Rating:  Summary: No more!! Review: Never again will I read any of Robert Jordan's work. I'm sick and tired of this long and drawn out series. Too bad, his first few books seemed to have potential.
Rating:  Summary: Good but could do better Review: After the last 2 books, I was really hoping that Jordan could put together things like his first 5 books. I was pleasantly surprised that Winter's Heart did do that to a certain extent. The storytelling is a lot more sharper and it appears that the series might finally proceed to some conclusion soon (atleast there is a hint of it). After having dragged us out like the "Lost Ones", Jordan finally comes up with a better book. Like many folks, I am hooked and will read the books as they come. But definitely, this book is something to look up to for anyone still interested in the series and were put off by the previous 2 books. He could still do better.......
Rating:  Summary: The Wheel turns a little faster Review: I waited 2 1/2 years for this book, and it was worth it. Once more Robert Jordan has picked up the pace of action as several plot threads are resolved and the final battle between good and evil draws closer. Per usual, RJ juggles four plot lines in simultaneous time. I found 2 very interesting; one plot thread concerning Elayne was less interesting, but it had one very good and surprising scene. The plot line concerning Perrin was good, but too short--here RJ did not advance the plot enough. The great story lines concerned Mat and Rand--both are nearly as good as the best in the series.I rate this book in the top three or four of the 9 book series. Only The Dragon Reborn and The Shadow Rising are clearly better. Read it and enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Not again... Review: After Crown of Swords I resolved not to buy anymore books in this series. Jordan's first few books in this series seemed to be going somewhere but then I realized he was just writing a soap opera: no plot, no action, no momentum; just endless scenes of pointless bickering, traveling, and whining, with a tiny bit of action thrown in at the end of each book. I decided that if the next one(Winter's Heart) was the LAST book in the series and he FINALLY wrapped it up I would buy the last two but low and behold I read the sleeve description that said: Rand continues his journey, Elaida continues, continues, continues... on and on it goes. That's it. I'm NEVER reading this series again!! Ten years is ridiculous.
Rating:  Summary: HE DOES IT AGAIN! Review: No matter what you critical reviewers may think, Winter's Heart is another amazingly crafted book. The Wheel of Time is quite possibly the BEST series written. Tolken can't even come CLOSE to Jordan. As a sci-fi author myself, I can recognize the hard work Jordan puts into all his novels. If you haven't read Jordan's books, do yourself a favor and get at those books! "The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose above the Aryth Ocean. The wind is no the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning." -Jordan
Rating:  Summary: Winter's Heart Review: I must join the majority in saying much better than book 8 and it's great to see Mat again. I like the loose ends getting wrapped up and no new ends left dangling. Don't need more action, but would like to see more of what is going on with each of the main characters. Loriel is mentioned in passing, but like Mat in book 8 we don't have a clue as to what he's up to. Even though not much was given to Perrin going after Faile, we were kept abreast of their situation. I envy the person who just started the series this last spring. I started about 4 years ago and this waiting a year to get moved an inch closer is starting to wear with as slow as the series is moving. When (if??) Mr. Jordan gets done with WoT, it will be worth going through the series again. Read it, enjoy it, & prepare to wait for the next book. Hopefully the series will be completed in our lifetime.
Rating:  Summary: Back in the day..... Review: Ok we can all agree that this was by far a better book than the last two. I still lacked that something that the first five had that left me slavating for the next one. I don't think that it is a matter of the author being not haveing fresh material. His cast are all as complete as ever I just wish that the character set wouldn't change so. The author has lost a little focus over the last three books, yet I feel that it will get better. It can only get better. I beleive that the book ten will be the last....in this story.
Rating:  Summary: Read on in the wheel of time! Review: Finally winters heart is here, like a lot of other reviwers, i agree, Path of Daggers was a boring, maybe the worst book in the "Wheel of time". But enough of the past and back to the present! Winters heart brings back the person most missed in PoD, MAT!! BUT, as you can see it's a big but, and there always is a downside, this being that some characters like Perrin are under used, Elaida is nowhere in sight, neither are many Aes Sedai, Egwene is baisicaly given a walk on part and the two rivers is only mentioned once or twice. The book ties a lot of plots and sub plots from the last eight together, but starts just as many again! If you thought that this would be the second last book of the series, i'm afrai you'll be wrong, because by the looks of things, Robert Jordan will strech this out over another two books roughly and maybe even a third, of course i could be wrong but i would'ent put it past him. You may have noticed i have'nt said anything much about the plot? thats because i don't want to spoil the book for you and all the new twists and turns in it. Trust me you will love it. (unless you've become sick of the "wheel of time" i was for a time!!) Now i shall wait for the next one Hopefully next year, Novenber or December????
Rating:  Summary: Good, but only in comparison to the last two in the series Review: Be warned that this review contains some minor spoilers. Let's be honest - if you have read the Wheel of Time to this point, you'll read it to the end no matter how bad the future installments are. Unfortunately, Robert Jordan realizes this too. Everything in this book and the last two could have been condensed into one, excellent book of the same quality as "The Shadow Rising" or "The Fires of Heaven". But why charge readers for one book, when you can charge them for three? Jordan's biggest problem, in the words of a good friend of mine, is that he loves keeping secrets for the sake of keeping secrets. For example - in Book 3, a gray man showed up dead in the White Tower. Now, in Book 9 (8 or so years later) we find out that Isam killed that gray man. I only remembered this because I decided to re-read the series for the first time before this one came out. Why keep this a secret? Isam kills two unidentified poeple in this book - I'm sure we'll find out who they were in another 8 years. Every other chapter of Winter's Heart seems to involve either: a) The resolution of some irrelevant plot point left in limbo for years or b) The introduction of a new and equally irrelevant plot point. Jordan's ability to develop his characters has also apparently whithered. He used to stir and inspire us - for example, Ingtar's redemption in Book 2. Now, his characters almost seem fungible. Why should I care if one sniffing, vomit prone Aes Sedai dies? There are apparently hundreds more just like her ready to take her place. I cared more about what happened to a single minor character in the first few books than I do now about most of the major players in the series. For that matter, the writing itself is a bit stilted and utterly fails to inspire or energize the reader. Not to give away too much, but there is a battle at the end of the book that involves most of the living Forsaken. Talk about anti-climaxes. For example, Demandred attacks, encounters minor opposition, and just leaves. The battles at Falme and Dumai Wells kept us at the edge of our seat; this one puts us right to bed. Half-hearted writing about half-hearted characters just doesn't work. Considering what happens at the end of this book, you'd expect some sort of big to-do. Instead, the book just ends. Jordan missed a wonderful opportunity here. A five or six page pro-logue about "after-effects" could have redeemed this entire book. With that said, I should emphasize that I only criticize this book because it was written by an author of Robert Jordan's caliber. If this were from some minor author, I would be raving about it and recommending it to my friends. But we all know Jordan can do better. I should also say that, in my experience, there are few people as unforgiving as fantasy and sci-fi fans when it comes to their favorites. Everyone has a bad day, and I think, if we really are fans, we owe it to authors to give them a break and not act like hysterical children when they turn out a sub-par work. Problem is, this is Jordan's 3rd (arguably 4th) sub-par work in a row. I'm starting to think that the quality of this series doesn't have as much to do with Jordan having an "off" day as it does with him holding his readers in contempt. The "five dollars for the pro-logue" fiasco certainly doesn't help Jordan's case.
Rating:  Summary: Worth it. Simple as that. Review: Amidst all of these critics sprouting trolloc horns, has anyone thought that maybe the last 2 books were lagging intentionally to help formulate the plots that will be tied up in the end? Even movies have a lull in the middle! sheesh! The guy has an IQ of 170. I think he knows what he is doing. That said, this book begins to finish up some plots, and yet create others as usual. Studious readers will have several mysterious plots cleared up within the last 50 pages of the book. I have nothing bad to say and only good. I wish each of his books were 2000 pages long so I wouldn't read them so damn fast. Get the book. It -IS- a good book and it is fine RJ writing. Kudos to the writer for such a fantastic, powerful ending. Too bad one of the forsaken didn't get fried.....smells like chicken.