Rating:  Summary: GREAT READ!! Review: Another slain dragon for Mr. Goodkind! While maybe not as good as the others, it was still above the level of most writers. And for those who try to compare Mr. Goodkind to Mr Jordan(Robert, not Micheal), I have this to say: Mr Goodkind is publishing books.
Rating:  Summary: Best series in a long time... Review: The SoT series was a drink of water in a famine of good stories. I have read many stories that I have very much, (ie:Jordan,Brooks, Fiest). This series has been the most riveting for myself. I have not had a series making me so anxious for the next book. Thnak you Mr. Goodkind. I am in the process of writing a five part series of books (Lost Magics) and have enjoyed the insights of this author. I just hope that my books are as riveting and enjoyable as these have been. Again thanks to you Mr. Goodkind. I am looking forward to any continuations to this series. I would be intersted to know of any.
Rating:  Summary: Fast paced, "grown-up" fantasy; imaginative Review: Unlike some reviewers, I do not think Terry "copies" The Wheel of time, as suggested. Especially as they are published by the same company !! Terry Goodkind, found a way to keep to his writ and keep Adult readers "fantasy" alive. For my money I would read Goodkind over a very tiring R. Jordan anyday. I have read them all in case that is in doubt. The story is solid and reaches conclusions, not always the most "obvious" conclusions. Great stuff.
Rating:  Summary: oh come on, it wasn't as bad as you say, people Review: The book did not match up to the standards of his others, he over used the sexual violence and the Richard Kahlan thing was just too much. But overall the book wasn't that bad and I will recomand the series to my friends. And for those who say you aren't gonna read the 5th book, think about what you might be missing, Kahlan and Richard are married now, so I doubt Goodkind will take their relationship too much farther, and maybe Richard does have a relative that isn't sick in the mind (remember Drefan mentioning their sister Lili?)And what about Nathan and Warren, they're neat characters, what's gonna happen to them? Now that he knows the reader's opinion (probaly) he might not use as much violence and sex. think about it...
Rating:  Summary: Excelent, a 10+ Review: The Sword of truth series is probobly the best books I have EVER read. I started with WfR (of course) on sunday 3 of may, and was finished with Tempel of Winds the day befor yesterday (3/6). And all i can say is AAARGH! For one month, I have spent all my time in the Midland together with Richard, Kahlan and the others. Under this whole month, I have'nt slept more than 5 hours a night (don't try that at home if you have a job to care for) becaus I "just HAVE to read another page. During this time, I have shared their life, dreams and problems, only to see that it didn't end in ToW as I had (for some reason, don't know why) thought. Now I chewing my nails, fingers and underarms in waiting for the next masterpiece of work from Mr. Goodkind. Since I'm from Sweden, and not so very good at spelling in the English language, I won't wright any detailed comments about the books other than they are the greatest I have ever read. But I do want to say one (or a few) thing to you readers who complains at all the violence, rapes, killing and other problems that keeps showing up: There is a war in the New World isn't it? What did you think that would include, a soft slap in the face? or perhaps a cup of tea in the park? War is never beautiful or nice, neither is the Keepers minions, or so the books have told me. Or as a wizard I know keeps saying: Nothing is never easy. Master Goodkind, guide us...
Rating:  Summary: Seldom do I read works as good as this... Review: I'm not long winded so here it is . I loved this book. I only wish I knew what/if the next book will be.
Rating:  Summary: OKAY PEOPLE Review: Okay, i think that the SoT books are the best books i've read, now i haven't read the wheel of time book so i don't care if thay are a spin off so get off it, i will hower read it because i like the SoT books and if thay are so much alike then I'll like them too. rateing of the books in order: Wizard's First Rule, Temple of the Winds, Stone of Tears, and the worst, but still a good book is, Blood of the Fold.
Rating:  Summary: Jordan and Goodkind - same? Review: I must admit that Goodkind seems to have, well, copied isn't the word, but thought up some things in his series that is very similar to the Wheel of Time series. His first two books were good - going quite well, I thought, but the next two were a little disappointing. I must say that he should raise the caliber of writing, just a little, and go back to the excellent promise of his earlier books. But anyway, I thought it a marvellous read and I simply can't wait for the next one out.Rikki.
Rating:  Summary: Getting Better... Review: Temple of the Winds is pretty good. It's better than Blood of the Fold(I gave it a 4), But not as good as Wizard's First Rule(9) and Stone of Tears(10). I good bounce back from Blood of the fold, but it has a few flaws, though they are easy to overlook. And what happened to Zedd! He's practicly just a minor character in the book! Yeah a chapter here and there with Ann and then meeting Richard and Kahlan in the end. But you gotta love that cheese-crazed Wizard! Who doesn't? I hope he has a bigger part in the next book. Though the whole Temple of the Winds itself is kinda confusing and you have to read the book two or three times before you completely get it, it's a pretty good book. I'm looking forward to reading his next book. (AND AT LEAST THIS ONE DIDN'T LEAVE YOU HANGING LIKE BLOOD OF THE FOLD!)
Rating:  Summary: Another Fine addition to Sword of Truth Series Review: Sword of Truth Series has given me many sleepless nights. They are so good, I just can't put them down. The bad guys or girls are really bad, and often smarter than the hero, now that's cool. That's what make the story really exciting. I hate it when the bad guys do stupid things, but not in these books my friend. There are many suprises that makes the story unpredictable. I like the sex and the violence. This is not kid's stuff. If you want kid's stuff, go read something from Piers Anthony. Mr. Goodkind, you have done an excellent job. I can't wait for your next book. Please hurry up and finish the next book :-)