Rating:  Summary: Why isn't this series a mainstream classic? Review: I have read so many other books declared as classics; like Harry Potter, Narnia, and A Wrinkle in Time and this is completely better. And is tied with Lord of the Rings as one of the best all time books. Non-fantasy books that make statements about society like Farenheit 451 or White Noise, fall short of this satire on today's society with the most beautiful metafore ever conjured up, The Subtle Knife. This series points out that the downfall of society occurs when we create things (like the Ring to rule them all in Lord of the Rings), and the only way to salvage is through love. While most Fantasy books are just an adventure this book accompanies every place, everywhere. This will be the last book you'll have to read, I've never read/watched anything better than this before, translated: Best Book Ever.
Rating:  Summary: this book is possibly the best book ever written Review: the amber spyglass is without a doubt my favorite book. it was not merely a fantasy adventure story, there were plots and meanings weaved into it... a great deal can be learned from this book, no matter what your age is. Pullman illustrates true love with the pure innocence of will and lyra. he simplifies the ongoing fight of good and evil, showing that there are no forces, only actions...people are too complex to have simple labels. he illustrates pure kindness and harmony and everything the human race should hope to be with the muelfa. they are not near as advanced as we are, but they are clearly better and above us; for they are not jealous or selfish or spoiled. and i hope his views on god help people to be openminded as opposed to the shallow and scared idiots they are. im not saying what he portrays is correct, im saying there are possibilities beyond the christian standpoint that should be recognized. anyways, the amber spyglass was a beautiful conclusion to the trilogy. it was magnificently composed as the first two, but then it exceeded them because of all the meanings within...pullman is a genius; everybody should read this book, it will leave you with something to think about.
Rating:  Summary: it's magic! Review: I really enjoyed this book and the first two in the series. It combined action with emotion to create a really addictive storyline; I couldn't put it down. However, Northern Lights(book 1) is still my favorite out of the 3 as I loved the way it introduced all the characters and i think the plot is excellant. My only complaint with the Amber Spyglass is the ending, I wanted to know more about what was going to happen to Will!
Rating:  Summary: I'm sick of all these reviews calling it pagan slop! Review: As I said, I am so sick of hearing about how horrible and ungodly The Amber Spyglass is. Let me adress it issue by issue: 1) "Mr. Pullman portrays God as a simple old fool. He obviously hates the church." How do you know how Mr. Pullman feels? Have you asked him about it? It's called a work of fiction, my dears. As in IT'S NOT REAL. Who says that just because Philip Pullman writes this stuff, that that's what he believes in? 2) "The first two books were great, but The Amber Spyglass was just pagan slop." If the book was so awful, then how did it get nominated for the Booker Prize in Britain? 3) "The message is stupid, it's telling people to rejectreligion!" Actually, the book is saying that even though we are sinful, it is worth it because that is what gives us our free will. Without it, we would be kind of like mindless machines. I think this is what the Spectres do. They consume a person's soul and take away their free will. The state they are left in is what humans would be like without sin. The Amber Spyglass is one of the best book ever written. The message is great, the writing superb, and and the plot romantic and wonderful. I have no idea where I would be without the His dark Materials series, they are what got me into reading.
Rating:  Summary: Rushing to conclusions Review: I really loved "The Golden Compass" and I thought "The Subtle Knife" was great, too: intellectually intriguing, engrossing, and well-crafted. I hate to be a nay-sayer, but I really thought the story fell flat in this final installment. Pullman is amazingly ambitious in this trilogy--so ambitious that he has simply has gotten in over his head by Vol. 3. To effectively pull all the various threads together that he has started working with in Vols. 1 and 2, he would need about three more books--not one--in my opinion. I thought this third book felt rushed throughout. Its pace was totally different than the other two books. I also thought the "love story" part came out of left field and was a little weird and off-putting. (I'm sure others will disagree with me on that.) All that said, I still think this series as a whole is well-worth reading, and would give it four stars overall.
Rating:  Summary: Rushing to conclusions Review: I really loved "The Amber Spyglass" and I thought "The Subtle Knife" was great, too: intellectually intriguing, engrossing, and well-crafted. I hate to be a nay-sayer, but I really thought the story fell flat in this final installment. Pullman is amazingly ambitious in this trilogy--so ambitious that he has simply has gotten in over his head by Vol. 3. To effectively pull all the various threads together that he has started working with in Vols. 1 and 2, he would need about three more books--not one--in my opinion. I thought this third book felt rushed throughout. Its pace was totally different than the other two books. I also thought the "love story" part came out of left field and was a little weird and off-putting. (I'm sure others will disagree with me on that.) All that said, I still think this series as a whole is well-worth reading, and would give it four stars overall.
Rating:  Summary: The Amber Spyglass Review: This was a thrilling book, leading you through suspense filled, jaw dropping adventures, that include use of the Subtle Knife, the Golden Compass, and most importantly, the Amber Spyglass. This book will take you more in depth of Dust, and simply amaze you. A must read.
Rating:  Summary: Good, but it wasn't going to China. Review: It took him long enough to write it! But...it was worth it. *some minor spoilers ahead* Philip Pullman outshines once more, with epic characters and landscapes. It was a bit dull around the edges (it seems as though he had a bit of a formula in mind going into writing this book) but above that it was spectacular. Probably the best scene in the book was the "Stalemate" scene with Coulter and the Gallivesipians...I giggled like an excited schoolgirl when I read it. Sadly, that is probably the highest climax the book reaches. This scene was something different for Pullman...he usually builds up to the climactic scenes, as he has done in previous books and in the latter part of this book... We revisited many old friends in this one (both expected and unexpected ones) Many of the older subjects he dealt with (Dust of course) reappear in this one. It's pretty apparent Pullman's an Atheist and it shows with the reiteration of the "Killing the Authority" theme. This book is much more theological than the other two (using both theological themes and imagery) ****BIG SPOILER UP AHEAD**** Although comedy is not Pullman's strong suit, he definetly shows us his dark comedic side in the scene where the cliff-ghasts pound the life out of the Authority (God, obviously) while he is still inside his little cage. It's kinda like Fargo when you see the foot sticking out of the wood chipping machine. **spoilers end** Overall, this book brings to a graceful close this amazing saga. He excelled in tying together all three books with Dust. If you are going for a stand alone read I definetly recommend The Golden Compass, it is still the best of the three. The Subtle Knife (much more of a transition between 1 and 3, as opposed to a stand alone novel) does a very good job in introducing Will and making parallel dimensions a more dominant theme. I would give this novel a 5 except for a few things... *medium-sized spoilers up ahead* 1) The raw emotion from scenes like Bolvangar and Svalbard (from book 1) were not very present. 2) If taken as a stand-alone novel, the ending is only slightly above average (tying the whole saga together though, it really does make sense and is not so bad) *spoilers* 3) There are a few incongruencies now and then...if you notice in book 2, Lyra sees Will "without a daemon". Shortly after she realizes that it's inside of him...Well if that were true then how come in book 3 Serafina says to Mary that "Everyone has a daemon and can be seen through practice" (or whatver the line is) if in our world we don't have daemons? (ie physical manifestions of our souls)Mary should not have been able to see her daemon since she doesn't really have one (and did not cross over to the world of the dead either, for that matter). Final Complaint: I mentioned this before but...It seemed as though Pullman had a formula now and then (ex: The Land of the Dead...striking parallel to the Bolvangar scene in book 1. Seems as if he tried to recreate it) He definetly did not top himself by using this formula. Only now and then did his true genius from the first book shine through. But..All in all, Pullman gracefully brought the plane down with minor turbulence. Good Job.
Rating:  Summary: The Amber Spyglass Review: The Amber Spyglass is a very good book that takes you through adventures in other worlds.This is the longest and best book I've read in a long time.I think Philip Pullman couldn't pick a better topic to write about. The bad thing about the book is that I don't feel colsure at the end of the book and philip should make another book that gives you a wonderful feeling.
Rating:  Summary: Thrilling, Exciting. . . A real page turner! Review: Until I read The Golden Compass, my favorite book was Harry Potter. Then I was saying,"Harry who?" I couldn't put The Amber Spyglass down. It was full of suspense, comedy, horror, and surprises. It was like the perfect book. The ending was a cliffhanger (what happened to Will?) but I can't read this book enough times. I shared this book with my friends and they all loved it. If you haven't read this book--READ IT!