Rating:  Summary: Attack of the Box Office......... Review: I am reading thru Attack of the Clones right now and it is an intriguing novel..... Firstly, the Novel does not seem as forced in its screenplay as TPM (Phantom Menace) was. It does not seem as complex as ESB or ANH's Novelizations but it is superior to ROTJ and TPM. It is not complex reading and the story is well known on the internet. It is full of Political Upheavals and Twists, and great dialogue (Not much "Mesa, Yousa". I think it is awonderful book. In fact ..... bypass the book and go to the movies. May the Force Be With You and Have a Great Summer
Rating:  Summary: Wow...Read This Now Review: before the media campaign ruins it for you. I am not a big fan of RA Salvatore's writing--(then again, who is after Jr. High school?) but nothing can take away from the story--forget the slow feel of Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones crackles with tension and fun. Some of the chase and fight scenes are hard to follow and drag a bit in the book (but I am sure will be great onscreen). No matter what anyone says, there is still too much Jar Jar Binks--but don't let any of my petty distractions (unfocused and overly simplistic writing, plodding fight scenes, Jar Jar) take away from the story. Bring on Episode III....
Rating:  Summary: Rushed But Decent Review: I'm not going to give you a run-through of the plot. Plenty of other reviewers will do that, I'm sure, and before long the movie will be out and we'll all be very familiar with its narrative arc anyway. Instead, I want to give you my initial impressions of the book, as a reader and a writer and a long-time Star Wars fan.The first thing I noticed was that, on many levels, Attack Of the Clones is superior to the Phantom Menace novel. I'm not a fan of Terry Brooks (who wrote Epi 1), nor am I a fan of R.A. Salvatore (who wrote Epi 2), but at least R.A. Salvatore uses emphatic language and the occasional interesting description or turn of phrase. You'll soon notice the use of sentence fragments, for instance, when you read Attack Of the Clones. It gives the narrative a slight edge every now and then. The second thing I noticed, however, was that the book was rushed: both in writing it and in getting it on the shelves. There's a surprising number of typos, even for a first edition. There's one point in the first fifty pages where Salvatore uses the phrase "slowly and deliberately" almost a half-dozen times in the span of three pages. But I give the book lots of slack, because it was obviously produced under a tighter deadline than most other books. The third thing I noticed is that Attack Of the Clones is obviously written with the intention of selling it to children. This is well and good, I have no problem with it, but it does make for some less-than-subtle descriptions. Sometimes the narrative reminds me of a bulldozer. All in all, however, I enjoyed the read, the way one enjoys popcorn: light and fluffy. I read so much 'serious' writing that I genuinely enjoy the occasional foray into what might be dismissively termed 'kiddie stuff.' If you're unwilling to cut some slack as a reader, then you're better off not buying this book. But if you're looking for some fun and easy hours of reading, I think you'll enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: Great book for an upcoming movie Review: Hello Everyone, This is one wonderfull book. I bought it this morning and finished it the same day it was released. One note obvious note though. Do not read if you want to keep all the surprises of the movie. This book spoils them all. However, if the movie is anything like the book, then Star Wars is finally back on track.
Rating:  Summary: Great on action... Poor on romance... Review: Being an avid Star Wars fan I'd scour the fansites looking for new information. I had even read the script about a month ago so I somewhat knew what to expect for overall plot. But I had to get the book, had to fill in those missing details (I'm a fan, its what I do). So when I found out a local supermarket had accidentally shelved the book a week before its release date I snagged it. As with the The Phantom Menance, the prologue and the first three chapters expands the storyline alternating between Anakin's mission on Ansion, Padme's security concerns, and Shmi's life on Tatooine - all events casually mentioned in the screenplay but won't be seen onscreen. The remainer of the book closely follows Lucas and Hale's screenplay with occasional jumps to events unfolding with Shmi on Tatooine. The story opens with an attempt on Padme's life which forces the Chancellor to assign Jedi to protect her. Enter Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan apprentice Anakin Skywalker. Eventually another attempt is made on the young senator's life which forces the Jedi council to separate the master and his rebellious apprentice. Once separate we begin to follow two separate story threads. And this is where everything went downhill for me... Or least half of it... In one thread we follow Obi-wan's investigation into the senator's assination attempts. The investigation ultimately reveals a far more sinister plot that has Obi-wan planet hopping and asteroid dodging to get to the bottom of it. The duel in the rain between Obi-wan and Jango Fett and Salvator shines with his attention to detail. Once Obi-wan ends up on Geonosis we discover its amazing how some people just can't let go of grudges. The other thread is where things fell into the bottom of a Sarlaac's stomach and slowly began to digest - the romance. Salvator has his roots in fantasy and haven't read much in the way of romance from him. However he did the best he could with Lucas and Hale's work. Sadly the romance came across very contrived and ultimately the faults were in the screenplay not Salvator's work. The love story between Anakin and Padme started off well - the forbidden love afair that forced a choice between duty and emotions. We have some really great scenes between the two on Naboo. Anakin cranks the Skywalker love machine into motion and Padme struggles not to fall for him. Then it just fades out like the embers of a dying fire. The two end up on Tatooine and Anakin does some unspeakable acts here. Then BAM!!! Anakin confesses, Padme unconditionally forgives and coddles him... My suspension of disbelief gone! The story twists and turns again and after some manipulation on Padme's part everyone ends up on this barren planet that would make Tatooine seem like a great vacation spot. The story picks up again in a scene that seems like futuristic version of Gladiator. Soon things get heated up, questions get answered, more questions get raised. And finally the clones march into action. Salvator, as always, has a great ability to describe large and small scale battles. The final duel was fantastically portrayed. My biggest problems with this story was with our leading protagonist - Anakin and Padme. Anakin - When they say like father like son they don't kid around. Anakin wines as much in Attack of the Clones as Luke did in all three original trilogy episodes combined. Anakin was supposed to be more of a James Dean type character but instead came off as what we would expect of Junior from Problem Child. He's constantly insobordinate to the Jedi, even his own Master. By the time I finished reading Attack of the Clones I absolutely abhored Anakin. Every step of the way his character becomes more demeaned and was hoping that Yoda would give him a good spanking at the end of it all. Well George, if you wanted us to hate Anakin, its working! Padme - She had so much potential. But alas either Lucas or Hale failed to deliver. I felt as though her character was a walking talking mood ring that changed based on what planet she was on. In the beginning she was everything I hoped she would be - strong, opinionated, passionate about her beliefs. The extra chapters in the beginning expanded her character even more. Then it was off to Naboo. Here we got to see her other side - soft, caring, and compassionate. I thought wow, Lucas is doing great! Then its off to Tatooine. BAM! She goes all weird changing back and forth from being co-dependant on Anakin to being as manipulative as a Sith Lord. She even completely forgives Anakin for doing something that was COMPLETELY against everything she stands for. I almost felt like I was reading another book. However, once we leave Tatooine and everyone meets up on Geonosis it gets better again. Its a shame really cause the events that take place on Tatooine are PIVOTAL to what Anakin ultimately becomes and to me it was totally ruined. Overall it was a pretty good read. A couple spots felt a little redundant. Namely two scenes felt like they were... well... clones of each other. One is a scene between Yoda, Mace, and Obi-wan discussing Anakin. Later the same scene is rehashed again but without Yoda. Ultimately, I felt this story really belonged to Obi-wan more so than Anakin and seems to told from his point of view, which we know can be a little skewed :-) At least thats how it came across in the novelization. If you're a casual fan or just curious, sit in the cafe at your local Borders or Barnes and Noble and skim through it before making a decision. Alas, if you're a fanboy then a whole legion of clone troopers won't keep you from picking this one up - ENJOY! -Xandor
Rating:  Summary: My own views..... Review: My husband whose a big starwars fan bought this book from the Big Y store here in the northeast. The book was sold a week earlier then todays date. So I decided to give it a read and see if this book was any better then the Phantom Menace novel. To me this book started off pretty well in the start as it went back and forth from Anakin, to his mother and Padme. It showed alot more in depth view of each of the characters lives. It was very informative and at times entertaning especialy at the end of the novel. BUT i was disapointed in the character developement of Padme and Anakin themselves. It seems that as this triology pregreses that the so called Main character Anakin seems to be a big jerk who I just cant stand! Anakins character just seems to be getting worse as this story progreses and by the time i finished reading this book it made me just hate his character more. To me its just disapointing how his character is lowered more and more from what he does in this book. As for Padme she just becomes the biggest contradiction in the book. In one scene of the book Anakin does something so terrible that Padme forgives him. When I saw the way she reacted I was shocked and completely dispointed in this characters actions becuase it underminded her so called views. The only characters in this book that developed in the story where Obi wan, Yoda and Mace Windu. The battle scenes where awsome and the book ends with a bang....but the fact that Anakin is sopposed to be the main character and is so weak in this story just makes me sick. Personaly I think everyone should read this book first at a bookstore before buiyng it. Ofcourse for those starwars fans i know this advice is meaningles since regardless like my husband you will get it. And as for my huby he wasnt happy with the book either. Its sad in my opinion the direction Lucas has taken his so called main character and lowered him in my eyes.
Rating:  Summary: A Wonderful addition to the Star Wars Sega Review: I would recomend this book to any Star Wars fan! (or just a science fiction reader). The way George Lucas puts it all together is mind-boggling! R.A. Salvator puts the utmost detail into this piece of literature. Overall, a wonderful read :-)
Rating:  Summary: This book rocks! Just like the movie will. Review: I couldn't wait for the movie and had to read this book. Guess what? It is great.
I don't like Salvatore's Forgotten Realms too much, but he is a good writer. He did an excellent job bringing a 2-D movie into the 3-D mental images/thoughts/emotions projected into the brain by a book. It's kind of like translating a picture into a sculpture - movies and books are just two different mediums, and don't usually make a good translation from one to the other.
Haven't seen the movie yet, but the book rules. I'm sure the movie will, too. More action than "The Phantom Menace," with better developed characters.
-- JJ Timmins
Rating:  Summary: This book rocks! Just like the movie will. Review:
I couldn't wait and had to read this book. Guess what? It is really good.
I don't like Salvatore's Forgotten Realms too much, but he is a good writer. He did an excellent job bringing a 2-D movie into the 3-D mental images/thoughts/emotions projected into the brain by a book. It's kind of like translating a picture into a sculpture - movies and books are just two different mediums, and don't usually make a good translation from one to the other.
Haven't seen the movie yet, but the book rules. I'm sure the movie will, too. More action, with better developed characters.
-- JJ Timmins
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: hi there
I like to tell you that I read star wars ep II AOFC) that sort form of the title I think this is a great book I hope he does star wars ep III Book???? I dont know if he is