Rating:  Summary: The shaping of tings to come! Review: We continue the saga of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. I suppose this book, like "The Phantom Menace", has sections which expands on aspects not shown in the movie. I give it my best recomendations. You have to deside if you will buy it before or after seeing the movie. I read the book first and will see the movie in 2 days time.
Rating:  Summary: Vast improvement over Episode I Review: I bought this book with great trepidation. I was afraid that the collossal [misrepresentation] of Star Wars that had occurred with 'The Phantom Menace" would be continued in Part II. However, I bought the book because one of my favourite authors (Salvatore) was writing it ... and because I was hoping to be proven wrong.I can now happily report that Star Wars is back on track. There are thankfully no further attempts to give a "scientific" explanation of the FORCE (a la George Lucas and his ridiculous Midi Chlorians). Jar Jar Binks is only in a few scenes. And while there are obvious 'merchandising moments' these are much reduced from Part I. The plot is very very good. I have to say that it doesn't quite mesh with what we already supposedly "knew" about the Clone Wars ... but George doesn't mind re-writing Star Wars Canon. The dialogue is still a little wooden - but nowhere near the level of Episode I. Thankfully George got a co-writer in for the Screenplay - so this MUST have helped. And Salvatore's writing is very good as well. Overall, this is back up there with the original trilogy. Probably better than 'Return of the Jedi' but not quite as good as the other two. I have yet to see the movie - so I can't comment on the acting.
Rating:  Summary: Nice tie in Review: I really am not a Star Wars fan, I just wanted to read the book previous to the movie, like I did for Episode One. This book is a good read, kind of hard to understand at the end, however. The fight scenes are cool.
Rating:  Summary: The best I've ever read! Review: This is by far, the best star wars books I've ever read. I finished it in one and a half days. The story and action kept me wanting to read more and more. Especially the action. The author did an excellent job with the actions sequences. If you want to read a great star wars book with a great story and great action, get Attack of the Clones.
Rating:  Summary: An awesome book! Review: This is the reason there are so many Star Wars fans! With four different plots going on at one, you cannot put this book down! A cliffhanger ending, which keeps everyone pining away for episode III!!
Rating:  Summary: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times". Review: Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones - Book Review The best way to sum it up is "Romeo & Juliet" meets "MacBeth" in a weird "King Lear" sort of way (if that makes any sense). Like all Star Wars Episodes, this one opens up with exiting goings on, then there comes the inevitable long lull only punctuated once or twice by any sort of action. This particular "lull" lasts until about half way into the story, but then things really start to happen fast and furious. There is of course action, but also pathos. Not to mention a couple of truly satisfying plot twists. And to top it all off we get some good old fashion "droid comedy subplot" action involving C-3PO and R2D2, reminiscent of their shticks from the original trilogy. You are witnessing the unfolding of events that bring about the status quo that is seen in the original three movies. The ending especially leaves one happy but profoundly sad at the same time. Bittersweet as it were. In addition, there are some scenes that portray events some fans have always wanted to see. Most notably a bounty hunter with the surname of Fett in extended action, and Yoda wielding a lightsaber. Amongst all of these plot goodies there's even a little un-accentuated bit concerning a particular story point that is the entire basis of Episodes IV & VI. There is definite foreshadowing of what is to come. You come away from this book knowing the baloney is going to hit the fan in a *major* way in Episode III. All in all it is a great thrill ride. The Force is definitely with this installment. Where "Phantom Menace" was akin to "The Hobbit", "Attack of the Clones" is "Fellowship of the Ring". Now to address everyone's quibbles. The romance. While I feel it was handled pretty good from halfway through the book onward, it just seemed to come about too quickly. Both Padme's realization of Anakin's feelings towards her and her acceptance/development of hers for him. But I suppose upon looking back through the book and counting pages it wasn't actually rushed, but it still somehow *feels* like it was at least. Then again, maybe that's just me. I personally prefer more agonizing/worrying over an issue like this on part of the participants. ;-) But it is heartbreaking to watch since everyone knows how it has to end. It is one of the great "star crossed lovers" stories. Makes you want to cry. The dialogue. I suppose a case could be made that this is a "flaw" that is evident in all the Episodes: at times the dialogue feels "clunky" for lack of a better term. But more often than not it's Obi-Wan who is saddled with this affliction this time out. I guess he is no Yoda when it comes to words. ;-) Overall, the story does a nice job of bridging the gap between characters introduced in the original films and the last one. We see characters from "The Phantom Menace" to ones that pop up in "A New Hope" and again in "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi". That part was very well done and handled differently in some cases than I thought it would be. Very subtle at times and always thought provoking this book is. After reading it you can't help but sit down and think about it. It is very "haunting" in that it stays on your mind long after you put it down. This installment truly moves the saga's development along. One is left with chills knowing how things ultimately turn out. You are left happy, but profoundly sad on at least two different levels. You could almost say that this prequel trilogy is the "Anti-Lord of the Rings" in that everything is flowing towards an unharmonious end where nearly everyone dies. As opposed to "Lord of the Rings" which flows towards a harmonious end where nearly *no one* dies. There's even an echo of that major film that was released just prior to "Episode II", "Spider-Man". We learn that with great power (the Force) there must also come great responsibility. May George Lucas, to borrow a phrase from another well-known science fiction franchise, "Live long and prosper".
Rating:  Summary: HOPE THE MOVIE IS JUST AS GOOD AS THE BOOK! Review: My god! I'd have to say from the way the book was written, and the good development of the characters that I hope the movie is just as good as the book. I will admit however at the end it could have used more detail but how everything comes about and how the plot developes it makes you never want to put down the book. I couldn't help but smile and laugh at some parts of the book and can just imagine how the movie would play out. That's probably the most profound thing about books, you can use your imagination to make a movie of the book while you're reading, and this book I'd honestly have to say is up to par on that aspect. For any new comer to reading Star Wars books or etc. this would be a definite great 1st pick.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Preview Review: I read 'Attack of the Clones' in two days. It was a quick read, but it did drag in some places. If it weren't for the movie being released next week, it would've taken me much longer. I felt as though the dialogue scenes were too long, and the action too spaced until the end. I definitely enjoyed watching Anakin's transition from an innocent boy to an angry young man, though he hasn't reached his Vader-ish point yet. I am not a fan of R.A. Salvatore, nor do I enjoy his writing style. 'Attack of the Clones' was a nice, quick read, with solid action towards the end, but I don't recommend it for anyone not planning to see the movie anytime soon.
Rating:  Summary: BEST BOOK EVER!!! Review: Attack of the Clones is much better than the Phantom Menace. Just the other day, I read this book for several hours on end, but with Phantom Menace I couldn't read for more than 30 minuites without being bored put of my mind! This truely has something for everyone and doesn't have stupid, pointless things, like the midi-clorians and Jar-Jar Binks in Episode I. Although I don't like the author's writing author's writing style, what he loses there he makes up for with the plot.
Rating:  Summary: Great Saga Continuation... Review: I have been a Star Wars fan since 1977 when I was 5 and saw the first movie. When I got this book I promised myself that I would read it before the movie came out. Well I did without even trying, it was that easy to read, fast paced and good plot. I highly recommend it. But what I noticed a few days ago when I watched Star Wars for the 100,000th time, is that no matter how good the next two movies/books might be, they will never come close to the original series. Why? It is simple. When we first saw The Star Wars movies no one knew where they were going. You were surprised when you found out Vader's relationship to Luke, and Luke's to Leia. And the introduction and development of all the other characters. But in the new prequel trilogy we already know the end result. So the adventure and excitement have been removed from the story. Yes it is interesting to find out how Anikan became Vader, but there is no suspense in the process. Part of the reason is, for the last ten years there have been a lot of Star Wars novels written, mostly in sequence with each other. Through them we are able to piece together the mystery of Vader and the Empire. Plus, even for people that just watch the movies, they have aready seen the end. So the new movie's just seem like and historical retrospective, which may seem cool but no real thrill. So while the new movies/books may be good, they will never have the epic feel that the originals have. Saying all that I still love the new movies and hype that surrounds them.