Rating:  Summary: Keeped me Reading Review: I could not put the book down. It just keeped me going and reading. It was the end that really did it for me. I read the last 5 chapters in one morning. I just had to find out what happened.
Rating:  Summary: Grow up! Review: Terry Goodkind is a morbid sadist who can write extremly well. This kind of book is great for some poeple, but I can totally see others making little mews of distaste. I thought it was a good book, and loved Gratch, but some of it really is overdone. You are all acting like not loving this book is sacriligous, or that everyone who did like this book is some kind of heathen. Grow up! If you didn't like the book, you sure wouldn't have read all 900 pages. You wouldn't even have picked it up unless you liked WFR. Get a life!
Rating:  Summary: Literally could not put it down. Review: I have read many fantasy books, but it has been awhile since I have purchased a book that I just couldn't wait to get back to. I originally bought the book because of its size and the long flight I had waiting for me. I read through 1/2 of the book during that flight. Over the course of the next week, I went to that book whenever I had the chance. I took the book with me to places in hopes that I would have a chance to sneak in a couple of pages. I enjoyed the characters. Being the second book in the series and having never read the first, the characters were well developed and well utilized. The characters were pushed to the boundaries of the scope of their world. As they expanded, they did not give up their core, but found ways to integrate their new world with their known world. The introduction of peripheral characters were well placed. I enjoyed the fact that once the peripheral characters had finished their place in the story, they were not discarded, but brought back to flesh out the rest of the novel. Terry Goodkind filled the book with the right amount of harrowing experiences, mystery, humor, and a smattering of foreshadowing that made the book enjoyable and totally addicting. This is one that I will happily re-read for years to come.
Rating:  Summary: Terry is 1st if you ask me! Review: Iloved Wizard's First Rule but this book was tremendous. I haven't read the next two, but I have them. I'm just wrapping up Stone Of Tears and can't wait to get into the others. If anyone has such bad of taste as to not like this book then they should buy something like the Shannara series by Terry Brooks. I hated that book. I also read The Eye of the World, the first book in the wheel of time series and I had a toss-up between that and Terry Goodkind. It looks as though I made the right choise. I just want to say thatt I love this series and Terry sould keep it going.
Rating:  Summary: Sweet series Review: I loved all of these boks by Terry Goodkind, and I'm definetly going to buy Soul Of Fire, which is his new book that he is writing. My favorite one is probably Stone of Tears, with Wizards First Rule close behind. Blood of the Fold and Temple of the Winds are awsome too.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good, bit still great. Review: I thought the book was okay, just not as good as the first and fourth in the series. I have read it three times and, I admit, I did find a few plot holes. There even were parts that were a bore to read, but overall, I think the book was excellent. I don't think it will be one of the great literary classics of all time(of course TG probably didn't write them for that reason!). Also, there are those who constantly compare his work to that of Robert Jordan, Tolkien, and a few others....I have one thing to say; I may not have read any of the authors mentioned, but enough allready! And I also saw someone compare TG to Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis, of the Dragonlance Series. How can you?! They are by far, the best examples of authors of poor writing. I mean, their books were enjoyable, but had very juvenile concepts, and emotions.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: I beleive that this book lived up to the original. And did a great job of it too. From the first chapter the action keeps your nose in the book. Now, about Jordan, dont get me wrong I loved the Wheel of Time, but I found his books to be very low on action. There was tons of drama and I loved that too but in the later books in the series, there was only that one battle for the climax. Goodkind thrills you with all the action a normal human being can handle but lacks in the description and drama categories. I still gave the book five stars because I read it again and found even more interesting ideas and lessons. Loved every word, as I did with Jordan.
Rating:  Summary: Totally awesome. Read it or else!! Review: There is not much to say about a book like this. Goodkind is able to actually put you in the story line. Gripping, fast pace, makes you have to read the next page. Nuff said.
Rating:  Summary: Simple Truth and wisdom it's a powerful,moving,intriging Review: I am NOT a great reader having little time, however I decided that I would go to the book store and get a book, I came across the "Wizards First Rule" and flicked through it. Decided it would be a nice distraction and purchased it then and there. One week later I went back to the bookstore and bought the rest of the series, "Stone Of Tears", "Blood Of The Fold" and the "Temple Of The Winds". I found each book deeply involving with a fine array of interesting characters. And a plot with more twists than any I have ever come across before in any film, book or play. I was constantly surprised to find out how easily I was caught up in the story. Sharp wit brought on laughter, characters who died brought a lump to my throat and tears to my eyes. Malevolent evil characters brought out righteous anger and rage and a need to see retribution and revenge... which I hasten to add was forth coming all this and it's a love story. This surely s! hows that assumption IS the greatest sin and faith, trust and loyalty do win out even if the path to the end result is filled with fear, frustration and pain. Fictitious the story might be the lessons we could all use and learn from!! For those who read this and would condemn me on the basis of intellect, I.Q. or any other personal slant as to my ability to comprehend literature. I am an educated learned professional and I pity you for not being able to see past the ends of your noses. To all else it may not be your cup of tea, buts it's still a damn fine story written well that given a chance will bring enjoyment and pleasure.
Rating:  Summary: READ THIS REVIEW! COMPARISON VS. OTHER AUTHORSGREAT SERIES! Review: I have read quite a few fantasy novels. Everthing published by Terry Brooks (Shanarra series), Raymond Feist, David Eddings (Mallorian and Belgariad series), Robert Jordan (Wheel of Time series), Even the series about the guy with the white gold ring Don't remember author White Gold weilder (it was not very good) and others. Terry's books are awesome! I read strictly for the enjoyment and the wonder of being lost in a magical world. Terry's books do this wonderfully. For those that would claim that it is a copy of WOT series (Wheel of Time), both series have similarities but BOTH series are worth the money even in hard back. Terry has said that he doesn't read other fantasy stuff, so any similarities are coincidental. I have very disriminating taste, and Terry's series is one of the best I have read. My favorites are Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, David Eddings series (Belgariad and Mallorian) and Terry's Sword of Truth series. For those of you reading this revie! w to decide whether or not to buy this series... Ignore the "Oh my God, you should burn those books,picket TOR publishing, write your congressman, go on a fast, shout to the top of your lungs curse words because it is too much like Robert Jordans books" ... Ignore them. It is a great series that I have RE-READ as much as Jordan's series. I am including my email for those that have further questions or are stupid enough to take my to task over MY opinions.