Rating:  Summary: slow start, strong finish Review: Okay, this is a long novel in a long series. The first 250 pages of this entry in the series are excruciating -- essentially a soppy, bodice-ripping development of the Richard-Kahlan relationship. It was enough to warrant having Fabio on the cover of the book. I survived the first quarter of the book only on the theory that I had already invested so much time in reading the first five books, I was darn well going to see how it came out.That being said, the balance of the book is really quite absorbing. It has a hard core political/economic message a la Ayn Rand (who admittedly, I haven't read in fifteen years). But the transformation of Kahlan into a merciless, at times cruel, foe of the Order, and the Richard/Nicci plot line pays dividends to the reader who hangs in there. This is a strong entry into the series, but it had better end soon, before it degenerates into a Robert Jordan style quagmire.
Rating:  Summary: Faith of the Fallen Review: By far, the best book yet. I have read all of Terry Goodkind's books, and I can't wait for the next one! This was one of those books that I didn't want to finish, because I didn't want it to end. I cried at the end - there arent't too many books that make me cry. I highly recommend Faith of the Fallen and all of the books in this series.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Writing Review: I loved this book! His writing has become so well defined. His great usage of vocabulary, description, and character interaction is what made this book so spellbinding. Now I'm no specialist when it comes to history or relgion, but do I have to be to enjoy this fine piece of literature. I'm reading many negative reviews of Mr. Goodkinds writing because people feel he's "preaching" too much and trying to "brainwash" his readers. Did it ever occur to anybody that maybe Mr. Goodkind is just writing a Fantasy Fiction novel to help people be wisked away into another world so we can forget about the dull one we are living in now. So what if Richard and Kahlan are the perfect couple, and they display all the quality characteristics that we don't. Maybe people in Altur'Rang are that stupid. Who cares? It's not real, so don't try and review it as if it were competition to the bible. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the story. I did.
Rating:  Summary: His most moving work yet Review: Spirit, the driving force of this book. The power of human will undulates in never ceasing waves. Filling your soul with hope and joy at the trial to be overcome. A must read.
Rating:  Summary: Great Stuff Review: I thought this book was excellent. I was looking for a new series to read and chose the Sword of Truth series. The series has not let me down and been enjoyed from the first book. Unfortunally one bad review turnes away more people than a excellent review would encourge. Some of the reviews here do not give the book the justice it deserves, some of the reviews are a little to analytical, while others demand an end to the series. I recommend this book to anyone who doesn't pick the small and irrelevent fishbones out of a book. Read this book and soon you will be a faithful follower of Richard's......if you aren't already. Don't pay attention to the bad reviews because you fear they are true, because I asure you they are not.
Rating:  Summary: I was fallen but my faith is renewed Review: True, it is the same old plot but the story does move along. I hated book five and thought it was a compelte waste of time. However, I enjoyed the first four books so much, I had to read book six. Mr. Goodkind restored my faith in the series. I liked the not so subtle political message of the book. Further, I really enjoyed the development of the new and old characters. I missed the magic. Over all the book moved the story along in a very entertaing way. I look forward to the next book.
Rating:  Summary: It's a half-full or half-empty world. Review: Okay, for those of you deciding whether or not to purchase this book, it is obvious to me that if you are person who leans toward liberalism, and/or FEELS (instead of thinks) everything in life should be fair, and that it is government's job to create fairness, then you should NOT read this book. Yes Ayn Rand would have thouroughly endorsed this book. I kept thinking of John Galt as I listened to the words of Richard. Why does it detract from the book to have the embodiment of true evil accurately described as communistic philosophy? I don't think it does. In fact, it even makes the plot more realistic because in life, communistic philosophy is indeed true evil. Those of you who cry a fantasy book is no place for philosophy are more than likely upset that your brand of politics is so accurately shown for what it truly is-evil at it's most basic. Trying to claim that your objection to the book is because of style is just a mask to hide your true objection. Don't criticize the book just because you don't like the light of truth it shines in the dark corners of evil. If you like Ayn Rand, you will like this novel. If you like most liberal ideas, then you view the world as a half-empty glass, and you definately don't like Ayn Rand,and you definately will not like this book.
Rating:  Summary: Keep The Story Going Review: I have been hooked on the series from the beginning and continue to want more. Why do so may people want the story to end? I have read the frist two books from The Wheel Of Time series and have not enjoyed them nearly as much. There is always a sense of danger in the Sword of Truth series. Number 5 wasn't great but so what. Keep the story going!
Rating:  Summary: where did all the magic go? Review: First of all I want to say that Terry Goodkind is one of my favorite authores and I have waited impatiently for the last two books to be published... after soul of the fire, which was dissapointing, because it ended with Richard being defeated and not acting at all like himself, I was hoping that Goodkind would make amends by changing it around and let Richard strike back with all his power. Instead, Richard doesn't use his magic once in the entire book. And while there is alot of talk about magic in the army camps with Kahlan and the sisters, he keeps saying that magic ends up canceling itself out. I wonder if he is trying to change from fantasy into simple fiction literatur, because I don't see much of the fantasy left in this book. Besides that I was really missing the Prophet Nathan in both his latest works. I don't see where he got lost along the road. All of the Old world also seemed to be a drag also. just as the former book told too much about characters that in the end did no more than create a little mischief and die, this one told too much about comunist life style and it kept preaching about trying to help the comunity, just in the wrong way. All in all I wonder if Goodkind has not been reading 1984 lately and came up with the ideas from there. Other than that, I enjoyed the book, the character developement and the mesmerizing way Goodkind can tell the story. I wish he would turn back to the more magic an fantastic realm, and not end up in a world that becomes more and more like our own, because then I wouldn't see the point in reading it any longer.
Rating:  Summary: Oh, Please! Review: Wow, It's amazing to read many of these other reviews and discover that there are an awful lot of people who subscribe to the Wizard's 1st Rule (they are stupid.) This was a great book! The people who bashed it because of it's intellectual content obviously lack the capabilities of higher thought. If you don't have a brain, don't bother reading this book (try the children's section.) If you do have one, you might find you'll enjoy it. Guess my review is actually a review of the reviews. Hmmm, that can get twisted.