Rating:  Summary: More of the same ilk Review: I have read the first seven books in the series and even wrotea review or two here on amazon.com. As I said in one review, itseemed that the series was taking a turn for the better after booksix. Unfortunately, in "The Indwelling" the authors returnto the same methods, and absolutely lose me. That is not to say thatthe composition or story line is too complex; my little sister hascoloring books with better plot development. I just don't understandhow two people can be more out of touch with reality. First ofall, as another reviewer stated, people curse in the real world.Anger overtakes us all, and it sometimes gets the better of us. The"Trib Force" were non-believing heathens four years prior,they might slip up once in a while. Second, there is a GLARINGmisrepresentation of minorities. The only man of color on the"Trib Force" used to be a semi-pro basketball player, andRayford refers to him as the only remaining "Brother"Brother in the Force. We meet the prototypical Japanese business mancomplete with broken English and angst. Lahaye and Jenkins might aswell have had him say "Me so solly!" and trot off in arickshaw. Third, they are flat out wrong about some technicaldetails. If a nuclear warhead were to detonate over Chicago and anybuilding survived, all electronics in the building and vehicles in theparking garage would be rendered useless by the Elecro-Magnetic Pulseemitted by the blast. Viewing the building by remote would beimpossible, the cameras wouldn't even work not to mention the satelitedishes, etc. Lastly, the entire plotline involving Buck attemptingto convert Chaim got absolutely ridiculous. We all knew that Chaimwas going to convert, I am glad that he did. I am not concerned abouthis seat in Heaven, I am just glad we don't have to read 10-20 pagesof pleading a whining from Buck. All of these are minor details, butwhen I tack on the insistence of the authors to literally interpretevery page of the Bible, I wonder if they are interested at all inwriting a compelling story or just trying to create converts. In mymind neither is working very well; these books are little more thantime fillers on the morning commute.
Rating:  Summary: THIS INSTALLMENT IS NOT A KNOCKOUT Review: This series continues to be a great story, but I have found this particular installment to be a little drawn out. I struggle with the reading of this book; my interest wandered. Maybe two books a year for the Left Behind Series publishers was a little much. Too much money for the publisher to consider going slow, I guess. Most authors can only get out a book once a year. It was my greatest fear the authors would get sloppy. In the last few installment to come, they should look at the quality of the story instead of the quantity to put in the stores. Let this review give you this caution; it was not a knock out this time like the others in the series. I will continue with the series until the end. I look forward to THE MARK and I asked the authors to go slow and bring the back the suspense. Tripp
Rating:  Summary: This is becoming a soap opera!!! Review: While this, the 7th volume of the Left Behind series, is good, it's becoming like an episode of Dallas minus JR and the bedroom scenes!!! In a previous book, Rayford Steele has lost his 2nd wife in an airline crash and he seems to be getting attached to another lady already! This should have been titled "Who Shot Nicolae?" (though he wasn't actually shot it turns out) as it takes until the very end of the book for Nicolae (The Anti-Christ) to raise from the dead and be indwelt by Satan. Now for those who would critize this series on the basis of it's pre-millenial rapture-the Bible plainly says that will be what happens. Dr. Jack Van Impe and Rev. John Hagee explain this very well. The Bible says we are not appointed unto wrath, so why would any believing Christiain not be taken away? For those who critize the book for no use of foul language-do you see foul language in the Bible? Now, I am not so naive to think that there won't be cursing in the Kingdom of the Anti-Christ, but this is a CHRISTIAN series and, like it or not, cursing does NOT have a place in a Christian's life. I do agree that this book is being drug out for the purpose of making money-the whole plot could've easily fit into less than 12 volumes as is now planned, but it's still good reading.
Rating:  Summary: Great Books Review: I have read all of them up to The Mark which comes out this month. I couldnt put them down and now I have read them a second time. Very good interpretation of what will happen in the end times. No one should miss this set of books!
Rating:  Summary: Big waste of time. Review: Why does it take a whole book to have one little thing happen? At the rate these authors are going, this Left Behind series will be as long as an encyclopedia set. Get on with it, PLEASE! I really enjoyed the first few books, but soon started to realize that they are milking this for all it is worth. This series, in my opinion, is becoming a big waste of time. I am so glad that I borrowed this #7 book.
Rating:  Summary: Riveting, Exciting, Wonderful, Beautifully-written Review: I believe the 'Left Behind' books are the greatest series of the End Times. All the books keep you on the edge of your seats and just when you think you know what's going to happen next, Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins take you on a whole new series of twists and turns. If a non-believer were to read the Left Behind books and then read Revelation and believe it that they could become saved. I think it's wonderful that christian writers are making best-selling christian series when practically all today's literature is evil and corrupting. To take a stand against these writers who write all about adultery and sin. I believe this is such a good series. The Tribulation Force (2nd) is exciting and thrilling. Nicolae, is a great book of showing how deceptive the anti-christ is going to be. Soul Harvest, is great and heart-rending as you travel to two sides of the world with the characters.Apollyon is equally great. And finally the Indwelling. It's wonderful! I'm sure all the Left Behind Readers are clearly waiting anxiously for the next book, The Mark. I read the first chapter and if the rest of the book and the ones to follow are anything like the first chapter, Then Rayford, Buck, Tsion, & Chloe are in for greatest 'Survivor' game of their life to stay alive until the Glorious Appearing. I encourage and recommend this book to everyone. Whether your 20's or in your 50's
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Book Series Review: YOU MUST SEE THE MOVIE - LEFT BEHIND. Excellent, I am now waiting for movies for each book that I read. I just ordered THE MARK, the 8th book in the series and I can't wait until I get it. When you start reading, you can't put it down.
Rating:  Summary: The best one yet... Review: I just finished The Indwelling in 3 days. The Left Behind books keep getting better and better! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. I have reccomended these books to everyone I know. They are fantastic!!!
Rating:  Summary: Growing disappointment . . . Review: . . . with the series. I have read all the books, and I must admit that this one disappointed me somewhat. I have enjoyed these novels for what they are; a fictional dramatization of one possible interpretation of the end times. The Indwelling left me a little cold. I read it in about 4 hours and at the end my jaw practically dropped. That was it? The story covered only a few days' time and told me practically nothing that I hadn't already figured out. While I am reluctant to say this about two of my brothers in Christ, I can't help but feel that the focus of this series has turned from producing entertaining fiction to making money. I sincerely hope that is not the case. The series could have been done in 7 books as originally planned, I think. Chances are I'll buy #8, The Mark. I hope it is an improvement over #7. If not, I suspect I will not buy any more of these novels.
Rating:  Summary: The Lie Beheld Review: Imagine Nicholae lying in a pool of blood begging his father Satan for an explanation. A creature of deciept that we deal with every day offers up his son as did his nemesis. This offering not in love and forgiveness , but retribution and hatred. A beautiful negative image of the crucifiction. Cast aside, Nicholae's soul wasted,thrust into Hell so that his "father" may inhabit a body ... a great smoke belching image of a man... a twisted, evil resurrection. This tale brings to mind a scripture: " Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." Though many see a messiah, they embrace a fallen angel... wonderful book, horrifying scenario.