Rating:  Summary: Dragons of a Half-Hearted Conclusion. Review: I loved this book until I got about halfway through. At this point it began to seem hurried and as if many concepts were just hewn together to conclude the series.I felt they had set themselves up wonderfully by mid-book to really shake things up and re-define the world for a new birth of fantasy in the world of Krynn, but all they did was put a stake in the heart of the epic novel. The quality of the writing noticably dropped along with the attention to detail and strength of story. Were the authors rushing to work on something else? It felt like it. I still recommend reading this if you have come this far - however I will be very wary in exploring the works of the dragonlance line of fantasy-fiction further.
Rating:  Summary: Almost perfect, but not quite Review: When I first picked up and started to read the chronicles trilogy a couple of years ago, I immediately fell in love with the world that Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman portrayed, the battles between good and evil that were done in not just a political sense but also in a personal one connected with me emotionally, and was something I'll never forget. I found all the old heroes of the story to be extremely interesting and as I read on I began to like each and every one of them in their own way. I then proceeded to read Legends, and I immediately recognized that these authors had one of the best story writing skills I have ever read or heard of. At the end of the trilogy when my favorite character, Raistlin, was about to sacrifice himself to the dark queen I nearly cried, that was when I knew that these authors would be forever etched into my mind and heart as one of my favorites. So natuarally I was extremely anxious to read the newest "true" Dragonlance novels, and as such I wasn't dissapointed with its third and final novel, Dragons of a Vanished Moon. As many other reviewers have stated, I also was not a fan of the conclusion to Dragons of a Summer Flame, I felt that the gods leaving Krynn was an event so drastic that it resulted in creating a new world that old Dragonlace readers could barely even recognize, and in turn I beleive that the War of Souls trilogy as a whole was an apology to the readers for that catastrophe. Before I continue though I do wish to make a point known, I am not one of those people who live their lives in the past and wish for nothing more but fairy tale endings to everything they read, the unexpected and monumental finishes that these authors created in the past is the very same thing that caused me to both admire and appreciate their writing in the first place, I just simply believe that Dragons of a Summer Flame went in the wrong direction to the required change that Krynn needed so badly. Overall, I believe that Dragons of a Vanished Moon seemed to pick up the plot of the previous two books well enough, and though it seemed to me that the pace was quickened overall, I rather enjoyed the sense of urgency it produced. Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman did an excellent job of producing a sense of doom that is engulfing the world and especially the Elf nations as they fight for their very existance in a land that is ruled by a god that hates and despises them. I found the whole chromatic dragon neutrality thing to be rather dissapointing and the abrupt turn of events at the end which resulted in the evil side being despearete and the good side being strong and on the point of winning to be rather anticlimatic, but the conclusion is more than worth it as we see the end of several eras and the beginning of a new era. I believe that Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman did as best of a job as they could to correct the mistakes that they made in Summer Flame, though certain characters never end up reaching the pinnacle point we all expected of them, for example Palin, Silvinoeshei, Alhana, and Odila and while other characters, especially Dalamar who betrayed all that we know him for, seemingly go against their own personalities to do something shockingly unexpected, I still believe the book was very entertaining from cover to cover, as it still has its own proof of quality writing that we expect from MW and TH, especially with Galdar and Gilthas's character develepment and the particular sadness that was beutifully orchestrated by Weis and Hickman and which is felt at the end by, in particular, the readers and fans that started from page 1 of the Chronicals trilogy. In the end the greatest quality, in my opinion, that these novels have brought back to the dragonlace world is the apparant rekindling of the passion and ambition that we all knew and loved back in the Fourth Age but was somehow missing in the grim and depressing Fifth Age of Krynn.
Rating:  Summary: Aftermath Review: A fan of the old, i wished to read the new. I waited three years for the finale to the series, and after reading it, i was left with an unexplainable sadness. The book flowed well, and whilst there were moments when you questioned what was going on, i continued to turn the page. After reading the book, i found that i wished for a different ending, but perhaps that is because i am very much a fan of the old books and they had finished with the fairy tale ending. All the original heroes are re-united, and i only hope that any further venture the writers make will be to continue with them or to address the state in which the world of Krynn is in. A good read and one written very much for the fans.
Rating:  Summary: Margaret Does it again Review: To say this book is the best I have ever read, would not do it justice. Along with the works of J.R.R. Tolkein I have never found a writer that can touch my soul the way Margaret and Tracy do. No matter which books, from any of the writings of either of these two, I have found my happy place. For that I am grateful, I only wish they could write faster than I read. For, I am loathe to finish the book. I don't want it to end. Life is full of unpleasantry. The books written by Margaret and Tracy, allow me, be it only for a short period, to go to a place that I am comfortable, a place where all my dreams come to fruition. To keep this short, I have nothing more to say other, than Thank you for once again creating a fictional place that ensnares me and allows the reader to be part of something fantastic.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Book!!! Review: If you loved the first two in War of Souls, this is a MUST! I will not give away the ending, but I will tell you this: I could barely get through the last few pages. When I did, I put the book down and cried for nearly an hour. (This was before reading the appendix) It was so powerful and so wonderful. It's message was so great. Again, I'll not spoil it, but I will tell you that you will thoroughly enjoy it. Congratulations Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis for such an outstanding book and thank you.
Rating:  Summary: This is a must Review: Ok, I've been reading D&D books for ages, some good, some not so good. All I have to say is that, this book, along with the rest of the trilogy, is one of the best books out there. It is filled with surprises, plot twists, incredible characters. Weis and Hickman deliver again what I have come to know them for....pure genius. If you have not read this trilogy, or the ones that precursor this series, by the gods GET THEM ALL.
Rating:  Summary: Weis and Hickman DEFINITELY deliver another gem!!!!! Review: I don't where to start! I just want to say how great this book was and that anybody who considers themselves a Dragonlance fan should be reading this book. I know that many people have gave this particular book a bad review and I just can't fathom why. Did they read the same book or did they accidentally get a different book with the Dragonlance cover? Anyway, after reading this book, I can't wait to see what is in store next for the world of Krynn. Many changes have been made and some things have returned to the way they used to be, but that is all I will say. I don't want to spoil this excellent book for anybody that hasn't read it yet.
Rating:  Summary: When a great story gets rushed a little too much. Review: I understand the need to leave a few open plot points in the trilogy in order to have new books written, that's the way the original Chronicles went after all. However, I don't remember previous trilogies (or the first two books in this trilogy for that matter) having so many moments where you say "WHAT?". - Odila has to worship Takhisis, even though she doesn't want to just because she believes that Takhisis exists? WHAT? - Tas breaks the ice wall spell that has the good dragons imprisoned just by running through it. WHAT? - Takhisis needs the dragon totems in order to re-enter the world, only to have it destroyed. Later, Takhisis just shows up to take Mina's body....suddenly not needing anything else....no dragon totems, no dragon portal, no nothing. WHAT? Its a real shame too because I liked the book, even for the plot holes. I even liked it despite the grimness of it.
Rating:  Summary: Till the END did We part! Review: This final installment of the series, gives closure to a lot of things that were left hanging from all the other series the Wies & Hickman team has given us through the years. I am personaly pleased with this end result. The unexpected twists gave me a newly-found respect for this talented team. The book cannot be read as a single volume, eventough it is self-explanatory, it is more than that. It engulfs questions that had been left in mid-air for a LONG time. For now, I believe this masterpiece of Fantasy Literature will improve with a second or third reading. Now that it's over I feel at ease for as they continue thier journeys so shall I but I also feel empty for an era has ended. Farewell companions...in the END I pray we meet again!
Rating:  Summary: this book is not for everyone Review: I really like the old school dragon lance books. I didn't really like this book because it keeps getting farther away form the original style of how the books were written. Also every year when the new books come out some of the writers don't do research into what happened in the world of dragonlance before them. They add there version of some part of the history of dragonlance and it dosen't match what happened in the other books. Sorry for any spelling errors for the people who get upset about that type of thing. I love to read but I never was good at writeing. : )