Rating:  Summary: Brilliant, but a bit rushed and short-sighted Review: That this series is beautifully written and vibrantly conceived, I cannot deny. I was so enthralled with this last volume that I couldn't put it down -- despite being at a noisy party, I read for two hours until I finished. Pullman's worlds are complex, his philosophy sophisticated, and his characters endearing.That being said, I felt this volume lacked the tight writing of the previous two. I was disappointed with the fruition of the prophecy from the earlier works -- despite the build-up, Lyra's "temptation" is one common to all people. Worse, however, Pullman's critique of the church became positively knee-jerk in parts, undermining his credibility. Church members seemed to have little motivation for their cruel and brutal actions; they became flat, two-dimensional villains, not people. One priest/assassin character got almost no narrative time except to A) stalk the protagonists and B) think about convincing the peaceful wheeled people that their very way of life is Satanic. Pullman may have been trying to demonstrate that the life-denying quality of the church pervades it, but that particular comment seemed unmotivated and contrived -- essentially a pot-shot. Overall, I am very sympathetic to Pullman's brand of spirituality, but I feel he undermines his cause somewhat by demonizing religion in such a categorical way. Liberal religious people today are engaged in taking back religious language from fundamentalists. Many use the word "God" to describe that immanent spirit of life that Pullman portrays as being opposed to the church. By setting up worlds in which "God" can only be the patriarchal, hierarchical head of a spiritual hegemony, Pullman makes the task of those committed to making religion meaningful again even harder than it already is. As a work of fiction, there's not much to fault in this series. But I do think it's a shame that the chip Pullman has on his shoulder with regards to Christianity leads him to alienate some of the religious people who would otherwise be his natural allies.
Rating:  Summary: A MUST READ BOOK !!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: In the last book of the Dark Material trilogy, many things happen. Dr. Mary Malone from the Subtle knife is back. She is stuck in a world with creatures called mulefa. Lyra is capture by Mrs. Coulter and is put in a enchanted sleep. Will meets two angels called Balthamos and Baruch. (...) I really liked this book.I think this book and the Subtle Knife is the best of the trilogy. The Second and Third book connect way better that the first and second. Both are definatly better than the first book, Not that I don;t like the first book. I recommend this book to everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Never read a book like it!!! Review: Wow ... i can only hope that my writing (when i grow up) is half as good as Philip Pullman's!!! All three books were really good, and the last one is extra long which is perfect for me! I honestly dont know where Philip Pullman's imagination comes from, he must be some kind of genius. =D Highly reccommended!(...)
Rating:  Summary: Is this the best book you'll ever read? "YES!" Review: I don't really know why i am even bothering to throw these stones of opinion into this already over-filled pool of reviews here. But for some reason i feel compelled to, because this is a book i just cannot forget. Even after reading it over a year ago now, i can still recall how brilliant it was, and how shatteringly sad. Still, after these short 13 months I still want to go up to people in book shops and scream at them to buy it. It's THAT good. I find myself wanting to tell everyone i meet about it. I've already made my mother read the entire trilogy, and she loved it. It is not often i read books again, but i know i shall this one (and the entire series). I came to this stunning trilogy with low expectations. I don't generally read fantasy novels, or novels intended for younger readers. (even though i am one, currently at the tender age of 15) But i left with a richer life. That is not an exaggeration. I actually feel better within myself for reading this book. It is probably a feeling that stems out of knowing what i would have missed had i not read them. These three great novels (for they are not mere books) deal with w wonderful myriad of issues. Religion being one. And he [Pullman] deals with them in a wonderful way. This book is a true education in philosophy, but it is writen such that you don't actually realise you're sitting the class. You're too wrapped up in the story to notice. And what a story it is. The plot is relentless and captivating. There is something magic about it all. You are right there with Will and Lyra, feeling everything they feel, thinking everything they think, experiencing everything they experience. An example of his brilliany way of making you feel you ARE the characters is when Lyra and Will have to seperate from their daemons. As humans, we can't really comprehend the feelings and the emotions both the children, because we are incapable of feeling them, as we will never ever be in a similar situation. But Pullman's majesty is that you DO. You really feel for them. You're sad for them. Even though you cannot know what it feels like, Pullman's marvellous writing is able to MAKE you. The characters in this story are wonderful. Pullman draws them with utter precision and skill, capturing their emotions and feelings perfectly. It's one of the books major strengths, it's all so accurate. You might think that a middle aged Oxford prof would have a little trouble being able to write about children and their feelings in a relistic way, but he doesn't. Some people say that the emotional bond the two children form is a bit unrealistic, and that some of the feelings they have are a bit too mature. That, in short, is nonsense. Being only three years ago i well remember how i felt aw 12. At that age you are at your most emotionally susceptible period, so everything you feel is hightened. And to top that, these two kids have been through a lot of tough stuff, so it's no surprise they are experiencing what might be considered adult emotions, because they will have grown up very quickly, learning responsibility at a very young age and being much more emotionally mature. And not only are those two characters, so are all the rest. Serafina, Mary, and Mrs Coulter (especially her). The whole book is populated with wonderful people and wonderful events which just keep it steaming ahead to it's powerful conclusion. And WHAT a conclusion! This book was the first book i had ever read that made me cry. No, not cry, weep. I had never shed a tear upon reading a book in my whoel life, but with this one i did. And trust me, crying is not something a 15 year old male does at the drop of a hat. Especially this hard-hearted old sod. But this book was truly heartbreaking. I had about 150 pages to go, and i thought i would have a quick bath and read a bit whilst there. I only expected to read about 25 pages at most, I'm not one for having hugely lengthy baths. But i started, and i couldn't stop. I lay there for three hours, until the water was freezing cold, but i didn't care. I read it slowly, and i savoured it. I concentrated on every single sentence, every single word. And i didnt get out until I had finished it. And i had had no idea it was coming. It was completely an unexpected ending (for some people it will have been as clear as day how it was going to end, but i don't like to think about how things might end, because it spoils it) and when the ending finally did come, i was shattered. Tears were streaming down my face, and i couldn't believe what he'd done. I cursed him for ending it that way. And it stayed with me for ages. In fact, it is still with me. It is a book that i know i will never be able to forget, and this is a series no reader, of matter what genre, should pass by. Comparisons to Harry Potter are many, but none of them actually tell the truth. They say "as good as J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter", but many of them dare to state the reality. Which is that they are better. I have read the Harry Potter, and really liked them. And i have read these. Phillip Pullman surpassed Harry Potter in every way. They pale in comparison to his superior trilogy, his superior writing, his superior (and not repetative) plots, his brilliance. I implore of you, please these books. Your lives will be a better thing for it. This one of the few books which a five star rating of is a severe injustice. Ten would also be too small a number. Buy it, please.
Rating:  Summary: Future classic! Review: Reading The Amber Spyglass is an experience rich with the knowledge that a classic is being read in the infanthood of its life. In the third part of His Dark Materials trilogy, Pullman continues to conduct a superior fantasy for young adults. Tiny people who ride saddled dragonflies, a harpy named "Gracious Wings", and a nobel angel named Zaphania, are just a slight few of the colorful, imaginative creatures that contribute to the quest of Will and Lyra and to the destiny they painfully must endure for the rest of their lives. This novel must be read with bravado because so much death, destruction, and heart wrenching grief is intertwined with joyful, loving, exploration and discovery. Mythical in style, Pullman's work was inspired by Paradise Lost and indeed seems a modern version.
Rating:  Summary: Great book for compasionate readers. Review: This book was the best book out of all the rest that I have read. While I read the book it was like I was right there with the characters,watching what they did,cheering them on,and helping them with problems. I really liked the ending! Tt realy made me feel sorrowful when they had to leave each other. This was a great book.
Rating:  Summary: how could he end it like that? Review: This is truely a great book! I read the previous two books in the trilogy about a year before reading this one. In the third book of "his dark materials" he thankfully keeps the story going on the same track that he started it in, the only problem i could see with the book is the ending. I cant get over how he ended the book (...). It was very sad how he ended the book, and I truely hope he does something about it. As for people saying that it is satanic? lol, that is very funny, it is very far from being satanic, and to any christian that says it is demonic in anyway, isnt it true that god wants us to think in new ways and explore ourselves? if not, then we would all be catholic!!!(no offense intended)
Rating:  Summary: i dont understand Review: This book and the whole series was excellent. What i dont understand is how everyone is compareing philip pullman with j.k rowling and harry potter. 'his dark materials' series is soooo much better than harry potter will ever be. dont get me wrong i like harry potter but it does get a tad redundant. 'his dark materials' is much darker and more complicated and more diverse. it just really got under my skin that on the cover of this book is a comment from a critic compareing to harry potter. the amber spyglass was very sad and was only the second book to bring me to tears.
Rating:  Summary: More Beautiful Than Dust Review: In my review of the first of these books, I stated that it was not as gripping as Harry Potter. I stick by that, it has taken me months to read this book, what with school and other activities, whereas if it had been a Harry Potter book of the same size I'd have read it in a couple of days. Harry Potter was more gripping, as in it had a grip on me. This book had many more tense moments then the whole series of Harry Potter combined, so far at least. I appreciated this book as a more mature, great peice of literature. This book is packed with romance, action, dark materials, strange creatures, death, deaths, destruction, revolution, and, most importantly, Dust. Don't know what Dust is? Wondering what those strange creatures are? Wondering why I listed death twice, with one as a plural? To answer all of your questions I will direct you to read this story of how Lyras parents really feel about her, how Will and Roger really feel about her, how she feels about everyone else, and how she achieves her destiny. And if you have already read the other two books, which I recommend you do before reading this one, then you will find out what you have been wondering all along: What is Dust? Also, what happened to characters we said goodbye to earlier? One thing that confuses me about this whole series is how much attention it has been given. Not positive attention, but negative attention. Harry Potter is banned this way and that for endorcing witchcraft. Here we have a story that not only has witchcraft, but basically says that every single religion, Christianity to Buddhism, is just a bunch of stories and chants and has no truth. Everyone is destined the same, and it is not pretty. Why are there no schools banning this book when it is much worse than Harry Potter, as far as religious people should be concerned? In conclusion, I really enjoyed this series and nearly cried at the end for two reasons: 1. It was over and 2. What was happening was sad and written passionately. I strongly recommend this book to everyone, but only after you have read its prequels.
Rating:  Summary: Extraordinary Novel Review: The riveting conclusion to Pullman's Dark Materials series, this fast-paced, riveting, novel did not disappoint. This novel describes the final struggle of Lyra, Will, and a plethora of other characters, to topple the iniquitous regime and restore normalcy to all the worlds. Character development was excellent, giving each individual unique and powerful characteristics, and having each individual make believable decisions based on these characteristics. The plot was very thorough, and though it was evidently much more complex then the preceding two novels in the series, it could be viewed on many levels. The novel contains a level on which it could be read as a simple fantasy story, or as an in depth theological study. In either sense, the story contains a certain sense of self-seriousness making it all the more believable. I have noticed a lot of rants that label the novel anti-Christian and immoral. This is simply not true. Though there is a clear, opinionated perspective on religion, it is ridiculous to infer that Pullman is attempting to brainwash the reader. When reading fiction, fantasy fiction no less, one must set aside one's own religious or moral code, and enjoy the story, since it is just that: a story. After all, it is possible to enjoy something without it reflecting one's own opinion (though after reading some of the narrow-minded reviews here, I may retract that statement at some point). Although I am only 15 years old, I have been exposed to a wide variety of religions and cultures, and understand that rather than shunning and tabooing something that you disagree with on any scale, you should simply maintain your own opinion and realize that a wide variety of opinions and beliefs is what makes mankind so intelligent and diverse. Which is more than can be said for certain reviews I've read from parents fearing that their children are being brainwashed. If one is secure enough with their own beliefs, then they shouldn't be afraid of such beautiful and thought-provoking prose. Read this book, regardless of culture, race, religion, or any other label. Read this book for pure enjoyment, to be swept away in the mystical fantasy of daemons, and armored bears, and witches, and angels. Or read this book to open your mind and perspectives. Either way, you shall have walked away still imbued in such a heart-wrenchingly beautiful tale. I know I did.