Rating:  Summary: Star Wars Review Review: I read Star Wars Attack of the Clones. I thought it was okay. But it could just be because I saw the movie already. It was exciting to read even though I already saw the movie. I think the book would be suitable for 6-11 year olds. My friends think its good.
Rating:  Summary: STAR WARS Review: Hi I'm here to tell you about my favorite book. The book's title is STAR WARS ATTACK OF THE CLONES. It has 167pages and the genre is fantsy. This happens in outer space. The story is about Anakin Skywalker and Padme's love story. And Ankin is not Jedi yet. He is Padwan learner, and he has much to learn. But he thinks he is Jedi. I like this book beacause (First) in the story it has a very big fantasy War, (Second) there is lots of Jedis in the story and when I read this book then the book make me excited. Most people will love this book. ...BR> READ YOU WILL
Rating:  Summary: AOTC is SLAMMIN' Review: I picked up Star Wars: Episode II-Attack of the Clones expecting to be extreamly bored with the book since most science fiction books are a complete bore in my opinion. I thought that R.A. Salvatore could have left out the first part right up until the tragedy on the landing platform. I thought it was an unnessaray addition to the book. Other than that, I thought he did well in explaining the characters and places described used in the book. :)
Rating:  Summary: Best SW book ever! Review: WOW! BRAVO! I actually read this book before i saw the movie, so i was hoping that the movie would be as good as the book, but it wasn't. In the book, the romance seemed in perfect pace, as in the movie, one minute Padme is in her apartment blushing by Anakins' statement, "So have you, grown more beautiful i mean." and the next minute their making out by the balcony. In the book, you can get inside their heads as Padme considers and argues mentally over Anakin and the family scene in the book, "Short and Sweet!" The movie does give little hints here and there, but the book realy captures the deep and dark demons, adn the actions and events that mirror what is soon to come abot Anakin. I loved the descriptions, every part of it was wonderful, except maybe the beggining with the Lars Homestead, i didnt like that part, not at all Salvatores' fualt though, it was just the certain scene i didnt like, it was very dull, and seemed superfluous, and unneeded.
Rating:  Summary: Great book for a great movie Review: The book had some extras that make it well worth the read. R.A. Salvatore is a staple in Sci-fi/Fantacy and also wrote the first book of the "The New Jedi Order" series. His imagry is vivid. He really knows how to put in to words what he wants us to imagine. Even harder, he can verbalize what we have already seen or will see on film. An author, not so good at this, will create a seperate image between film and book. Salvatore is a great author who I look forward to reading more.
Rating:  Summary: Give me a BREAK!! Review: Ok, I knew before I read this book that it wouldn't be exciting because I had seen the awesome movie. ... he gets the story across, ... There are no real details desribing the way things look, feel, etc. It leaves you with a bland narration - ... I also thought all the FILLER space about Anakin's mom and her 'longings' for her son are at the least, cheesy. He should've left that out. ... There are just too many short, non-descriptive, trite sentences. ...
Rating:  Summary: High above the Movie! Review: I, like millions of others, was a little bit dissapointed when the new Star Wars movie "Attack of the Clones" came out. Thankfully I was able to grab THIS BOOK! Oh my! So much better than the movie! It explains alot of things that they didn't in the book and those bogus conversations...give me a break! The book added lines to those conversations to make them seem SO much better! I would definitly reccommend this to any action loving, Romance loving, Star Wars lover! A very good read!
Rating:  Summary: Sub-par novelization Review: I'm a huge Star Wars fan, have been one since 1977. This is the worst novelization of any of the Star Wars movies. R.A.'s writing style is not very fluid and he doesn't add to any of the elements found in the movie. I saw the movie three times before reading this book, and could not wait for the descriptions of the Geonosis Arena execution scene...and the ensuing massive Jedi battle. Boy, he flew threw that scene in about three pages, with no value added to the movie.On the only positive note, were a few scenes at the beginning, with Shmi getting abducted by the Tusken Raiders, a couple scenes with Padme's family, and a little more dialogue and thoughts among all the characters. If I was not a SW fan, this novel would have fewer stars. See the movie instead.
Rating:  Summary: Homies in da hood Review: This is definetley an achievement. Anyone under the age of 1 to read. It's twice the size of the other. Here's some clues to what happens: Han is submitted into the contest, where different schools compete against each other. He was submitted under the age limit by someone. Unknown because he was listed under a champion. This makes two Hogs. The other is the puff. The new defense is mad. An aroma for the Minister. I tell you who gets killed so that would ruin the whole book. But I will tell you this- it's a student and he wasn't a main character. Han dosen't really get a girlfriend though he does have a huge crush on Bill and Charlie, the oldest Weasley brothers. Han also gets to go to see a Cup with the family. Read this book. If you loved great. Voloran also rises again and I for one can't. Find out what happens in the next 870978791345134 books. That will be awhile
Rating:  Summary: It Explores New Ground From the Movie. Review: I got this book after I saw episode II in Theters. Which was a smart move! I would never read a book before seeing the movie, it spoils it. Anyway, I think the book surfaces new ground from the movie, I can tell that Lucas had a major trip to the cutting room floor for the movie. Some of the things you read in the book is that it leads up to Shmi being kidnapped by the Tuskens, although I think it's a good thing that George Lucas cut that out, when Owen, Cliegg and the thirty other men who went to rescue her, theirs major violence. I think he cut it out to keep the movie at a PG rating just like how he didn't put in Anakin slaughtering the Tuskens he also probilly cut that out to keep the movie at a PG rating. Some other things that are in the book and not in the movie, is how in the movie, it doesn't show Anakin having remorse for killing the Tuskens but in the book he does and also when he didn't want to rescue Obi-Wan it wasn't because he didn't want to, it was because he was doubting himself after failing to save his mother. Does anyone remember in the movie when the voice says "No! Anakin! No!" In the book they show that thats Qui-Gons voice, trying to tell Anakin to restrain his rage. Also in the book Anakin and Amidala have dinner with Padm`e's family, and earlier in the book theirs a sister/sister talk between Padm`e and her older sister Sola. Plus something for all you romance lovers out their it shows Anakin and Padm`e's thoughts about each other. I think that the book answers a lot of blank spots in the movie, so if you've seen the movie and want to know answers to blank spots buy the book for Attack of The Clones. I think it'll be very helpful. ~Hannah