Rating:  Summary: The best of the trilogy Review: Destiny: Child of the Sky is the perfect ending to Elizabeth Haydon's Rhapsody trilogy. In this volume, the identity of the F'dor is finally revealed and the Lord and Lady Cymrian are named to try to unite the Cymrians once again.When we last left Rhapsody and her friends, they had just suffered a great loss with the death of their friend Jo. Rhapsody and Achmed set out to find the children of the F'dor, driven by Rhapsody's desire to save their souls from the hell that awaits them. The search takes Rhapsody all throughout the lands, putting her in great danger that almost kills her. This was the book of the series that I could not put down. I became so caught up in the story that I was late coming back from lunch several times and had to drag myself away from the book when I needed to get real work done. The identity of the F'dor is revealed, one that I did not guess. The romance between Rhapsody and Ashe hits its peak at the end, through a rocky road because of Rhapsody's pain at believing that Ashe has married someone else. The book also suggests at a decision Ashe may one day have to make, choosing between his human and dragon sides as his father did. Also, finally the identity of Meridion is revealed, a secret well kept and unexpected, but that supplies a perfect ending to the story. Haydon's trilogy is one of the best I've read and I cannot wait to read more of Rhapsody's adventures.
Rating:  Summary: As Pleasing to the Mind as Music to the Ears Review: I finished the book in a sitting! I was so enthralled! I thouroughly enjoyed reading this series! I have found that I dislike most fantasy novels by today's authors because they can't make me believe in their worlds. This is certainly not true of Haydon. While giving depth and emotion to the characters, we still get the sense of the histories of the races she has created, along with a lay of the land and feel of the environment, a skill which few fantacy/sci-fi writers have mastered (notably, of course, J R R Tolkien, and Orson Scott Card). I really found myself believing in ALL (even the minute) characters, feeling a sense of loss when they died or joy or hate for their actions. I feel that I can only give four stars because of the un-needed sexually explicit parts of the book. It reminded me a little too much of trashy romance novels- not that skipping over it would have been better- just a little less graphic would have suited my taste perfectly. All in all, I believe we have found a true artist and exquisite craftsman in Haydon and i am anxious for her to start a new series with new characters for us to fall in love and grow with.
Rating:  Summary: Good but not quite as good as the first two books Review: I'll give this 5 stars because the series overall certainly merits it, but this was my least favorite book of the series. I was originally displeased at the way Rhapsody, the first book started, sure that I was in the clutches of another George R R Martin. But that 'tragedy' was later resolved and I was pleased, although I figured it out about 200 pages before Rhapsody did. The second book carried the torch very well and was impossible to put down, just like the first book. For the 3rd book, there were loose ends to tie up and a villain to defeat, but the action wasn't as quick or involving as the first two books. I found it easy to put this one aside for other things such as eating and sleeping. Overall it wasn't as gripping or as much of a thrill ride as the other two books but she did manage a definite and clear ending, rather than leaving us hanging out there for another volume. I enjoyed the series but as a guy there were a few spots that I had to skim through, but I knew when I started that Haydon tends to the romantic. I was a bit surprised that I liked it so much, but this trilogy ranks high on my list of best fantasy fiction. Now we'll have to wait to see if Achmed's patience pays off for him. :)
Rating:  Summary: I finally finished it! Review: After more than TWO weeks of tedious reading, I was finallly able to finish this most boring book of a not-that-good series. The caracters are over-devolep (if such a thing is possible), the story has so many gasp you can't really make any sense out of it and the story telling is so un-compelling that I don't really understand why anyone should really like this book. If you want great fantasy reading, try George, RR Martin, or the new novels of those great author: Weis and Hickman, or even Robbin Hobb, but don't bother with these series. I just wanted to state my opinion, given the absurd number of stars people were granting these books. (Specially this last one, the worst by far)
Rating:  Summary: The Finale Review: At long last Elizabeth Haydon has brought her stunning trilogy to a conclusion. A most magnificent one at that also. I am an avid fantasy reader and like so many other reviewers I must also say that the way she ties up her trilogy is rare in fantasy yet it is very pleasing to the reader. I haven't had the chance to pick up her newest book but I look forward to it. Elizabeth Haydon has created an epic fantasy with her magical and musical main character Rhapsodey and through her friends and other characters Haydon spins an awesome tale, I recommend the whole trilogy to anyone specifically this breathtaking page-turning conclusion to the saga.
Rating:  Summary: NOTHING IN THIS WORLD COMPARES TO THIS BOOK!!!!- IT IS GOD!! Review: I love this book more than anything else in the world.. The Rhapsody Trilogy is the best one that I have ever read... The plot grabs you, hook, line and sinker. The romance between Ashe (Gwydion) and Rhapsody hit the finale climax, utimately resolving every problem ever... The greatest loses, the greatest loves, the greatest gains, joy, hate, war, fear, achievement, sorrow, pain, rapture, excitement.... ALL THE EMOTIONS ARE THERE!!!!!!!!!! Grunthor and Achmed are still their loving selves.... back and FUNNIER THAN EVER... All are searching for the F'Dor incarnate that will bring about the Second Great War. But it is Rhapsody that grows more in this book than anyone else... THIS IS THE GREATEST BOOK OF THE GREATEST TRILOGY BY THE GREATEST AUTHOR YOU WILL EVER READ.... Better than Toilken, better than Brooks, better than anything else you COULD EVER READ.... So HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, IT REACHES THE CLOUDS IN THE SKY.... IF YOU HAVEN'T READ IT ALREADY... ORDER IT, BUY IT, BORROW IT, BUT JUST READ IT ALREADY.. YOU WON'T EVER BE SORRY......
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Dumb Review: I kept putting the book down because the story was so boring and stupid! I finally finished it, though, after getting stuck in an airport. This started out as a good series, but this book is terrible. Everthing is so staged. The author tries to create suspense but the plot is boring, shaky and incredibly predictable. This book might be good for young teens, girls especially. This doesn't come close in any way to the great George Martin books. I'd leave Rhapsody on the shelf if I were you.
Rating:  Summary: Boring ap Pointless ap Numbing Review: I was so glad to see the finally book in the Raphsody trigloy that I got this copy right away. I was sadly disapointed. This book did not follow the meter of the rest of the book. The first two were soooo great (espically the first.) Becuase they were about three people and their uncanny bond to each other. But the more the story centered around Raphsody the wrose the book got. I really tried to like her in this book. But Haydon made (which most author struggle not to make.) The perfect perfect person. Raphsody was to hard to like becuase she just didn't seem human. There are also too many sterotypes. Rahphsody blond stupid good in bed sweet and great for the better of mankind all round. Achmend strong slient gritty voiced killer who's heart long ago died yet is learing how to love Gunthor big stupid perpetual jolly man with no real depth ready to lay his life down for the fair maiden without a thought. Then there's the whole plot of this story. I thought it was to hunt and track the F'dor but no one seems to be in any great hurry to kill it. Instead we are forced to read many of Raphsody's pointless and never ending acts of selflessness. Our ears are filled with history goverment till the point that you feel that you are watching c-spann or msnbc. You start to think should I be taking notes ? You spend half your time back tracking trying to remember who owned what see or dutchy or land. Lastly there's Ashe. His whole point in this story was to bemoan his fate over Raphsody. Beyond liking her he really had no point. He could never fight he was always depressed and had no personality. Just a one demotion man set up to be one of Raphsody goupies. The ending (which I won't go into detail about) Just didn't make any sense. It was like it was just written to hurry up and finish the story. This was sadly dissapointing I like Haydon and hope her next trigloy is much better.
Rating:  Summary: Just another feminist fantasy Review: Unfortunately, I found this book - and the whole 'Prophecy of Three' series - to be anything but a fresh new look at the world of fantasy writing. The main reason for this was the character of Rhapsody herself. Rhapsody is astoundingly beautiful, yet completely unaware of her appeal; an experienced woman yet somehow touchingly innocent; gutsy, feisty and brave, yet oh so caring and sensitive too... I found her to be nothing but a late-twentieth-century feminist's fantasy woman. This annoyed me so much that I couldn't really concentrate on the other characters, who seemed to be nothing but foils for Rhapsody herself. I was also disappointed with the quality of the writing. One major mistake which was repeated more than once was the substitution of the verb 'to ravage' for the verb 'to ravish', which irritated me extremely. I apologise to fans of Elizabeth Haydon if this sounds too critical. I have nothing whatsoever against strong female characters in fantasy, or even against women warriors, provided that they are described with some realism (a good example would be the portrayal of Boudicca in Rosemary Sutcliff's 'Song for a Dark Queen'). I found 'Destiny' both irritating and unconvincing, and I would not recommend it to a new reader.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Destiny Review: Elizabeth Haydon is a fine writer, but I believe this series devolved from a excellent fantasy series to an excellent romance series over the course of three novels. The most interesting character in the series, Achmed, in Destiny becomes one more wistful pathetic suitor of Rhapsody's perfection. Ashe and Rhapsody are shining Barbie and Ken dolls and I'm sorry, but I prefer characters with a few warts. With most other characters feeling an urge to genuflect and turn them in to royalty a certain tension is lost. A basic disconnect sets in for me when a good gritty story becomes an inevitable fairy tale march to coronation and although I was genuinely interested in the series I found Destiny hard to finish. It's a promosing beginning for this writer and as romance is quite popular I'm sure Ms. Haydon will continue to have an enthusiastic following, but I will not likely be one of them.