Rating:  Summary: This is the all-time best Tolkien resource Review: I feel a bit of nostalgia whenever I open this book because it takes me back more than twenty years to when I was first beginning to study Tolkien's world. Robert Foster's glossary is now sadly outdated because so many informative books have been published by Christopher Tolkien, but none of the tertiary sources written by other Tolkien researchers even come close to Foster's dedicated achievement.Unlike some early Tolkien indexers, Foster usually refrains from mixing his opinions with the facts he is reporting. His occasional guesses and interpretations may be wrong but given the information available when the book was written they are solid and well-considered. Many more recent books have contained unforgivably egregious errors because those later authors had access to material Foster didn't. The sources that Foster covers include some of Tolkien's private correspondence, and the research has been vindicated by Humphrey Carpenter's Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien. Foster's other sources include The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, Pauline Baynes' 1969 map of Middle-earth (on which she was advised by Tolkien himself), and the first edition of The Road Goes Ever On. The most impressive section, however, is Foster's attempt to devise a chronology of the First Age. Such a chronology could be achieved with any hope of accuracy only after Christopher Tolkien published The War of the Jewels in 1994, 16 years after Foster published the Complete Guide. Foster's guesswork was off by no more than a few years. I still glance through his chronology for a quick reference when I just need to be reminded of critical dates. My only regret is that this book was never updated, although I heard a rumor that HarperCollins was looking for someone to revise it. It would be good to see a much fuller guide published, but only if Foster's impeccable standard was adhered to.
Rating:  Summary: Living with the Hobbit Review: LIVING WITH THE HOBBIT The Hobbit by J.R Tolkien is a very enjoyable fantasy novel. For a reader that loves to get in to a new world, it is a dream. Set in a land far beneath the earths crust, but mostly resembling the world we know on its surface. Thick unexplored forests, tall snow covered mountains, vanishing valleys, rapid rivers and of course unforgettable characters. This world is not lived in by humans, but dwarves, trolls, hobbits, wizards, humans that change to animals, goblins, fairies, elves, dragons, and wargs (vicious wolves). The story begins in our main characters hobbit hole, the hobbit himself. One night a wizard and thirteen dwarves arrive at his hole , and persuade him in to going on a treasure hunt to conquer the dragon of lonely mountain and restore one of the dwarves, family gold. The hobbit feeling adventurous agrees to go on this exciting journey. He soon finds himself sitting upon a mountain pony traveling though mysterious, and vicious lands. The hobbit proves himself a useful "burglar " when he steals from trolls, but soon he becomes more to the dwarves; a guardian. Proving himself brave, when stuck in mountain goblins tunnels alone, fighting forest elves and protecting the dwarves from the dragon, and bringing honor to his party even if it means losing there trust for a period. I believe this is a classic example of a good fantasy novel. The novel includes a driving action plot, taking place in a place that doesn't exist in the real world. The characters are all made believe but they have human qualities. Most fantasys novels I have read include a journey of some kind, emotional or physical. The story includes themes for the purpose of morals and lessons to teach. I think J.R Tolkien is showing us a true moral fiber with this creative story. In the beginning the hobbit is very ashamed of his adventurous spirit, because all his fellow "respectable" hobbit do not share this quality. The hobbit follows what he feels is the right choice and goes on this adventure anyway, even though he faces losing his inherited respectability. After the adventure he returns home, feeling at ease with what he has done and twice as respectable because he earned himself therefore he felt good about himself, less consciences. I think this theme of staying true to yourself even if what it is you possess is not what everyone else has and may not be considered "respectable" is a lesson everyone must learn, old or young. Tolkien also explores the theme of a personal development, with his self-conscience hobbit character. The hobbit worries himself with the way people see him, this makes him a nervous character in the beginning. As the novel continues he is not worried about what his journey mates think of him so he goes through personal development on the journey in the form of battling foreign creatures after each battle he shows a new step in that development . When the hobbit goes home he doesn't worry himself any more. I personally loved this story, and think it is a classic form of the genre fantasy. It is a thrilling tale for a starved imagination. It has many lessons to teach the young or old readers, plus loveable characters!
Rating:  Summary: Better name: Glossary of the middle Earth Review: This is a companion for any serious tolkien reader. After I got it, I read "The Hobbit" for the second time and the Guide threw new light on many of the characters, places and events that I found obcure at first. Page references to several common paperback editions of Tolkien's best books are included. It is intended to be a lightweight, handy, quick reference; so if you expect drawings and pictures you'll have to get another book.
Rating:  Summary: A very Helpful guide to Tolkien's world--Great for New Fans! Review: The writings of Professor Tolkien are absolutely Timeless. His books are the gauge by-which all Fantasy books are measured. The Hobbit and The Trilogy have been the Inspiration for decades of works by other authors, yet I have not ever seen these works surpassed by anyone. Terry Brooks is the only author I have read who even compares to J.R.R. Tolkien and his epic style. I became fascinated with The Hobbit and Trilogy when I was in the seventh grade. I borrowed them from a friend and snuck them home. I was completely enthralled with the world Tolkien created. I was not allowed to read anything that was even remotely related to Wizards, Witches, Astrology, D&D, etc., so these books were like nothing I had ever seen, before. I was captivated and felt the call to become a Writer. Previously, the poetry and such that we were studying in school BORED me to tears. I found my schooling to be mind-numbingly BORING and Tolkien became my Inspiration to Learn, create Poetry, Write stories, Study, become an Anthropologist, delve into Masonic Lore and so much more.... Throughout High-School, I had pictures of Prof. Tolkien on my wall and I desired to be like him. Not-only was he the Greatest Fantasy Writer the world has known, but he was "Professor of Anglo-Saxon, at Oxford University, from 1925 to 1945....and professor of English Language and Literature....and a Fellow of Merton College from '45 to his retirement in '59." Check out his translations of (book title:)"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, and Sir Orfeo" (J.R.R. Tolkien) Also, Prof. Tolkien wrote wonderful stories like "Smith of Wooten Major (&) Farmer Giles of Ham" for children. Pop those titles into the search box! I can honestly say that reading Tolkien changed my life...for the Better! Tolkien created the highest standards of writing for generations of authors....I am quite sure he would be deeply disappointed with the majority of books published today, with numerous spelling errors and pathetic grammar. I believe Tolkien is a god-send to English teachers. Perhaps, he can still inspire young people to elevate their Writing and English skills, from beyond. I would fight to keep his works on the shelves. I was not allowed to do my Senior Thesis about this author, despite the fact that he is such an amazing author and advocate of Literature. I lost interest in doing my thesis and threw something together at the last minute. Perhaps teachers should Recognize the potential for inspiring youth, via the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. This guide to Middle Earth is a wonderful gift for any Tolkien fan and serves as a terrific guide to the reader...especially those who have not read the books as many times as most of us have. Even if you get Lost in Tolkien's words...you will not get lost in his world!
Rating:  Summary: For die-hards and Tolkien scholars only Review: Having read The Hobbit and being about half-way though The Fellowship of the Ring I purchased this book expecting to use it as a reference on my way through this great story. From the first paragraph of the introduction, this book assumes you have read the whole of Tolkien's writings. Instead of breaking down the descriptions of characters and places into sections as they correlate to the individual books, each is jumbled into (at least) one paragraph. So, if you accidently read a sentance too far ahead in this guide, you'll give away what you have not yet read in the original books. Also, this book makes excessive use of abbreviations - some of which I can't figure out at all (q.v.???). Finally, for a "complete" guide this book lacks the single most useful aid for reading Tolkien: a decent map (or any map, for that matter) as not all editions come with one. While this book does seem thorough (and may be better than nothing if used cautiously), it is poorly organized and is best meant for use by those already familiar with Tolkien's great vision.
Rating:  Summary: The Truth Review: This book is all you need to understand any questions you have about characters, places, and events. It is a dictionary for Middle Earth. Including family trees but no maps.
Rating:  Summary: I would give this book 10 stars if I could! Review: This is one of my favorite finds. This book is an absolute treasure. Don't buy this book expecting a story in the traditional sense! This is not a novel. This is a glossary. A big, giant, stupendous glossary. Did you ever wonder what the difference was between the Maiar and the Istari? If so this book gives as complete an answer as possible. Want to look up Morgoth (the master and teacher to Sauron) or should you look him up under Melkor instead? Don't worry, both names for the same person are listed and cross-referenced. This book is very complete, very well researched and very well laid out. The reference to each term gives us sections of each of Tolkien's major works were they appear. The book covers material in The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion. This is a wonderful book to keep next to you when you read any of Tolkien's works based in mythical Middle Earth. This book allowed me to enjoy the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings more but it truly helped with the Silmarillion. The Silmarillion is a massive book. It doesn't have the page depth of some books by Robert Jordan or Guy Gavriel Kay but it is enormous in scope. The Silmarillion covers no less then the creation of the world onward in often-intimate detail. The book is very difficult to read and enjoy on a casual level. This task has been made so much easier by the use of this book. Having an easy index and glossary of names makes this book enjoyable on its own level without 'studying' it. A definite recommend, especially if you are a die-hard Tolkien fan.
Rating:  Summary: Extremely helpful guide to the world of Middle-Earth Review: This is basically a glossary and appendix for many of Tolkiens writings. While reading the Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, or The Simarillon, you should keep this wonderfully handy book by your sides. Due to the complexities of Tolkien's works, a reader will sometimes find themselves wondering who certain characters mentioned are. If you have any questions you can simply look in Foster's brilliant sidekick guide. This is great for repeat readers of the magnificent fantasy. - Gandalf White-
Rating:  Summary: In my book this is 10 stars! Review: I can't say enough good about this book. As a companion resource to the any of Tolkien's novels based in mythical Middle Earth this is the perfect companion. This isn't a series of essays and it doesn't try to explain the twists of plot in all of Tolkien's books. What this book does is give complete, sourced and easy to find definitions for nearly ALL of the terms, places and people in Middle Earth. Ever wonder what the difference between the Maiar and the Istari? Want to know a brief history of Morgoth, the original poison in Middle Earth? This is the book for you. I had to work VERY hard to find any obscure term not included in this book. Not only is this book complete but it is cross-referenced and multiple terms are listed. For instance both Melkor and Morgoth are listed separately so you will find him regardless of which name you look him up under. What a wonderful piece of work. This book has furthered my reading enjoyment of the Lord of the Rings and opened the Silmarillion to me in a entirely new light. A definite A+ recommendation.
Rating:  Summary: Indispensable, Complete, and Thorough Review: Whether you are new to the world of Tolkien or a seasoned traveller through Middle-Earth, Foster's guide is an invaluable companion. The entries are listed in alphabetical order and nothing is missing. It will answer all your questions that come up while reading Tolkien; even the most obscure reference will be found. It is very well cross-referenced, so you might not be able to stop looking up entries once you start.