Rating:  Summary: So much more than the title hints at.... Review: At every turn Tim Powers keeps you on your toes. The plot has more twist's than Pulp Fiction, and heros you can relate to. I have given a copy to every book reader I know, and have yet to have one say they hated it.
Rating:  Summary: Nonstop, mindbending, spellbinding sf thriller Review: Go along for the ride for the first 25 pages or so (the time travel set up is a little contrived), because what this really is an sf version of a historical novel probing the deepest and darkest underworld... kinda like Charles Dickens on bad acid. Powers is incredible in being able to make what might sound like an unlikely novel work, and work it does. If you can loosen up your logic circuits a couple of degrees and watch this book like a movie, you'll be astonished.
Rating:  Summary: Had to put it down ... Review: This book was suggested to me by someone whose opinion I value, someone who has given me many excellent recommendations. I'd just finished ENDER'S GAME, so perhaps my expectations were high. At any rate, I gave up somewhere around page 100. The characters were flat, and the writing was less than good - Mr. Powers seems to have trouble with points of view, etc. At any rate, I'm sure a lot of you will love this book. I didn't.
Rating:  Summary: Who told this man he could write? Review: Powers ranks for me with Robert Heinlein and Piers Anthony -- wildly popular authors who are hopeless writers. I tried to like this book. I REALLY tried. In the end, the whole thing is a mess, beginning to end. I have read many books with non-linear plots; Powers can't handle this. I have read books with outlandish characters; Powers can't pull through. I have read historical fiction/fantasy; Powers does not know from whence he speaks. I have read works of occult fiction; Powers knows nothing. I went into this book never having read any of his works and having it praised to the skies by no less than four of my friends -- I now wonder at their tastes. The characters are flat beyond compare, the plot is in its best points contrived, in its worst points hopeless, and even the use of "thieve's cant" is wrong, wrong, wrong. My god, it is easy to pick up Dickens and get more of theive's cant than Powers has! This book is revered and I know I will shift few opinions, but I must give this a poor review. Don't read it. It is not worth the effort.
Rating:  Summary: Fast-paced, interesting, unique, dumb. Review: Perhaps it's because I don't read enough fantasy or science fiction, choosing instead to read fiction more grounded in reality. In any case, I'd have to say that this book, while being quite thrilling and running at a breakneck pace, was forgettable.It IS compelling, and you'll have a rough time trying to put it down. The action sequences are fast and furious. The story is fairly unique. However, I had expected something that dealt more with ancient Egypt ("The Anubis Gates," hello). Instead, we're treated to a story that takes place in the early 1800's in England (although it does swing to the 1600's and makes a quick stop in Egypt). And the story could have benefitted from a little less of that "magic 'n' sorcery 'n' amazing spells!" whoop-tee-doo. Sure, it's a twisty, convoluted plot that is handled masterfully, with all the loose ends being tied up by the time you reach the end. But that's not quite enough to recommend this book. If you read it, be sure to keep your expectations low, and check your disbelief at the door.
Rating:  Summary: Time travel done right! Review: I generally hate time travel books. This and Kindred (a much darker book by Octavia Butler) are two exceptions. Wild yet logical, all lose ends are taken care of as effect becomes the cause. An excellent book to read when you want to devour something challenging and thrilling.
Rating:  Summary: FANTASTIC!! Review: This book begins with a trip to some James Bond like time travel lab, the hero does battle with Ancient Egyptian magicians who are concerned about floating up to the moon, as well as a somewhat the worse-for-wear Lord Byron. So far, so ridiculous. And yet you find yourself missing appointments, unable to put the damn thing down. It's a hell of a book. Really the ultimate "suspension of disbelief" novel. Exciting, engaging and very memorable. READ IT!!!
Rating:  Summary: Complicated, but dazzling and wonderful!! Review: This story gets so complicated that even the author gets confused at least once as to whom is whom. While we jump among three centuries and change bodies and names the characters are going by (whew) Powers weaves a wild and fascinating story with excellent narrative skills. He should write a straight novel about early 19th century England. He obviously knows and loves the subject with intensity. Super entertainment!
Rating:  Summary: A must have chronothriller. Review: This book is so good that I bought 3 more copies after the cover fell off my first one.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best books I have ever read! Review: I don't need to say much about this book except, "You must buy and read this book!" A fantastic and original story of fantasy, history, magic and action. For pure entertainment, this book is hard to beat. I had read almost all of Powers' books before reading this one, and this is the best he has produced. Since he is one of my favorite authors, I cannot praise it more highly than that.