Rating:  Summary: Goodkind takes you into a world full of emotion and realism Review: Goodkind seems to have borrowed a lot of concepts and ideas from Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series (sisters of light and aes sedai for just one example), despite the many new creative fantasy concepts he has developed. I don't think this fact takes away from the book at all though, its more like a comfort for those used to Robert Jordan and other fantasy writers. Goodkind is a very talented writer and he takes you deep into the characters' minds and makes you feel their sorrow and joy. Like the previous books in the series, I found myself on edge during the suspenseful endings hoping that things would turn out alright in the face of complete hopelessness. Goodkind has the ability to turns things around like that. Not to give away the ending I'll say that I always believed things would work out in the end. You can't help but smile when the characters go from the depths of despair to joy, even when you think there is no possible solution. Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series was a very well done epic but it never took me on such an emotional ride or let me come to know the characters so well like this book and the others in the series. Thumbs up to Goodkind. Keep the adventures of Richard and Kahlan coming.
Rating:  Summary: Temple of the Winds (Sword of Truth, book 4) Review: Once again, gripping. I couldn't wait to finish each page
Rating:  Summary: A bit contrived.... Review: Though I enjoyed some of the previous books in the series, I had a hard time finishing this one. Some tedious sequences just go on and on. An even bigger problem is the awkwardly contrived ending. It's so unbelievable that it becomes silly.
Rating:  Summary: Don't let it go on too long... Review: After Stone of Tears and Blood of the Fold, I very nearly didn't buy this book. I eventually did, and feel at least some faith restored in Mr Goodkind's abilities. Like the previous two books, Temple of Winds is predictable, largely I think due to the inclusion of the prophecies. I presume their purpose is to give some form of structure and direction to an otherwise weak and tenous plot. This was certainly the case with Blood of the Fold, which probably rates as one of the most frustrating books I have ever read. Temple of the Winds however shows that Terry Goodkind can write well despite such constraints. The development of the Mord-Sith is very well done, and I would agree with another reader who remarked on how Richard and Kahlan's relationship has been enhanced with their encounter with jealousy. The sex and violence help to create many enjoyably tense moments, though I don't think it would be too hard to draw a fairly accurate psychological profile of the author. The main weakness though is the absence of Zedd's character. I presume this is so that the series can be stretched out to make more money. Should Zedd actually stand still for 5 minutes and manage to avoid the attentions of bigotted ex-Prelates and gullible inhabitants of the wilds, he could teach Richard how to use his magic! Please don't let the Sword of Truth fall into the same trap as the apply named Wheel of Time.
Rating:  Summary: Bravo Goodkind, but Wizard's First Rule was still far better Review: I agree with some of the other reviewers, yes this was one of the best books in the series, and no it is now even close to Terry's best works.This book was a great improvement over Blood of the Fold, however, it dwelled on the same plot of he plague that has been so overused it is almost pointless. Another thing that is wrong with this book is that every character seems to be constantly trying to have sex with someone else. It is not needed in this detail to make the storyline any better, as a matter of fact, only made it worse. I haven't read book five yet, but I hope it will be an improvement over the last two. Congrats to Goodkind though, on his developement of the Shota the witch woman character... I thouroughly enjoyed reading those parts, simply because they were kind of a revelation into the character, and it made her more of a person. This book is still one of my favorite reads, aside from it's apparent flaws
Rating:  Summary: Amazingly addictive - if a little transparent Review: Okay, to start of, I have to say, this book was fabulous! Definitely enjoyed this one, which is why I started it at 7pm and didn't put it down until it was finished (3am!). I've read a lot of comments on how repetitive the "Richard and Kahlan love each other so much" bit is, and yeah, I have to agree it gets annoying after a while, but I guess that it's been put in for those unfortunate readers who've just arrived and don't know the depth of R&K's past... This book is very intricate, I loved the way Goodkind deals with the subject of jealousy and betrayal - something he hasn't really shown in R&K's relationship before. The only flaw I can see is the fact that the bad guy was so OBVIOUSLY the bad guy... although I'd be lying if I said I always spotted the bad guys in real life straight away! All in all, a fabulous read, and I for one cannot wait to read Soul of the Fire! :)
Rating:  Summary: As the series gets longer, the books get worse. Review: I loved Goodkind's first novel 'Wizard's First Rule', and I held out great hope for the rest of the series. However, it has been downhill all the way. Too many words, too many pages, too many books and too little story is what I have found. 'Temple of the Winds' is the last book I will read by Goodkind. It was predictable from the start, and an insult to my intelligence. Supposedly intelligent and powerful characters talking about their secret plans in front of total strangers who, surprise, surprise, turn out to be the bad guys! Gee, if it's that easy for them to get into trouble, how do they manage to get out? Goodkind just seems to make it up as he goes along ("The winds have requirements..do not speak...the winds have reasons."??!!) and makes me think that I could write my own book if this is all it takes. Hey, the winds say you must not read this book, unless of course you really CAN'T figure out that Drefan has a nasty habit! I'm going to go back and reread my old Deryni books now.
Rating:  Summary: One of the greatest fantasy series I have ever read Review: This book series is one of the greatest I have read. I ranks right up there with Robert Jordans Wheel of Time. One of the great attributes in these books are that Mr. Goodkind does not sugar-coat his books, he outright tells you what happens. I would also like to comment on the Hollander who hated this book--learn to spell. Its RIPPLE not rimple and its SERIES not serie. I suspect that that person wouldn't know a good fantasy book from a cheesy romance novel.
Rating:  Summary: The worst Sword of Truth novel yet Review: Terry Goodkind's 4th book in the series Temple of the Winds was easily the worst book in the series so far. There was a serious lack of action throughout the novel. Basically the storyline revolves around a plague, with a sub-plot involving Richard's brother Drefan. The plague should have been left out of the series entirely as it made for one of the most uninteresting storylines i can remember reading. Goodkind's writing has not matured since Stone of Tears, and he continues with his Richard defeats evil but releases new evil in the process storyline, and it is still highly predictable. The brutality that has existed from book to book is perhaps a bit too graphic as well. The only redeeming quality of this novel is the murder mystery sub-plot with Drefan. It is very predictable, but it was interesting none-the-less. I would really only recommend this book to those who have already been through the first three books and wish to see it through to the end with Richard. For those who have not yet started the series, I wouldn't recommend starting now.
Rating:  Summary: Its a great book if you are in to magic and dragons. Review: I think people who like magic and dragons would love to read this book. I like how its not boring but intersting through out the story. It is a good secqual to The Sword of Truth Novals. I can't wait to read the next novel that comes out, i am hopping it comes out soon. I think a lot of people who like magic would like Zedd because he is a neat person. I like him the most out of all the other chariters.