Rating:  Summary: Worst of the Series Review: This is the worst book of the series. Almost nothing happens. You might as well save your money and read the intro in the next book.
Rating:  Summary: ATTENTION TO ALL WHO HAVE READ "THE INDWELLING" Review: This novel along with the previous books are brilliant! Before passing judgment on this book's content or the authors intentions please take the time to read some of these passages: (Tsion's Dreams)Acts 2:17 or Joel 2:28 (The Dream experience) Revelation Chapter 12 Thanks, A Fellow Believer
Rating:  Summary: More tribulation, please! Review: I've read comments on this book that complain about the padding - the spacing out of one dramatic event per book. (This time it's the indwelling of Carpathia by Satan, not that I expect his behavior to change much, since it's not as if the character was given any depth beforehand. In fact, now that I think of it, I wonder why the authors have never written from Carpathia's viewpoint. Or, for that matter, the viewpoint of any non-saved character. Wouldn't it be interesting to actually get inside, say, Chaim's interior turmoil rather than hearing him say "I am too stubborn to convert" a zillion times before finally converting in a moment of duress? But I digress.) I don't care about the pacing; I just want something interesting to happen between biblical events.Or perhaps my idea of what would be interesting is way off the spirit of this series. For all I know, the authors intended Chloe's "struggle" with whether or not to kill Kenny to be a searingly dramatic look into Chloe's soul. Could it be that our favorite 22 year old mom and Stanford dropout is not perfect? GOLLY! (I am more certain that they did not intend a South Park reference.) I appreciate the effort, but as someone with secular tastes, I found it pretty undramatic. I mean, it's not as if "GC" forces were knocking down the door. She's sitting around chatting with Tsion when she declares she's ready to off Kenny rather than let him fall into GC hands. Of course, as I understand the theology, once you're saved, you're saved, so she'd be set for the Glorious Appearing anyway. But maybe I'm wrong. And speaking of filler - I can't begin to recall the number of times drama has involved taking off in an airplane or having oneself saved by the fortunate appearance of God's wrath (locusts, spirit horsemen, etc.) How about the inherent drama of, oh, I don't know, living in a country where the infrastructure has got to be shot? At this point, since about a third of the world's population has been killed and the water routinely turns to blood (about a quarter of it, I think, which must make showers no fun), our characters should be having trouble finding food and medicine and fuel. Instead, they fly around the world and RENT CARS! I half expected Chloe to go shopping with Kenny in a doublewide stroller at the mall! Still, I look forward to the Satanic bar codes of THE MARK.
Rating:  Summary: Indwelling is Captivating Review: This book is a must read for everyone! It will blow you away, and keep you in suspense from cover to cover!
Rating:  Summary: A quick, easy read Review: I really enjoyed this book, bought it on a Friday, finished it Saturday night. It didn't get bogged down in lots of useless detail as some of the previous books in the series have. I am, however, starting to find the story line a little predictable... the assassin for example... I hated waiting all those months to see if I was right though.. :-) I saw this book more as a connecting factor between the first half of the Tribulation and the second half, rather than a continuation of the story line. It more or less sets the scene for the rest of the series. I, too, found the conversations between David "Hayseed" and "Guy Blood" entertaining....
Rating:  Summary: The Indwelling Review: The Indwelling was great. I admit that it started a little slow, but so was Assassins and it was also great book overall. I understand some people were disappointed in the book because it only covered three days, but remember, this is the second biggest event during tribulation and that is something that needed to concentrated on. The Glorious Appearing will be the biggest event of the series and it will probably only cover a couple of days.....
Rating:  Summary: Inside Indwelling Review: The latest in the saga of the Tribulation Force is again an easy read, keeping you turning the pages. Overall it seems like an interlude between major events. It does resolve some of the conflicts from the previous books, but doesn't really leave you with many unanswered questions. The tension over finding more permanent safety for the remaining 3 1/2 years, and the precarious situation of those inside GC Headquarters, was hardly apparent. I do, however, look forward to reading the next book in the series later this year. The most entertaining exchange in the book happens between David Hassid and Guy Blod (gee, blod as in cod).
Rating:  Summary: Inspired? Review: After reading all of the reviews to this book and others of the series, I see a trend, people who are dissapointed in these books (besides the haters of it) are dissapointed because of "lack of prophecy" or "I hate the pace of the book because there is too much dialogue" etc. etc. Come on people, this is FICTION, not real, imagined in a HUMANS mind, not a vision, just an idea, it is not true, if it was true, than all of us would hate God and all that he stands for, but enough of what the bible says compared to the books in this series, If you rely on these books for inspiration or faith in God, I hope that changes, because these books will stop being made when interest in them fades, and that will leave many people going back to thier old routine, listen, I care about all people, if you really want to be close to God, read the bible and study it hard, find out if what your church teaches you is really in the Bible or if it isn't, it is that simple, the truth is in there whether you just want to read over it or not, you have to pray to God to show you the truth and he will answer your SINCERE prayers. Don't trust me, trust God, he says to do just this in the Bible itself.
Rating:  Summary: I don't want to be "LEFT BEHIND" Review: Two Thumbs up to these authors for their heavenly inspiration of what life may be like if you are not ready the first time around. It is so refressing to see Christian authors in the spot light. I completed all seven of the books and wanted more, so I have started reading the "Left Behind series for Kids". They are just as good. They even include the main characters from the adult series. In less than a week I completed 4 out of the 8 books, which are less than 150 pages each. I have gotten my kids interested in them, and they love them. I tell my kids I HAVE to read the books before they do(smile). I truly believe we are in the end-times and that these books will be a tool to cause many people to really think about where their lives are going. If you want to get a person started reading this series, just give them the first book and they are hooked. I have not read books so intensely since "Piercing the Darkness" and "This Present Darkness" by Frank Peretti. Any book that makes people think about being left behind after Christ returns is a must read. Also the Left Behind series is written by experts. It is a fictious story written around true facts. ENJOY, but be ready to examine yourself...