Rating:  Summary: I made the mistake of reading this, so help me God... Review: It warms my heart to see so many DL fanatics agree with me about this stupid, mindless piece of crap. Maybe Weis and Hickman didn't write it of their own free will, but who told them to go back to T$R? This book just can't be forgiven. The plot is ridiculously exaggerated. If someone like Chaos really decided to destroy Krynn, what chance could there be for anyone to do anything? And I also agree that killing off every single interesting character isn't a good way to finish a book.And what about the moral of the book? I nearly bit my nails off in frustration when all those goody-goody characters kept thinking: "OK, it seems the bad guy got lost somewhere on the way, but since I promised I wouldn't run away, well I guess I just have to go back and search him so I can be his prisoner again."
Rating:  Summary: Overwhelming Review: The DragonLance saga was My absolute favorite reading experience. I finished the chronicles and Dragons of Summer Flame in less than a week. The Chronicles were wonderful, but DoSF was one of the most absolutely wonderful overwhelming fantasy books I've ever read. A lot of people saw it as a continuation of something that could never end and that's why they don't like the fact that all the main characters died, well it wasn't a continuation, it was an ending. Obviously Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis weren't into the whole fifth age thing and wanted this to be IT. The TSR company had other ideas, this was a book that made me cry for over and hour after I finsished it, it was beautifully written with some deep symbolism that can be connected directly back with our world, and therefore it was something most fantasy books aren't, there was more to the story than just fighting and killing, it made some really good statements about what is wrong with all worlds, not just Krynn. Anyone who didn't like this book is obviously more interested in the bash 'em smash 'em side of fantasy and not the deeper, more symbolic and poetic parts
Rating:  Summary: It pretty much sucked Review: The main thing this book lacked is development in both the plot and the characters. The plot was the sorriest thing in the book... Weis and Hickman really disappointed me. In the Chronicles and Legends Series' you saw the plot develop slowly as each piece of information was revealed, but in this one the plot just comes out and hits you in the face. They tried to jam this epic story into a single book and failed... probaly on purpose. No only that they ruined Krynn. Now all the gods and the magic are gone and they killed Tanis off like he was some kind of weak little potato. They truly failed to live up to the greatness that preceded this novel. One of the things I like in a novel is you have a small group of people all working on the same team trying to complete some task... but in DoSF you had people slowly uniting into a very weak group and then barely managing to defeat Chaos... Who should never have come into existence... Anyone who has ever written a stroy worth reading knows you cant have some super duper all powerful entity come in and just wipe out the whole place... Which is what Chaos did... Even though the little loser neo-companions defeated him in a way that was truly unbelievable Chaos still won... Now the few people left on Krynn leave a pitiful little existence... Its like a Super Cataclysm of Dragonlance and even though there a some good books being written now that take place before the War of the Lance, we will never see DL at its ultimate height again. Weis and Hickman suck
Rating:  Summary: Out of place with chronicles Review: I loved the chronicles, read all three books more than once in the space of 9 years..but I couldn't finish this one. Why? It seems this book was made to kill off everything on Krynn and start all over again, not what I and other Dragonlance fans wanted. What we wanted was an adventure that reunited all the living heroes, and with the spirit of Raistlin battle an evil and powerful foe from the Abyss..or something like that. I was shocked when Tanis was stabbed in the BACK!!! My favourite hero killed by an Orge for gods sake!! TSR YOU owe us fans an explanation, or a movie!
Rating:  Summary: A very thin line between love and hate Review: Yikes. Reading over the debate here, you'd think this was The Satanic Verses or something. I've never seen a book generate such strong emotions, particularly one based on an RPG. What do I think? Well, in the end, Weiss and Hickman were the creators of Dragonlance. Just about everything in that universe came from them, and its their puppy. They could kill and destroy whatever they liked, and in the end we have to live with their artistic expression. On the other hand, this book did seem a little lackluster, like Elvis late in his career. The technique is still top notch, but the magic is clearly gone. I for one thought the character of Steel Brightblade had a lot of potential, and I liked Tanin and Sturm, the sons of Caramon killed off so casually in the first PARAGRAPH. I get the feeling that much of this work was forced, that Weiss or Hickman may not have been into the concept of the Fifth Age, but forced to tip their hand because of pressure from TSR. Because while Weiss and Hickman were the creators of Dragonlance (the novels at least) TSR owned it. The characters, the world of Krynn, the Knights of Solamnia. . .its all copyrighted and trademarked TSR. So perhaps Weiss and Hickman were rebelling, trying to free their creation by wrecking it. Didn't work though. The Fifth Age novels are still going strong. In the end, it was their decision to do what they did. And the Fifth Age stuff doesn't totally suck. The anthologies The Dragons of Chaos and Relics and Omens were pretty cool. Still, if you don't like it, don't read it. Just reread Chronicles and Legends, and pretend Summer Flame was just a bad dream. I know I did.
Rating:  Summary: Bringing Raistlin back was a mistake(and not the only one) Review: This book was pretty fun to read but there were A LOT of things I didn't like. 1. Raistlin should NEVER have returned(I guess MWeis & THickman needed to get readers' attention somehow.) I think he is the coolest character in any book in the world, but his death was legendary!!! And bringing him back was just stupid. 2. Usha to be Rastlin's daughter??? NO WAY! (I won't even comment) 3. TANIS GETS STABBED IN THE BACK!!!???!!!???!!!??? What a stupid way for a legendary HERO to die! Stabbed in the back, and we don't even know by who!!! The world of Krynn was forever ruined by this cursed book. Magic gone... Heroes gone... gods gone... But I gave the book four stars because it was fun to read and interesting. I liked Steel Brightblade a lot, he deseves to be Sturm's son!) He was honorable, couragesous and a real hero! But ruining everything great about Krynn won't be forgotten, At least if they'd let Tanis and Tas live, then they, Caramon and other guys could get together to adventure again...
Rating:  Summary: One of the best Review: Margaret weis is one of the best writers of the dragonalance world, and this book gave me an apocolyptic feel. Everyone comming together to destroy chaos and prevent the end of their world.
Rating:  Summary: In Which Weis and Hickman go on a rampage. Review: I honestly think Weis and Hickman were so peeved at being buffaloed into doing another book by T$R that they decided to go on a killing spree of the main characters, which fit well into T$R's plans for Fifth Age (There's no gods! No magic! But look at that handling!). Tanis' death was tolerable, since he went out in a noble way, the writing style is as descriptive as ever, and it's always good to see Raistlin, but Chaos is a lame bad guy (He needs to summon armies of goofy creatures? Ao of Toril could snap his fingers and fry the Realms!), Caramon's kids are dumb, and all the Irda -an interesting race- get roasted. I dunno. Its greatest fault is making you think, "You mean all those damn Dragonlance novels I read were pointless?" Oh, and I don't care what Weis and Hickman say. Usha IS Raistlin's daughter; they made that clear in Tales. Or was that more meaningless crap like Summer Flame? Oh well, back to the Realms...
Rating:  Summary: . . . . Words cannot express the greatness of this book. Review: I admit, I've not read every book in the world of Krynn, but I have read enough to know of the Heros of the Lance, and to learn about the twins and their lives. This book continues in their lives telling what happens after The War of the Lance and best of all, the children of the characters we love. I will warn you, if you are truly dedicated to the Dragonlance saga, this book will bring you much sadness. We are forced to say goodbye to many of the greatest aspects of the story, but the new youths we are presented with are worthy to be read of and written about. This is a must read for all who have lost themselves in the mistery and intrigue of Krynn. GOTTA LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-]
Rating:  Summary: THIS BOOK RULES!!! Review: I thouht this book was great. I also thought it should have been a trilogy though. Although I have heard some say that all it said was that all of Krynn was fighting and all it told about was the last battle.Although if you read the chaos series and some of the other books you get filled in pretty well. I will also say that this book is pretty depressing and if you really like the companions you will probably be sad at the end of this book.