Rating:  Summary: My take... Review: I just completed Temple of the Winds this evening and was absolutely enthralled by the last 100 pages. I don't confess to support graphic violence, but I could have easily stood in Richard's shoes as he tickled Drefan's spine. While you couldn't help but to suspect him from the beginning, Goodkind did an excellent job in helping the reader to despise the character. Even Darken Rahl did not inspire such emotion. Overall, I was quite pleased with this book and felt that it held true to the overall series' excellence. I must admit I grow somewhat tired of the constant strife between Richard and Kahlan and hope that Goodkind can find away to transition the overall story away from those characters in time. I think the real value of the series and his writing is the wonderful world that has been created and his ability to bring his characters to life, not just these main characters themselves. Nonetheless, I believe it is time for me to start the next one....am I the only one that loses themselves in these novels?
Rating:  Summary: Starting to get repetitive Review: I enjoy the characters in these books. But, now it seems like every one involves Richard and Kahlan saying, "I will love you forever, no matter what," and then something coming up to make them question their vows to each other.What happened to those incredible swordsmen the Richard won over a few books ago? Still, I like Goodkind's writing style and his books move along at a nice pace.
Rating:  Summary: Wanderlust Review: The series lost me with this book. It is just meandering on and on without direction. It has become a fantasy soap opera without interesting characters to sustain it. I wish a lot of these fantasy writers would know when to stop. they come up with a good idea at the begining and then just want to wring the idea to death.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent edition to the fantasy genre Review: I picked up Temple of the Winds at a local store, since one ofmy friends recommended the Sword of Truth series. I understood thatthis was the 4th book in the series, and that I hadn't read the first 3 books yet, but I figured the author would keep me updated on what has previously happened so I wouldn't get lost. Terry Goodkind does an AMAZING job at keeping things fresh while still keeping everything clear for people like me who hadn't read the first few books. Many complain that Terry goes too much into detail about previous happenings, but you have to understand that from my perspective, since I was new to the series, Terry did an immaculate job of introducing a new story while still keeping things up-to-date. This is quite frankly one of the finest works I have ever read. I just picked up Wizard's First Rule and Stone of Tears, since I loved this 4th book so much, and I still believe Temple of the Winds to be the best so far. Things are consistently moving around so the reader doesn't get bored with a long-stretching scene. Things are always kept fresh and the pace of the book moves along nicely. Many people complain about the excessive violence and sexual content in Terry's books. Who cares? No other fantasy author has ever been this blatantly graphic. Terry's just keeping readers interested, and the sex scenes DEFINITELY kept me interested. =) Also, Terry is continually compared to other fantasy authors (namely Robert Jordan). Well, Terry has never read other fantasy authors in the past. ( ). Terry has kept his fantasy ideas fresh by staying away from other fantasy authors. So, basically, any comparison that you can think of is coincidence. SO STOP COMPARING THEIR NOVELS ALREADY! I recommend any of the Sword of Truth series to any fantasy reader out there. Terry's plots are amazingly fresh and the characters have a life of their own. I can't imagine anyone being disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Not TOO shabby Review: Not bad...Not as good as I was hoping. I'm starting to see the trend going on here. Goodkind is extremely talented! But his type of story seems like the same thing over and over! WFR was very good with interesting characters and a good story. Then so was SoT but only slightly less because of boring scenes. Then BotF dropped way down but was still a really good but with less interesting villains more boring parts and and those annoying sexual scenes that drives the nerves crazy! Make it a story not a porno. There is some things about the characters you really don't want to know about like ALL their pleasures! And please Terry try to come up with a origional story and please can we advance the story more with all those pages? Still I really like Goodkind he makes books of the "good kinds" I love his works anyway I just wanted him to use his talents for their best. And I think he can still do better, just give him a chance!
Rating:  Summary: Not as Great as the first 2 Review: I really enjoyed this book. I admit it wasn't as good as the 1st 2 but it was better than The Blood of the Fold. Terry Goodkind is a really talented writer and this is a great series but, I'm getting a bit tired of the same old plot: Kahlan can't have Richard, Richard can't have Kahlan so lets go out and have sex with someone else bit. It needs a little more of the other characters, though I understand that Richard is the main phocal point he is not the only character in the book. The rest of the plot is still good, throw in some more plot twists and the next books will really be something to read!
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Review: Book three of the series showed us what a powerful character Kahlan could be and showed us Richard's developing power and knowledge. At the very end, we have very frightening and interesting threats from Jagang and the Sisters of the Dark. I hoped it was a great launching point for book 4, but was disappointed. Kahlan spends most of the book weeping about wanting to marry Richard. Richard spends most of the book weeping for Kahlan and trying to learn High D'Haran. Zed (my personal favorite character) spends most of his time off in the weeds not helping much even though we desperately need him in Aydindril with Richard. The author keeps repeatedly telling us what a great wizard Zed is, but he's easily trapped by the Prelate and by a tribe of bushmen in the Wilds. He really does nothing powerful in this book; Nathan is the powerful wizard this time. The Mord'Sith, who are supposedly deadly characters devoid of emotion spend much of the time standing around looking dangerous, but occasionally joking, falling in love, and weeping. The story introduces a body slicer which was unnecessary to the plot and just introduced blood and gore. The Sisters of the Dark cause lots of problems but don't really do much with the unbelieveable power they developed in book 3. Jagang is supposed to be an extremely intelligent foe with nearly unstoppable powers but all he does is start a plague which almost wipes him out along with everyone else. He makes no real moves to take over the known world, but there's really nothing that could stop him for most of this book. Two main problems: One, our favorite characters are underdeveloped and are not nearly as interesting and powerful as they had grown to be in the first three books, and two, the author keeps endlessly repeating the same material. By now we know Zed is a powerful wizard, that Kahlan and Richard are in love (though book one underdeveloped the reason for their powerful love), we know about the Sword of Truth, etc. etc., yet the author repeats these and many other backgrounders so often it ruins the story. These stories all have so much potential it's a shame they are not carefully worked by a great editor.
Rating:  Summary: Terry Goodkind needs to get his mind out of the gutter Review: This was an OK book. The plot needed some help, but it moved along fairly well. The biggest problem with it was the whole sex thing getting into the temple of the winds. It was completely un-necessary. It seems to have been put in there just to attract the people who want lots of sex in the books they read. It should not have been in there. The first time Richard thought that Kahlan betrayed him, in book 2, made sense. But this whole sex scheme in book 4 was just gross. TG really needs to get his mind out of the gutter. It's a good book, with an OK plot, but the sex was not needed. Hopefully future installments leave that kind of trash out. However, at least Kahlan and Richard finally got married. That should have happened back in book 2. A decent read, but not as good as the previous installments.
Rating:  Summary: I was wrong ... Review: When I first picked up this series, I did so with a heavy bias toward Robert Jordans "Wheel of Time" series. I looked upon Goodkinds series as a blatant rip-off, but I picked it up to satiate my hunger between "Wheel" books. Well, I was wrong. Every time I thought Goodkind was doing something predictable he managed to turn me around. I love it! There's nothing beter than a book which turns out better than you expected. And with this, the fourth in the "Sword of Truth" series, I am completely addicted. I tore through it hungrily, and watched with agony as my bookmark moved through the pages. I didn't want it to end. It moves along with feeling and suspense, possibly the best so far in the series.
Rating:  Summary: Kick A$$ Review: I see there are many opinions about this book, so my view on this book really has no meaning. I read books and I read alot of them, alot of them are the same style as Mr. Goodkind's. When I get into a book i get into a book, it becomes my reality.When I started this book it was like no other book that I have read. It pulled me in so fast with his discriptive writing and the realistic problems and horrific events that follow through each book. Although I like the story I was really dissapointed on how the fourth book ended......I didn't like the whole surprise thing.... ..... WHAT HAPPENS WITH KHALAN??????? Sorry! GOt carried away.