Rating:  Summary: The best Dragonlance book ever, here's why..... Review: Alright... almost every other review I have read about this book is that it doesn't stack up to the other 3 chronicle books. Most of those reviews seem to be written by people who don't want anything on the wonderful world of Krynn to change. I'm not saying it was time for the Companions to step aside, because they are the essence of Dragonlance. But, in this book, Tanis, Flint, and Sturm die, and although this was hard to read (especially Tanis), they had all surved their purposes. Also, this book encompasses the biggest fight of all... against Chaos. This book was the setting and stage for the greatest battle of all time. The father of All and Nothing and his armies. Also, tie in the Knights of Takhisis (who were larger than the armies of the Dragon Highlords), and you have the 2 largest forces ever assembled on Krynn. But, what I think people disliked most about this book, and what I liked the most, where the "inspirational" messages it conveyed. Sure, some of our dearest in the book died, but they performed their duties, and got their deserved rests. Steel, Usha and Palin, along with Tas make an even more unlikely combo of heros, and heros they were. Steel making like his father by sacrificing his life for his faith, Usha doing her part (for the fight, and for Palin), and Palin become, in the words of Raistlin "the greatest war mage ever". And then there was Tasselhoff Burrfoot, probably the most influential of the Companions in terms of actions directly done to influence events. Toss in the return of the greatest dragonlance character of all time, Raistlin, who sacrifices his magic to re-enter Krynn for Palin, and you have one hell of a book. Finally, the ending.Somehow the writers ultimately tied Krynn into the Earth that we live in. No magic, in the sense that there was before, but other kinds. It all fit well, and it was very reassuring to see the gods would sacrifice everything for the greatest of their creations, that love conquers all, and when it really comes down to it, people will forget their differences, and join together. For me, it was the best ending to the greatest 4 books I have ever read in my life.
Rating:  Summary: That one was O.K Review: "OK" Da! that was one of my biggest understatements this year! I didn't quite like some parts because the some charictures die in it. Man! I thought my stomic was in my shoes. I felt like crying my eyes out! (but I didn't) But there was only some things I didn't like, the rest, I LOVED ! I like it because, Tas,(Who is by-the-way, my Favorit charicture.)is as fun as ever, Raistlin,(also one of my favorits) comes back and scares the life out every-one, and the natural excitement of the Dragonlance books. So ya better keep reading! fun as ever.
Rating:  Summary: A really great book with one huge problem Review: I liked this book a lot. My issue isn't with the depressing ending; the reason I love the original books is that they make me cry a lot. This book is well-written, and it took a lot of cojones for the authors to take a wrecking ball to the world that they created and loved.I thought the whole Raistlin thing was finished. That's what the second trilogy was all about. As apparently the only person on earth who doesn't think the whole "evil mean magic man" thing is cool, I object to his having such a large role in the story. I feel like the authors brought Raistlin back just because he's popular with the fans, and that compromises the entire book for me. Well, even though I hate him, and therefore didn't appreciate the book, most people LOVE Raistlin, so, if you like him, go ahead and get the book, you'll love it. He was the only problem in the book
Rating:  Summary: oh. my. god. Review: Thats what i said when i finished it. "Oh. My. God." I remember standing in front of school, sobbing my eyes out in front of everyone because of the enormous amout of DEATH... But that was just my initial reaction. When i got to thinking about it i realized that that the Dragonlance world was written with emotional, "human"-like characters and had the feel of real life to it. All life must end i guess and, just like in the real world, the dragonlance world isnt immortal and neither are their characters. I agree with the reviewer who said Weis and Hickman were pressured by TSR into starting another set of people and getting off the old characters, but maybe they also thought it really was time to move on. Im not one to write spoilers so i wont tell you who dies at the end, i'll leave that to another rude person. >:) The way Palin was all hot and bothered over Usha was hilarious! And they way tie between him and his uncle Raistlin was written very well. I love how the authors describe the "rush" or estacy of casting a spell, i acually got a tingly feeling myself..:) The mystery of whether Raistlin acually has a daughter is priceless, and im not gonna say much more about that point either.. The golden eyes are a dead give away..But still.... Caramon definetly seems to have grown, and it shows in this book. The second trilogy, where Caramon had to fend and make decisions for himself instead of always being told what to do by Raistlin helped alot i think, and now you see he has alot more restraint when it comes to being around his brother. He knows when to back off, and let Raistlin take care of himself(which he can.) The relationship between Tanis and Steel was...well....considering Steel is the son of Tanis's best friend Sturm..... and considering who Steel fights for... The two go through changes concerning what they think of each other and how they treat eachother and you'll be very surprised i think how it turns out with them. As i said, bring tissues and a hankie or two when you sit down to read this cause there are alot of deaths and its a tear-jerker. I wasnt prepared and im just trying to make sure you all are warned.
Rating:  Summary: Canada Reader Review: Margaret Weis And Tracy Raye Hickman are by far my fvorite authors, they put forth alot of effort in there books and they show so much emotion, I have the annotated Chronicles and I must say, crying as you type th death scene of a character shows that you are not only a compasionate human being, but you are also very creative! Well if Tracy or Margaret see this, I have to say GIMMIE AN EMAIL Dsoyka9@hotmail.com
Rating:  Summary: At Last! A Good Book! Review: At long last there's a good book out there. I always end up reading a book with a happy ending. Still, it was sad, but it was worth it!
Rating:  Summary: Four stars Review: Dragons of Summer Flame is not just a fantasy novel that is based purely on imagination. You can see traces of reality in the book; especially the prejudice among the races of Krynn. Those who have read the previous books will know what I'm talking about. The book shows us how hard it is to crack down on prejudice because only Chaos and the apocalypse can bring the races together. It's a very good book and teaches you a lot of things about the human nature.
Rating:  Summary: Great, but lacking Review: This was a great book and almost nothing negative can be said about it. All of the characters were highly developed and the plot flowed smothely. Despite it being only one volume, it's about as long as two usual dragonlance novels, making for an epic reading experience. The only problem, though, is that it doesn't cover enough of the chaos war. It centers around the trials of Palin Majere and Storm Brightblade, both of whom play pivotal roles in the war, but there's a lot left out. Although the chaos war series covers much of this, i feel a little bit cheated because the War of the Lance filled three volumes. I believe this should have been made at least into a trilogy, to cover more in depth some of the areas left mentioned but not explored. Other than that, it's a great continuation of the chronicles of krynn.
Rating:  Summary: The book was just great, but read on. . . Review: The book is also kind've thick, which makes the awesome experience of reading it last even longer. I liked this book because it was written very well -- in my opinion, it's the best book Hickman and Weis have ever written, the plot was original and not very complicated, and the authors played on all the reader's emotions quite well -- intimidation (Raistlin coming back and scaring everyone he comes in contact with), grief / loss (the death of some of the characters), humor (Tasselholf at his best), love (in regards to Usha and Palin -- they want eachother, but are they related?), and joy (because ALL [and I mean *all* hehe...] the Companions have either a small or a big part in the book itself). All the other reveiwers are just angry because some of the main characters died. Why, I don't know, but they had to die sometime, eh? It's just to bad the others ruined it for you! And yes, the plot is predictable, but the way the authors write is what makes the book so grand, just trust me. It was a good book, as far as the authors' skill is concerned -- anyone who's read it could tell you that, but it's pretty depressing near the end, which is another thing that I think made everyone mad. The one character is constantly in this cell awaiting to be executed, the other character is wanting to sacrifice himself in the other's place, and it just makes you want to go shoot yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent ,Outstanding,Perfect Review: This is one of the best book of the Dragonlance I have read.That's a masterpiece of Margeret Weis and Tracy Hickman. Thirty years after the end of the War of the Lance a new danger has found Krynn. The Knights of Takhisis, a powerful fighting force formed in the wake of the destruction of the Dark Queen's legions, conquers much of the land. But they are not the most dangerous enemy, for a more powerful force - more powerful than the gods - threatens to destroy the world. And the descendents of the Heroes of the Lance are the only ones who can stop it... The Heroism of the descendents and the help of the Wises made the adventure an excellent one !