draw me. I would recomend that people just get the book from the library and read it because it doesn't really further the story, in fact I could have missed this one and would not have very many problems following the story in the next book. I hope the next one is better.
Rating:  Summary: Cunningham could have done better! Review: I haven't fully finished reading this book (skip part of the Vong sections.) What I have read so far, sucks. I mean parts of the story dont even make sense. I didnt like Anakin's funeral, he definitely deserved more. How does Jaina go "bad" and then "good" in one book? Luke and Mara are barely mentioned. I really didn't like it, thats my opinion. Go out, get the book and then form your own opinion. But no matter what you have to admit it made no sense and I really expected more.
Rating:  Summary: Sheesh Review: I have read most of the books in the star wars universe (there's always new ones it seems!!!) and this booked ranked at near the top of my "dissapointment" list. I thought this was the weakest NJO book to date after a strong showing in Star by Star. This book is what I would call an afterthought book. Jaina's "descent" into the dark side was almost laughable in the context of one book and the deeper heartwrenching struggles that Kyp and Luke went through is like comparing mountains to Jaina's molehills. It would have been nice to have this story play out over several books instead of one 300 page book. It felt cheap. It was nice to see Kyp be featured ,and it seems they may try to develop him more than just the "jedi rogue" role. This book was a short story that really didn't seem to advance the overall plot of the NJO universe.
Rating:  Summary: Wow! Review: This book was a surprise to me, I hadn't anticipated that the author, so new to Star Wars, would be such a wonderful author. The storyline- unpredictable yet wonderful. the character development- astounding. the faithfulness to Star Wars- perfect! Anyway, the book was wonderful, but if you haven't read the preceding books, don't pick this one up until you've read its predecessors!
Rating:  Summary: The worst Star wars novel i read in years Review: I found the charcters not believeable it ends half way into it people cryed when on of the main charcters died i like to qoute a line from Star Trek Get a life people than more life than Star wars. it is just a Novel. Star Trek Rulessssssssssssssssssssss.
Rating:  Summary: reader Review: Unfortunately, this book doesn't tell the story we've all waited for. It is like taking a journey down a pipeline with blinders on. You get to through the story, but there is not much substance. You are left to wonder why, how, where, where did the characters get where they are, where they've gotten their ideas, WHY they are doing what they are doing, sometimes you wonder WHAT they are doing! The book leaves out most of the main SW characters, and deals badly with Jania. It was a disappointment
Rating:  Summary: An Unneccesary Interlude Review: Although it was interesting to see the character of Jaina explored more thouroughly I found that the novel tended to drag on in places. Also, looking into Jania's mind in her current state of despair was not that interesting. Obviously, to any trained 'Star Wars' reader, Jacen is NOT dead. I also found that Han and Leia seemed much too calm and carefree in this book. It was interesting to go back to the Hapes cluster story line and explore the Solo family's part in it. In the long run; however, this novel did not add much too the overall story line and it almost seemed like an interlude in the series to make it slow down. =Alexis=