Rating:  Summary: switched to book-on-tape! Review: I enjoyed the first three books immensly, but got bored by number four (they really are dragging this out aren't they?). I considered dropping the whole thing, but I didn't really want to do that either. Then I decided to rent it on tape and found that this is the way to go. It lasted three hours and made a dull trip very nice. This is how I plan to finish the series! PS - Cracker Barrel has a great thing going. You can rent books-on-tape for $3.00, and return it at any Cracker Barrel. They have a pretty good selection too. (Of course, the library is free!)
Rating:  Summary: Very Disappointed Review: This was far and away the slowest moving book in the entire series. After finishing "Assassins" I looked forward to this book with much anticipation. Unfortunately, I wasted an entire evening reading this book when I could have skipped to the last 50 or so pages and gotten all the entertainment value to be had.Come on guys, the first few books were excellent. The quality of the last few has not been up to par. Faithful readers like me will continue to buy the remaining books of the series because the basic storyline is so interesting, but it would be nice to be entertained as well.
Rating:  Summary: Intensely waiting for the next one! Review: I began to read the series because someone gave me the first book for a gift. What began as a slight interest in reading has become an intense addiction! These books are very well written and challenge the reader to examine his or her own spiritual life. It is clearly a fictional characterization of future prophetic events that (on the broad scope) will truly happen. This book does begin with a redundant passage that detailed the events of stories in the previous book whose outcomes were already known. I'm not sure why so many pages were dedicated to re-telling the previous book! That was my biggest disappointment, but in all, it still captured my attention and drove me to examine the prophecy in the Bible and its application to my own life. The redundancy was interesting and seems to clarify the activities that were blatantly missing in the previous book--it seemed at times that characters just magically jumped from crisis to cure, and this book told us about the interim events. It is a compelling series, and each book certainly complements it's predecessor. I started this book at 9PM and was finished by 5PM the following day! It is almost impossible to put this series down. If you haven't read the first six books, you shoudn't get this one yet--start at the beginning with "Left Behind." It is a fun journey of action, laughter, tears, and moments that are spiritually uplifting. You will quickly become addicted to the series as you can easily relate to the human emotional and spiritual relationships within the pages of the text. Although this was originally slated a 7-book series; I am glad that the authors have expanded it to 12. This will give great opportunity to build more realism into the characters and the events, and allow the reader to get to know the story . . . it will be exciting to see what happens next . . . even though we already know the end of the story . . . JESUS WINS!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: ...AND ON WE GO Review: I anxiously awaited for this book to be released and read it in two days' time. This book in the series was not the best, but I did become engrossed in it. I am a born-again Christian and I have followed the book along with some Bible study to make sure the books were scripturally accurate. This book did not require me to follow along in my Bible. It focused mostly on the characters and not so much on spiritual or scriptural themes. I have enjoyed reading how the characters have grown closer to each other and handled the inner struggles that we all face when we are a child of God. I can't wait for #8.
Rating:  Summary: A Wonderful Continuation of the Left Behind Series Review: The Indwelling definately lived up to my expectations, keeping me riveted, wondering, and just plain anxious to read the next page. Jerry Jenkins does a wonderful job both giving us a conclusion to "Assassins" and also setting up the future problems. Although a few others have said it was "stretched out", I don't see how they could have gotten the information they needed to set up the future editions in any less space without it seeming choppy, disconnected and cramped. Congratulations Jerry, this is one of your best yet!
Rating:  Summary: Authors continue the milking of their readers Review: This series started out with a terrific premise, and the first three books weren't bad. OK, Jenkins writes fiction about as well as an average 15 year old, and his characters are uni-dimensional and cartoon-like, but a good premise can drive a series like this and drive it well. The big problem is that this series should have been done in three or four volumes. That would have been its natural length, and that the authors have chosen to stretch it into who knows how many volumes--at this point seven and counting--seems merely a reflection of their greed. Their audience is already addicted to the series, so they choose to milk the readers along, presumably to extract the maximum commercial return. In terms of the works themselves, the later volumes, purely and simply, are boring. And badly written. Jenkins seems to think nothing of having his characters do things that on the basis of their personalities they would never do. The authors didn't bother with even the most basic research on the technical side. So they come up with absurd gagets that they use to drive the story--incredible cell phones that never run out of batteries, are totally secure and can be used even at 30,000 feet, etc. Perhaps worst of all, their Christianity is simple-minded--the reverse of thoughtful and wise. All in all, the series has become an exercise in underwhelming readers while ripping them off. Aside from this being rather unbecoming of two writers who fancy themselves seriously spiritual, it makes for the most mediocre of writing. While the authors continue to claim that they have written the most popular fiction series in history, do yourself a favor and leave this thing in the stores.
Rating:  Summary: Can't Wait for the Next in the Series! Review: The Indwelling is very good, however, I'm hoping that an entire book spent on approximately 3 days of activity (the killing of Carpathia to the indwelling of satan) is just a sign LaHaye and Jenkins are spending much more time and effort on the next book. I'm always riveted by each book and very excited for the next, but I want some real spiritual "meat" to sink my teeth into but still keep the lives of the "cast" interesting.... like in the first book "Left Behind". I can hardly wait for the movie to come out. Go see the site, http://www.leftbehind-themovie.com if you haven't already!
Rating:  Summary: Not Great Review: I agree with those who said the message is great, the writing horrible. I am perplexed that the authors would drag a good story out to 12 books, making it a tiresome rip-off. The first book fished me in because I liked the characters and found the idea compelling. However, I have been increasingly disappointed with the quality, and must agree that the authors may be motivated by money rather than producing a quality story. Too bad, because this seems to leave a sour taste in the mouths of non-believers, who this series should be reaching.
Rating:  Summary: Let's get on with it! Review: This book is 388 pages! Read the first 50 and the last 100 and you will not miss a thing in the story. I read it and now feel like I am being strung along for a ride that could last forever. I thought I had heard early on that this series of books was supposed to be a total of 7. Not so! The authors could string this out forever if they wanted to. Not to give it away, but the time period covered in this book was 3 days. This is not to say I didn't enjoy it, but it could have been better and contained a lot more. If you skip this one in the series, you haven't missed anything.
Rating:  Summary: The Indwelling Review: I have enjoyed this series very much and continue to look forward to the next story. I do feel they are beginning to drag out and that the series needs to be concluded. It seems like the author is stretching the story just to keep going. This particular issue, while still a great story, was quite slow and I found myself skipping over some areas looking for some "excitement" and "anticipation". Unlike the first books in the series, I was able to leave this one and come back to it later.