Rating:  Summary: bad and good Review: this book should of been given to someone who READ the EU before,or has writen a star wars book before.everybody/everything is out of charcterization,for example the chiss do not attack someone till they are attacked, and they are deisghning a viris to elimanate an entire species(when they banished Grand Admiral thrawn/mitth'raw'nuruodo for doing a premtive strike on the out bound flight project)this does not mesh. jaina is now panicing in battles when she was fine RD/RS the author has emtionaly regressed her. grand admiral pellaeon is tarkinesquhe is not like that,read the new essintial guide to character better yet READ the books. why is corran hor in charge of the rogue squadron and not gavin(not that i am opossed to corran being in charge is cool)? wheres is wedge with the lack of ships!?!?!? "wisdom is knowing you given all you can" thats not leia she may have been with politics but she is still about duty and resoncablity. tresina lobi is a nearhuman chev not a chevin like empant mon from rtoj read star wars insidser 57. the e-book was very important and short so it should of been in the book. a previous reviewer was right the zahn/stackpole character where used as set peices,garm bel iblis is a tactical genious and is not involved in the planing at all with ackbar, and does nothing in the book but show up and should not have been included if thats what he was just going to do. hopefully some futhure author will those chiss sceinctist exiled for evan thinking abvout doing this viris. though well writen he shows he has NEVER READ a book.
Rating:  Summary: What happened? Review: So far I have very much enjoyed the NJO. I usually cannot wait until the next book comes out. However, with Destiny's Way I was very disappointed. I actually did not even finish the book. After about sixty pages I just skimmed the rest of the book and saved a lot of time. No surprises, no real important additions to the story line, just very bad characterizations. Do not buy the book. I would not even buy it as a paperback.
Rating:  Summary: the New Jedi Order's first disappointment Review: Even though I am a big fan of the New Jedi Order series, I was not impressed by this book. Unlike other books in the series, which were written by authors who were Star Wars fans and kept up with the other Star Wars novels, Williams came to the series having never previously read a Star Wars novel. This lack of familiarity shows itself in the way he uses the characters. They just don't seem to be the same characters we've been following these past few years. For example - Jacen had a major trial in the last book, and now he seems to be back to the same old routin as if his life hadn't profoundly changed. It was also unsettling to see Warmaster Tsavong Lah, the main enemy character so far, take a such a minor role in the book. Without giving away an important plot point, I feel like so much character building was wasted. Ultimately this book was a let-down. If you're a New Jedi Order fan, you know you need to pick this book up. If you're new to the series, don't start with Destiny's Way - go back and read Vector Prime.
Rating:  Summary: Destiny's Way Review: Hmmmm. I kind of have mixed feelings about this book. On the one hand, I did enjoy the heck out of it and found myself blowing through it as fast as I could, but on the other, it seemed something was missing. The troubling thing is, I can't quite put my finger on WHAT it is. On the surface, it seems to be a totally satisfactory addition to the NJO, big and dramatic and action packed, but there's that one ingredient that seems to have been left out. Maybe it's just me, but all the authors seem to enjoy writing Han the best, simply because he's always the funnest character to read. Not to mention that he consitantly stays true to who he was in the movies in pretty much all the books, even when he's going through a deep crisis. He's always Han, unlike say, Luke, who it seems that some author's just can't figure out how to write him. It's no different here with Han and Leia starting off the book and Han getting some Imperial sized digs in on one of the Empire's officers they find themselves giving a ride home. Really fun stuff and it carries throughout the book when Han is around. I also enjoyed reading Luke and Vergere's verbal sparring, going back and forth, learning from each other. You get the feeling that Vergere actually respected Luke and who he was. Unfortunatly, Luke spends most of the book doing just that, talking. But that's okay, he's still Luke and keeps in character, plus I'm sure he'll get another chance to shine. If you dig space battles, this book is the one for you. It is LOADED with them. Most of the action in the book is to be had within cockpits of X-Wings. This, of course, brings me to Jaina. Maybe it's me, but she's just not that fun to read anymore. I know characters have to go through hard times, but I still managed to actually like Anakin Skywalker when he's going through them. Jaina is simply turning into an unpleasant character. I guess it's part of her developement, but I hope she comes out of it soon. The last part of the book, the whole "turning point" battle, is very suspenceful and the fight with the Vong underground was well done. Some people didn't like paticulary how that battle ended (with the players the author decided to use), but I thought it was good enough. Not every major fight has to be about a grudge match, I'm sure Jacen will agree. Either way, it was great to see our favorite military leader from Return of the Jedi, Admiral "It's a trap!" Ackbar making a major contribution to the story. Jacen coming back to the fold, I felt was supposed to be a big deal. And in a way, it was. He comes back with a new found philosophy that could possibly make him one of the greatest Jedi ever, but it seems rather anticlimatic when he does make his return. I was expecting him to be at the forefront of helping the Republic help defeat the Vong, but he seemed to be pushed back in the background a little, mainly just worrying about his sister and helping out Vergere. I'm sure they have something more for him planned in future installments, so maybe it's just that I wanted more for one of my favorite newer characters. All things said, it is a fairly entertaining book with a lot of stuff going on. Maybe that's what keeps it from being all that it can be. Too much and not really anything to focus on. However, even with that, it's a fun book you probably won't want to miss, and one you definatly shouldn't miss if you're keeping up with the NJO.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars Fans Rejoice!!! Review: Three little words on page 290 of Destiny's Way make it worth reading....ACKBAR IS BACK! I found myself cheering right along with the troops. With one of the coolest characters in the Star Wars universe returning, the New Republic can finally do some real Vong Butt-kicking. In edition to this momentous event, we also witness the return of Jacen Solo, the restoration of the government and Jedi Council, and some surprising answers to the enigma that is Vergere. There are also refernces to Star Wars' past that are also connected with its future. The reunions are touching, the action intense, and the political maneuverings intriguing(courtesy of the infamous Lando Calrissian and Talon Kardde). All In all, an excellent edition to this well written series.
Rating:  Summary: Plot is not the core, Destiny is. Review: Unfair to others I know Walters writing style from a vantage point. The book is not intended to give this episode a solid plot but more so the "Air" or atmosphere for future works, which I cannot wait for. This book has the feel of the time in question, the technology, the politics, the overall environment. The book is beautifully written, so when you get into this, remember Star Wars is a Saga, and at times the Saga cannot be compacted with theme or plot in a reasonably sized book, the best is yet to come and you'll need this material to appreciate it. Read it to enjoy the style, the time frame. If you like Star Wars as this and with Destiny in mind read SB: 1 by Karl Maddox, it's very good.
Rating:  Summary: Truly a turning point in the series Review: Destiny's Way is another example of how books in the New Jedi Order series should be written. The characterization and plot details are easy to understand. Through all the losses the New Republic has suffered a ray of hope shines as Jacen Solo arrives back to the N.R. Equipped with his new understanding of the Force, he sets out to help rid the galaxy of the Yuuzhan Vong. Meanwhile the election of a new Chief of State of the N.R. is about to take place, with the results determining what is to become of the Jedi and their involvement in the war. And finally a hero of the Rebellion returns with a plan that will bring about a swift end to the Yuuzhan Vong threat. This is a must read in this series.
Rating:  Summary: A welcome addition Review: I have been reading the NJO series since the first book, and a fan of the Star Wars novels before that. The series, as one would and should expect, has had its ups and downs, both in plot as well as writing, but Destiny's way is a welcome addition to the saga. Some points of the book are a bit hokey, but not in too bad a way. The return of Akbar fills a void that seemed to exist in the leadership roles, and the election of the new Chief of State ties some political loose ends together. After the character development in Traitor, this is a great way to refocus the war in the books. The "turning point" of the series in more ways then one, the book leaves you wanting the next chapter in the series. Next to Star by Star, the most important book in the series.
Rating:  Summary: A must for any NJO reader Review: This book has been one of the quickest reads I have bought. I finished it in four days and the last 150 pages you will not stop till the end. Long live Admiral Ackbar his genius has been missed. I also like the Bothan stand that they will not stop until every vong thing is reduced to atoms. This goes in the face of the new Jedi resolve to show mercy. I love the philosophical debates over the Force. Any Star Wats fan that has been reading the NJO books will think that this book carries the torch very well and leaves countless ways that the same torch could be passed.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars needs some help Review: I am a avide reader of Star Wars and especially NJO, but I was disappointed but this book. The book did not have a great amount of detail on any of the early battles and then at the end it was almost too much detail. Another thing is that the book was way too philosophical. It is nice to understand the ways of the jedi but the idea is to not bore the reader with these facts and then expect the reader to countinue on and on when almost the entire book is about ideaology of the Force. I did like the book but this was the secound and I hope the last NJO book solely about the philosiphies of the Force. I did like the last battle and the way things played out but they needed to talk less about Luke's role in politics. I did like the book but it was wordy and did not discuss the battles, which I thought were always fun to read in the earlier novels. I also think that the book jumped too much froom one situation to another in the book. I think that the book could have been less political and more battle, or the new restience, or even the reintroduction of the loss hero of the New Rebulic.