Rating:  Summary: The Fountainhead in fantasy form. Review: The one question that plagued me as I was reading this was: Has Goodkind read Ayn Rand? There are quite a few phrases and passages that sound very reminiscent of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. Goodkind: "What is, is." Rand: "A is A." The observation that evil is not one big entity: it is, as Rand put it, "many and smutty and small." Then Nicci's father's name was Howard--it could, of course, be entirely coincidental that the hero of the Fountainhead is Howard Roark, but then again...But to the book: Excellent as always. A little less tension, which I enjoyed--the first few books nearly gave me a heart attack. I can't wait to see what happens in the next book.
Rating:  Summary: Faith of the Fallen: Not Bad Review: I have to admit, I've been getting more and more disappointed with Goodkind's later books in the Sword of Truth series. It's fun to read, but it's been getting a bit ridiculous the way Richard always becomes the deux ex machina and complete hero with almost a god complex. I mean, this man can do anything! From getting people to confide in him and creating masterpieces to--whatever else he does fabulously well, Richard as a believable character is diminishing. Also, Goodkind's ubiquous preaching about free will and love, etc. etc. through Richard and associated characters is getting pretty tiresome. All in all, though, it's not a bad book. I rooted for Richard and enjoyed the way he was such a man about town. It's a feel-good book for when you're down. However, I wouldn't recommend buying it in hardcover; wait for it in paperback.
Rating:  Summary: This book was truly alsome! Review: As always Terry Goodkind has showed us what a master of description he really is! This book is a breath taking tale of two lovers torn between the massive army of the Old world as it swarmed into the small but powerful New world fighting to survive. My favorite part about this book was how Goodkind describes every little detail, letting you paint a picture in your mind.The only draw back to the incredible story is that it takes about 15 pages before you become absorbed into the storyline. I'd have to say the best character in this book was Richard. Not because he is the main character but because he never gives up. Even when torn from his wife and brought against his will to a poverty stricken town in the heart of the old world. He is truly a complicated individual. Over all this book is in the top five books I've ever read right up there with the hobbit and the Trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: Still like the universe, but tired of the Great Love Review: OK, OK, Richard and Kahlan love each other. Got it! Now can we spend more time on the plot and less on their pining? It's kind of weird, actually, how much effort Goodkind expends on the Great Love. It is like he is creating something he wished really existed, instead of telling us a story. Still an interesting book, especially the Ayn Randish philosophical debate about fate vs. predestination. I hope that continues. But please, let's see the poor kids moving forward (and not get so beat up so often!).
Rating:  Summary: Writers First Rule: Learn from your Gift Review: Oh Terry! Bags man! I hate to see a writer of your potential failing to learn from his Creator given gift. I got it man; Richard loves Kahlan; Kahlan loves Richard - do you really need to tell me that in 30 pages every damn book. It drives me mad to see, what is ultimately a great loves story, brought to the level of a petty romance book "a la" Sandra Brown or worse, just because you, as dear Richard, fail to understand your gift. I know you live in the woods but do you really need to make it that obvious; stop describing the Midlands as if you doing it for the National Geographic. It's the nature of the craft but think of all those trees man. Go plant one for every needless page of description you write. Writers Second Rule: More writing is never better writing. You create great characters, full of life and bound to trigger the imagination, but you scatter them all over the place. Intimacy! None. Terry! Terry! You've been a bad boy. And the worst; you became soooooo predictable. Prophecy: Richard will be kidnapped again by an unfortunate women (as if 3 times is not enough). Writes Third Rule: Prophecy is our worst enemy.
Rating:  Summary: Goodkind is Back on Track! Review: After the disappointing previous book in the sword of truth saga:Soul of the Fire. I thought Goodkind has lost his edge. Never before have I've been happy to be wrong! In this volume: Faith of the Fallen, Goodkind's abilities to tell a rousing story are reborn!Richard is disllusioned with ruling his vast empire and decides to abandon it and his fight against evil imperial order and take ailing Kahlan into the wilderness. Our favorite fantasy couple's happiness is short-lived when Nicci, a young woman from Richard's part and now a sorceress in league with evil emperor Jajang puts a spell upon Kahlan linking their lives together and threatening to kill Kahlan unless Richard leaves his wife and comes with her!She takes Richard deep into the territory of the imperial order seeking to bend his will toward her see the error of his ways in fighting Jajang's righteous cause! Kahlan's bitter toward losing Richard takes up the cause of the Dharan empire in the battle against the Imperial order. What makes this novel so compelling is Goodkind's world-building skills as he takes us and Richard deep into the Imperial Order, a brutal communist-style regime where freedom and indivuality are crushed.Before We only saw the armies of the imperial order now we see the people who suffer under the tyranny.Richard becomes a symbol for the people to gain their freedom against their oppressors in creating a stature that symbolizes the nobility of the human spirit in face of tyranny.This novel also has sweeping battle scenes as Kahlan with the help of Cara rallies the outnumbered Dharan soldiers face millions of imperial order warriors. You watch as Kahlan commit shocking actions in defense of her homeland and her rage against imperial order!Kahlan is the most compelling heroine to ever grace a fantasy series and you do not want her as an enemy! One of the things I love about this series is the love affair between Richard and Kahlan. You almost can feel the heartbreak as Richard must leave his wife that he loves to save her life from Nicci's terrible spell.They are the most romantic couple in fantasy genre.Once again my faith in Goodkind hasn't fallen but soared as he takes us into Richard and Kahlan's unforgettable world of magic,romance,conflict and sorrow!
Rating:  Summary: Ayn Rand Rides again!! Review: So, I liked the book - it moved well and was well characterized. And it was kind of a nice change of pace. It suffered from the same flaw that Atlas Shrugged suffered from - it was very preachy. I mean, do we really need an anti-communism book? And there wasn't that much in the way of interesting magic - though some large plot twists and some good small ones, too.
Rating:  Summary: Missing something very important.......... Review: In world building, to make it believable you need something critical - or else it all goes to poo. This something is subtlety, a concept completely absent in "faith of the fallen", even moreso than the previous works. I just get sick of everyone boiling with rage after someone else says something painfully obvious that was already stated two pages ago, and then main characters doing absolutely mindless and pointless things (i.e. Kahlan grabbing Prelate Ann's journey book and casting it into the fire after greeting them graciously). Every word is meant to shock, but it doesn't. Every act is meant to appall or enrage us, but that too falls way short. When Nicci takes one of her generals and then roasts him alive as an example to some poor people in a conquered village ---- then tries to explain it so incredibly idiotically to the Emperor ---- i almost stopped reading. Almost. But I am a completist, and though infuriating, this series does have a few redeeming qualities -- just enough to read the series to completion. But if you're one of those people who think this is the ultimate fantasy type stuff, man -- there's so much better out there -- Jordan, George RR Martin, even Modesitt, who is slow slow slow at times, can be much better. Goodkind's dialogue makes you cringe, the drawn out explanations are bafflingly unnecessary, and yet......... I keep reading him.
Rating:  Summary: My faith is not fallen anymore! Review: Terry, I have to disagree with most of the posts I have read. I believe this volume is the best of your books thus far. Yea, you pounded your political views enough and then some but... It is your book. I'll read the next one. My chest was tight with nervousness as I read the grand finale. Man, it was intense. A bit too short and jam packed though (I wished the ending had another 50 or so pages.) I have read some real duds lately so I am not just a cheerleader for everything I read. My wife called me to do a house duty at the very instant that Nicci said, "Richard make love to me." I wanted to yell because I had to put the book down at that moment. Life is so unfair. Then when I got back she did that vindictive thing. Man, that was so wrong. Hat's off to you for that twist. Even though it would have been out of character for Richard to get phisically tender with Nicci. I am sure that I am not alone with many of your readers in wanting to see Richard emotionally connecting more with Nicci. Be it just trying to connect with Kahlan through Nicci or a moment of weakness from being so darn alone and needy because of his situation at the time. It wasn't there... probably all the better. I really got pumped when the blacksmith said "I am a freeman, a free man!" That was oh so powerful. I got goose bumps and still do when I think of it. I truly got completley lost in the story. If you are wondering whether you should read this book or not I say yes, do it. It is worth it. The biggest mark against this book is that it had to end. I loved it. Terry, I hope you are busy writing! P.S. I can't wait to read the look on Jagang's face when he gets to Aydindrl.HAHA!!!
Rating:  Summary: Great addition to the series Review: Well, i think that the 2nd book was the best that there was out of all of the series. It kept you wanting to see what was going to happen to Richard every page. Also, he got to get in touch with most of his amgic that he uses in the books to follow. Sadly, thats all he learns about magic. Its a great dissapoint- ment when he reveals that hes a war wizard. But just what the heck does that imply? He knows almost nothing about using it, and everyone expects him to be the great lord Rahl that is the magic against magic. Yet he knows absolutely nil about it. This book was pretty good,except for the everlasting ignorance of his use of magic. I felt that it was about time that the order or D'Hara struck. It kept you tense, never knowing who is going to win the battle. And even though you still dont know who is winning the battle at the end, it was still a very good piece of writing. Richard with Nicci and Victor and them, was a good part that left you wanting him to do something about it all and fight against the way civilazation was in that city. And at the end, when he decided to go against the wishes of the order and carve 'LIFE', the story just brightened up and i couldnt stop reading. The story was a marvelous one and the words on the back really do bring meaning when they say that it will leave you marveling at the nobility of the human spirit. Faith of the Fallen was not a dissapointment. In fact it was one of the few books in the series that i would recomend as one of the best. Besides his lack of knowlede in the arts of magic, Richard still never ceases to amaze me with his character.