Rating:  Summary: Between Zero And Five Review: This is easily one of the most uneven, pieced together Star Wars Books I have read, and I have read them all. I have enjoyed Aaron Allston in the past, and since I don't know how much control he and others authors have with the plot, I cannot lay the blames at his door.The strong points: Han and Leia, despite having their family and friends whittled away in previous books, are the highlight to this installment. Allston writes great dialogue, which will bring you back to the best of the original series and this time Leia is in competition to see who is "the" rogue of this husband and wife team. For the first time that I can recall we are allowed to, "communicate", directly with R2D2. He still whistles and chirps away, but C3PO is given a break from translation. Everyone's favorite droid then plans and executes one of the best sequences in the book. C3PO has a nice bit of philosophical banter with another droid that is the result of his decades long experience with his human counterparts. I hope this was just rumination and not a foreshadowing of events yet to come. Wedge Antilles is the finest non-force sensitive pilot to ever fly, and there are more than a few Jedi he could beat as well. Allston has written a great solo sequence for this long-term veteran of the saga. The rest of the book: One of the most infamous traitors ever portrayed finally has to answer for her deeds. When she does, it is so weak as to not even rise to the level of anti climatic. Luke's outing with Mara and the gang to Coruscant has some great repartee especially between Luke and Mara. If as another reviewer suggested this trip was used to introduce what could play a factor in taking back the planet, the author would have been hard pressed to write a worse storyline. And the thing they come upon that sprouts lightsabers like a pincushion but it too dim to speak, makes Jar Jar Binks appear as a candidate for MENSA Membership. How many hundreds of times do we have to read the same method of shooting down another couple of hundred Coral Skippers? Why would a species that has perfected violence and the infliction of pain use Rancors to deal with an internal issue? Perhaps what will finally take down the Vong is their stupidity. How else can one explain a near blind warrior waiting for a weapon that is obvious to any reader for at least 50 pages to take action on his ship?
Rating:  Summary: On the right track..great action and plot development Review: Rebel Stand is a great sequel to Rebel Dream and a superb installment to the Yuuzhan Vong war and New Jedi Order series. Whereas Rebel Dream focused on our heroes recapturing the planet Borleias previously lost to the Vong, Rebel Stand branches out on many fronts which really gives the feeling of a larger war going on and pays attention to our main characters...all this with nonstop action. 1) General Wedge Antilles and Tycho, in charge of the resistance at Borleias continue to develop new strategies and a secretive weapon to deliver a devastating blow to the orbiting Vong worldship. The use and development of Wedge here is great and gives him a push as an important player in the war. His climatic battle scene was great and had shades of the old Rogue Squadron novels here. 2) Han and Leia (leaving young Tarc behind) begin a series of secretive missions to other planets hoping to start a network of resistance cell sites for the war. The action described in their parts is a great throwback to the original Star Wars and it is clear that Leia has not given up her political ways or Han his 'scoundrel' habits. 3) The Jaina Solo, Kyp Durron, and Jag Fel triangle is explored further with new revelations from Kyp. Though not as deep as I would have liked, there is plenty of action when this trio hits the skies to take on the Vong Corralskippers. 4) The traitorous Senator Viqi Shesh is sent to Coruscant with her Vong captors to capture the wayward Jedi. Again, we see how manipulative she can be...too bad the Emporer is no more, she would have been a great addition to the Empire. 5) Tam Elgrin (the recovering Holocam operator used against his will by the Vong), young Tarc and Wolam Tser continue their exploits. 6) Warmaster Tsavong Lah and shaper Nen Yim uncover a conspiracy amongst the Vong priests and take matters into their own hands. Cool to see Tsavong get down to business and show his merciless side. 7) Finally, Luke, Mara, Tahiri and a few others end up on Coruscant for some covert operations. Here they cross paths with Viqi Shesh and her handlers, and a new threat to both the Vong and Jedi. It seems that there is a disturbance in the force, unlike that that Luke or the vong have ever faced. Do the Jedi and Vong form an alliance to rid Coruscant of this new dark side threat? This was probably my only really complaint with this novel was the introduction of Lord Nyax. His origin and development seemed a bit silly to me, as was the climatic battle between Luke, Mara, Tahiri and new baddie Lord Nyax. If author Allston would have handled this a bit differently, I would have given this novel 5 stars, but the silly factor for dramatic sake only was unwarranted. Other wise this was one of the better book in the whole New Jedi Order series.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: This duology was excellent. I thought that after Star by Star this series would get back on track. Then came Dark Journey, possibly the worst NJO book I've ever read. But this duology saved the series.
Rating:  Summary: At Long Last Review: Being a die-hard Star Wars fan, especially that of any book written by Mr. Allston, you can imagine my impatience while awaiting the next installment of NJO... I can honestly swear, affirm, say... any words that can describe giving praise to his work in Rebel Dream... it was well worth the wait. From the Jedi mission on Coruscant, and Han and Leia's mission, I was hooked. Then throw in Wraith sqaudron and Wes Janson (Even though he could have had a more significant role other than comic relief... I don't know, maybe taken out some of the Vong with an Adumari Blastsword...Not that I mind, it just would have been nice to read)made it even sweeter. But to see the Vong get their rumps handed to them in the climatic battle was the best! Each page you laughed... each page you couldn't wait to turn the next page... and each page you were glad you did turn the page... If you ever decide to change the rating system to the same amount of stars in the Hapes Cluster... this book gets my vote. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
Rating:  Summary: A very pleasing stand Review: I enjoyed Rebel Dream, and I was very impressed by this book. Not only did Allston confirm his standing as one of the greated Star Wars authors of all time, he continued the NJO story very precisely. He presents a new mencace, Lord Nyax. His power and strength seemed almost unstoppable. On Borleis, it was interesting to see a Yuuzhan Vong warrior go after Jaina Solo in an attempt to capture her. Allston acutally gives the warrior credit and character, and makes him almost admirable. Han and Leia of course, come back in full force. Their long-lost wit and battle ready attitudes bring memories of the original trilogy, of how they battled the Empire. And as for the book's romantic side? Like in the book before it, there was enough of it to bring a smile to your face but not get you annoyed with too much kissing up. The plot is excellent. A well-deserved five stars.
Rating:  Summary: star wars the new jedi order enemy lines two Review: As I was reading the book, the story line was fantastic, it kept me on my toes. Luke, and his wife were great, Han and leia made the book funny and intersting and for the rest of the characters,they supported the main characters really well
Rating:  Summary: Funny and well-written again, but with a couple problems Review: Like Rebel Dream, this book is well-written, fun, and full of humor. Allston brings back the excitment of the Rebellion Era, with Han and Leia, Luke and Mara, and a series of well-known pilots acting out clever and covert schemes once again. In that sense, the book is a breath of fresh air from the very different kind of plot and writing that typifies the NJO series. At the same time, Rebel Stand works well within NJO, taking us to Coruscant after its fall and bringing resolution to the arc involving Viqi Shesh. While I enjoyed reading this book, there were two parts that bothered me. First, the "dark Jedi" aspect of the Coruscant plot is overwraught and probably out of place. It seemed very weird in the middle of an NJO book. Second, and more important, there is one really abhorrent chapter that deals with Jaina's relationships with Jag and Kyp. I thought Allston had left behind Jaina the self-absorbed twerp, Jag the empty tool, and Kyp the pathetic follower. Oh well. Despite these two issues, the book really was good, and I think the vast majority of Star Wars fans will be able to find something to their liking in its pages.
Rating:  Summary: Space Battles Galore Review: This book is a definite must for the New Jedi Order. I found myself reading it twice even thrice it was so good. This novel continues the story of Wedge Antilles spearheading the fighting defence of Borleias against a very highly celegrated Commander. The Father of Warmaster Tsavong Lah! This book shows the tactical brilliance of General Antilles as he plan his final defense of Borleias, codenamed Emperors Spear. I will not give a lot away but one major New Reppublic Ship will be sacrificed for the Death of a Yuuzhan Vong Worldship. This is a great book and a great sequel to Enemy Lines: Rebel Dream which MUST be read before this one because otherwise you'll miss a vital part of the story and a great read. I loved this book, I recomend it to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Great book Review: This is another great story in the NJO series. It had my attention from the first page. However, there were some slow areas in the book, but they don't hinder the reader from really enjoying the story. This is a great addition to any collection.
Rating:  Summary: Allston does it again! Review: What Aaron Allston did with Rebel Dream, he did a second time with Rebel Stand. His perfectly inserted humor at full effectiveness, I had to put down the book to laugh at least 5 times during a certain scene with Han and Leia, when they were taken captive and threw out puns and one-liners throughout the entire debriefing and escape. It definately has helped the series along to see the two of them reunited in a similar fast-paced, full-of-action environment to the one they started out in. Though an awkward and unwieldy topic, the part with the Coruscant team battling Lord Nyax was interesting and fit in without an exceedingly high amount of controversy. The parts with Viqi Shesh were very appropriate, and Wraith Squad was, as always, a great source of professionalism and comic relief. Back at the Borleias base, Allston goes all the way with a final bout of amazing strategy and insight that surpasses most anything I've seen from him before. Which is saying a LOT. All in all, Rebel Stand and its predecessor, Rebel Dream, are must-reads for everyone reading the NJO series.