Rating:  Summary: It takes a strong stomach... Review: I wish I could give this book a higher rating, because Keyes does well with what he's given. The problem is the overarching story: the New Jedi Order. So far, we've seen that those New Republic officials who aren't morons are spineless collaborators. The Jedi aren't much better: gone is the confident Luke from Episode VI, and in his place is an indecisive dillitante. Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin, the three Solo Jedi, aren't any better: they can't decide what action to take, whether they should use the Force or not, and their indifference leads to the deaths of millions. Towards the end of this book, I found myself thinking: I really don't care if these three live or die. And that's not the way I should feel about three important, central characters. I think Mr. Keyes does a good job with Han, Leia, and Lando, but their appearances are all too brief. I hope these books get better, but honestly, I doubt I'll be there to see it -- and that saddens me.
Rating:  Summary: Last decent book in this series Review: Stop reading this series after this book, the rest are horrendously bad.
Rating:  Summary: Best of the series Review: After the series was just starting to elicit some yawns, Keyes had me back in the old Star Wars that I love. CLASSIC! I laughed out loud many times and there was true insight regarding the main character (A. Solo). I hate spoilers so I'm not going to go into the details. Unfortunately, I wish I could have personally directed the later novels. Star by Star killed it all! ! !
Rating:  Summary: Nothing Spectacular Review: The New Jedi Order series turns to the aftermath of Anakin's escape from Yavin 4, and focuses on Jaina Solo's odd dilemma with Kyp Durron which leads to an unfortunate act on her behalf. The story of these two Jedi enters a new stage as Jaina blindly puts her trust in Kyp Durron. Anakin and Tahiri enter into a few escapades, but the real focal point of this book is the birth of Ben Skywalker, son of Luke and Mara. Not sure about the name (it's a little too...terrestrial), but it's an interesting development.
Rating:  Summary: Is there no hope? Review: This is one of the better New Jedi Order books. I was so happy and content after reading Visions of the Future. I am sooo sorry that I started reading The New Jedi Order. Is there no hope? If there are any Dark Jedi Knights out there strike all of us Star Wars fans down and put us out of our misery. Its time to move on. I'm not sure I even want to read #9 thru #13. Just too depressing. William Allen
Rating:  Summary: Simply breathtaking Review: When I finished reading Edge of Victory I: Conquest, I didn't think any New Jedi Order book I owned could surpass it. But I was wrong. Edge of Victory II: Rebirth is way better than Conquest. Still, without alienating them, we learn more about the Yuuzhan Vong on many levels. And now Mara Jade Skywalker is preparing to give birth to hers and Luke's child. Meanwhile Anakin, Tahiri, and Corran Horn set off on a journey to find ways to stop the Yuuzhan Vong's quest for control of the galaxy. Elsewhere Han, Leia, and a few others help to set up what Luke refers to as a "mainstream river", a route that Jedi everywhere can travel without fear of capture until a hospitable planet is found. As stated earlier, this is by far the best NJO book in the series, which has it all: action, adventure, and little romance.
Rating:  Summary: Quite good! Read it fast... Review: It still kept me with the fascination of the Yuuzang Vong! We finally learn that they are also only - human... Some of our people finally make "friends" with them. The only advice I have: Read this book in intervals of more than 2 hours! There are always three or so storylines going on in parallel, if you don't read long enough you'll loose track.
Rating:  Summary: Buy this book Review: I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to people AS LONG AS THEY"VE READ THE OTHERS. This book had many things going for it, in my opinion, including my favorite charactors Tahiri Veila and Mara Jade Skywalker. It also had the birth of Ben Skywalker, which was long awaited on my part. I recommend this book to Star Wars fans with background in the series. This book had many happy parts and a few sad ones, and is, in my opinion, a great book.
Rating:  Summary: Very good Review: Exciting as are most of the Star Wars books I have read. I have read all of the Jedi Apprentice and New Jedi Order books. My favorite characters are Qui Gon, Han, and Anakin Solo, but Tahiri is next in line. Nom Anor is my Favorite one to hate. Anxiously looking forward to the next book.
Rating:  Summary: The best!! Review: First of all, those who say this book is no good frankly don't know what they're talking about. Sure, maybe the writing style wasn't as good as some of the previous ones, but the characters were well developed and true to themselves, the battle scenes are capable of making you feel as though you're there, and is there anything else that really matters in a Star Wars book? Ha! If I wanted a perfect work of art, I'd go read Shakespeare! Anyway, while this book is by no means perfect (and I like it that way), Mr. Keyes has once again created a fine window into the Star Wars universe, wide enough (unlike Conquest) to include many characters in several intertwining plots. The first, and most important IMO concerns Luke and Mara. Our favorite Jedi couple is days from expecting their firstborn, so when Fey'lya manages to secure an order for their arrest, it could not have come at a worse time. To make matters worse, as they are preparing to flee, it becomes abruptly clear that Vereger's Tears, which had been keeping Mara's disease safely away, are a danger to her unborn child, and she must decide (and quickly) whether to take the Tears and save herself, or protect her child as best she can with the Force, while sparing little to protect the rest of her body. Of course, if you know anything about Mara Jade, it's fairly obvious what she chooses, so she and Luke head for the Errant Venture, where most of their students are in hiding, while Mara's health gradually deterierates... Luke, realizing that with the galaxy's hateful attitude against Jedi, he can no longer afford to have them divided between himself and Kyp, sends Jaina to find him and try to convince him to return to the rest of the Jedi. When she gets there, there is some decidedly...creepy dialogue and interaction between them, Kyp and Jaina that is (am I mistaken or is this former darksider, massmurdering, sneaky, manipulating jerk of a thirty five year old man trying to hit on seventeen year old Jaina?), and through the course of this it he manages to convince her that the Vong have grown a massive super-weapon, and that she should use her influence with Rogue Squadren to go defeat it. You'll have to read the book to find out what comes out of this situation, but tell you right now, it ain't pretty. Meanwhile, Han, Leia and Jacen are on the Millenium Falcon trying to create a networking "underground railroud" for Jedi and young students in danger from the rest of the galaxy. Han and Leia gradually repair their broken marriage, something that will definitely please you if you're a fan of this couple, while Jacen continues to struggle with his inner confusion on how the Force should be used, and what his place is in the universe. At the same time, Anakin (now sixteen), Tahiri, and Corran Horn head out on a simple supply run, only to find themselves at the mercy of the Jedi hunting Peace Brigade. During the course of this, Anakin and Tahiri begin to come to terms with their changing feeling for one another. I know, I know, though I myself am their age my first thought was, They're too young, but actually it is quite well done, sweet, heartwarming, and not overly mushy, just one kissing scene. Anyway, this was a great book and one of my favorites so far. I recommend it to any Star Wars fan, if for no other reason than you get to find out what Luke names his son. (trust me, the book is worth reading just for that scene.) I was very nearly in tears during the scenes with Mara and Luke; I simply cannot believe the amount of agony Mara went through for that child, I can honestly say I would have given up. Anyway, read the book, love it, and try to ignore spoilers.