Rating:  Summary: Move over Ali , Looks like Terry Goodkind is the greatest!!! Review: When I read thru WFR I became panic striken by the preveiw for SOT. I spent the whole night worrying "Oh my God , Whats he going to do poor Kahlan !!!". Thank the maker I bought SOT the next day and finished it in the week. I thought it lost some of the pace of the first novell but it was still very good book. Mr. Goodkind has a way of making you feel like your right there in the story
Rating:  Summary: Greatest Sequel Ever!!!!! Review: I've been a "Wheel of Time" rider for four years but when a friend loaned me a copy of "Wizard's First Rule" I knew I had found a new author. "Stone of Tears is the best sequel to the beginning of a saga that I've ever read. In fact it's the best book I've ever read! It mixes magic with intrigue, suspense with detail, everything that was always impossible to put together has been. Goodbye Jordan hello Goodkind
Rating:  Summary: a model for all authors to learn by Review: WOW! I've never read anything so captivating, heartstopping and breathtaking in my life. Terry Goodkind pulls the reader into his world, willingly or not, you find yourself there, standing beside the main characters and urging them on in their battle for mankind. You cry with the characters, share their pain. Laugh with them, and share their happiness. They mold themselves in your dreams, and share their hope. Don't ask how simple characters on paper can create their own world, but somehow, Terry Goodkind did it
Rating:  Summary: Excellent story-teller, but the story-line...Robert Jordan Review: I rated this book as an 8 only because Terry Goodkind is so good with words. He really knows how to WRITE. As you read his words, you know exactly where you are and who you are watching;Goodkind is a wonderfully descriptive author,your mind's eye's vision and your inner senses are all in full swing at all times.
I would've rated this a 10 had I not read Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time prior to this. The story-line of Goodkind's runs exactly parrallel to Jordan's.
The story:
The prophecies of old have all spoken of the inevitable end of the world. There is no getting around it unless the chosen one is found and trained properly...
...the people closest to him know he is the one, except they know he wont accept it, wants nothing to do with it. The woman who is sharing his love and life with doesn't want to lose him, but the only way to save their world is to send him away with a collar around his neck, to a far distant land to learn how to use his power. Because she loves him so deeply, she must send him away. Because he loves her so deeply, he will go even though he wants nothing less than to leave her side... There his journey begins.
Rating:  Summary: Definitly one of the best Sequels that I have read. Review: Terry Goodkind sums up the two stories quite nicely leavingjust a little open for the next book. It was rivitingand you just wanted to keep on reading. The story about Richard's True father makes this book definitly one to read After reading the book a lot of questions that where asked after reading the first book were answered in full detail and the subject of the next book is given a fair amount of coverage.
Rating:  Summary: Good Stuff Review: Goodkind could have easily written a book twice as long without losing the pace (and I would have happily read it). At first, I thought (as many do) that he rushed things at the end to wrap up the story before the page count got too large. However, after thinking about again I'm no longer so sure about that. Goodkind makes several references to avalanches - things build and build until finally one small flake is enough to trigger an event all out of proportion to the flake itself. If one views Stone of Tears in that light, then one might say that the story follows his avalanche model pretty well. And, like the avalanche, there is always unintended fallout (which makes the next book all the more anticipated). This is not unlike many crucial points in history. Overall - good stuff
Rating:  Summary: Stupid is as stupid writes Review: Don't waste time on Goodkind--read everything else hecopies from: Jordan, Eddings, Lucas, Brooks.
Rating:  Summary: The newest heir to the fantasy crown!! Review: It could be argued that deep, involved plots are the surest way to lose your audience. Certainly, this was what happened whenever I picked up the newest Tolkien release. Whew, talk about complex!! But Terry Goodkind changed all that for me. His subtle intermixing of intense character development, deep emotional suffering, and occasional comic surprises hooked me like no fantasy novel has ever done before. The main character's persona seems to leap from the page and project itself directly to the "adventure center" of the mind, where it springs to life in a blaze of light and glory. The relationships in the book were well developed and realistic in a way that I've never seen before. I found them, and the book, to be a refreshing change from the humdrum worlds wrought by everyday fantasy artists. Indeed, this latest book in Goodkind's "Sword of Truth" series brings me to a point far from the tears espoused by the title, unless you can count tears of joy
Rating:  Summary: Goodkind is a very, very good author, but no revolutionary. Review:
I loved this boook, althouhg the story was too quickly resolved. I like this author/series for the exact reasons that the previous poster did not. Goodkind takes old cliches of the fantasy/sci-fi genre, and makes them BETTER. Somehow he improves on these authors' stories. While I did not like the way he plagiarized the Aes Sedai idea from Robert Jordan. The stories you mentioned are some of my favorite stories. I could like nothing more than I like Star Wars. (Star Trek sucks!) I have read only one of Eddings books, but I have heard he, like Jordan, gets very boring after a just a few books. I have read all of Jordan's books by the way. Goodkind's greatest asset is not his ability to create a universe in which you can completely immerse yourself (like George Lucas' Star Wars), but his ability to draw the reader into the story from page one, and keep the book moving along at an unbelievably fast pace. Jordan and Eddings can only wish they had the same talent. Goodkind is the best author for an intelligent person that is looking for a good series to start his foray into the fantasy genre. Once you have read other authors, Goodkind's greatness is not quite so apparent, but nevertheless, it is still there.
I liked Wizard's First Rule much better,and I even liked The Blood of the Fold a little better. (the ending was better)
Try not.
Or do not.
There is no try.
-Jedi Master Yoda
Rating:  Summary: Too Dark and gloomy for a perfect read Review: Although the plot was very well designed, and the characters very well fleshed out, something about the way goodkind writes seems to cast a pall over the whole book. Not a very enjoyable effect Although he hadn't been the cheeriest of authors in Wizard's First Rule, somehow he got worse. Still, if not easily downheartened by the general despair, it is a very good book to read. I finished it in one continuous span of reading, just watch out for how your feeling at the end!